Saturday 24 August 2013

[Maine-birds] Multi-media birding

There are a couple of online events that might interest some. This week’s birding column in the Bangor Daily News is about crèches, or as  it might otherwise be known  – Duck Daycare.


And my radio show this week features a Bar Harbor Whale Watch trip to Petit Manan starring Zack Klyver:  It’s timely, considering the annual pelagic trip is coming up on the same boat. But mostly, it’s just enlightening to listen to Zack talk about birds and whales.


Furthermore, next week’s Bangor Daily News column will be about skuas and my complete failure to ever see one. Since I’ve never seen one, it stands to reason that I’ve never photographed one. Would anyone have a good skua photo to share for the paper? If not, I’ll take a good jaeger. All mine are lousy. (As always, your only reward is satisfaction.)  


Lastly, I’m sandwiching a couple of boreal birding daytrips around the pelagic trip. (Not a commercial plug. The Sunday trip is full and the Friday trip will be soon.) I have a favorite spot for American Three-toed  Woodpeckers where we will be spending most of the time, but I’ll be scouting other spots nearby over the next week or so, hoping to locate an emergency backup woodpecker. Then it hit me: I don’t recall anyone posting any other American Three-toed sightings this year, not even Bill Sheehan. True? Boy, they are tough.


Bob Duchesne


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