Friday, 28 February 2014

[Maine-birds] Waxwings Bangor

Just at 3 o'clock, on the corner of West Broadway and Union Streets, there was a large flock of Cedar Waxwings lunching on berries from a tree on West Broadway, and across Union there was a second tree that provided a second course, or something, as the birds flew from one to the other.  I would guess at 50 or thereabouts, and they were gone an hour later, as were the berries.  I could not find a Bohemian among them....
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[Maine-birds] Re: Eagles, Ravens and Snowy

Forgot to add on Chebeague IslandOn Friday, February 28, 2014 6:03:55 PM UTC-5, Bev Johnson wrote:Today there were five eagles (2 mature and 3 immature) on the Golf course eating what looks like a bird. A couple of ravens showed up and then one of the immature flew off with the carcass. The following website shows photos: saw the  Snowy Owl today on...
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[Maine-birds] Eagles, Ravens and Snowy

Today there were five eagles (2 mature and 3 immature) on the Golf course eating what looks like a bird. A couple of ravens showed up and then one of the immature flew off with the carcass. The following website shows photos: saw the  Snowy Owl today on the Hook where she hangs out - I see her just about every day. -- Maine birds mailing list...
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[Maine-birds] Additional Highlights This Week, 2/22-28

Hi all,Just a few more sightings of note from me over the past seven days, in addition to what I have already posted:- 1 drake Northern Pintail and 1 Red-necked Grebe (rare here), Winslow Park, Freeport, 2/22 (with Saturday Morning Birdwalk group).- Four 1st-winter Glaucous Gulls and 14 Iceland Gulls (12 1st-winter and two 2nd-winter),...
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Re: [Maine-birds] NOGO (OMG!) Bar Harbor/Town Hill

The Goshawk looks like it's thinking, "I'll just sit here.  No one will notice ME."On Fri, Feb 28, 2014 at 4:07 PM, Carol Muth <> wrote: Northern Goshawk.  Flashed into the yard and landed on a branch right in front of my window while I was eating breakfast. Go here to see photo:     If you scroll down you can see the Rusty Blackbirds....
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[Maine-birds] NOGO (OMG!) Bar Harbor/Town Hill

Northern Goshawk.  Flashed into the yard and landed on a branch right in front of my window while I was eating breakfast. Go here to see photo:     If you scroll down you can see the Rusty Blackbirds. I try to take a photo every day that they present themselves in a good spot (visible from my window, so I don't scare them). My good neighbors fed them for me while we...
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[Maine-birds] Phippsburg pintail etc

Phippsburg, Me Map 6 Totman Cove Impressive flock of ducks in here right now 263 all counted of which 6 are American Black ducks, One Northern Pintail drake and possibly one hen, too much glare on the water to be sure at this pointThe remainder are ALL mallards, over 250 which is really a huge number to have in here. The birds are moving around in the cove, flushing and settling as there are three Bald eagles cruising...
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[Maine-birds] Owls Head owl

On of the airport's multiple snowy owls was on the ground in a grassy area behind the green link fencing about 100 yards from RTE 73 end of the airport runway (this is to the right side of the runway, but just behind the fencing.) Having seen so  many SNOWs this winter has given me a better sense of better knowing these birds as a species. One thing I've noticed is the tendency for certain owls to remain on the same...
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[Maine-birds] Re: mega zoom cameras - long review

I bought the Canon SX50 this year after missing too many birding photo ops because I didn't want to lug around the DSLR. I like it a lot for birding, but it has its limitations. On the plus side is the zoom lens (1200mm equiv) with image stabilization. It also has a button that lets you temporarily zoom out to locate the bird, then when you release the button, it zooms back. This takes a little practice but works fairly well when...
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Thursday, 27 February 2014

Re: [Maine-birds] mega zoom cameras - long review

Robin,   Yes, your second point is exactly what I was trying to express when I used the incorrect term "shutter speed".  For my purposes the speed that matters most is the amount of time it takes between pressing down the button and capturing the image.  Also the LCD viewfinder on my old Fuji Finepix was very user-friendly and had few glare issues, so I don't think it's a lot to ask for any newer...
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RE: [Maine-birds] mega zoom cameras - long review

 HoodMan makes a 'loupe' for LCD's that blocks out the peripheral light and enlarges the image for about $50, a 'must' if one really wants to use the LCD to 'see' what one has captured while still in the field. Perhaps most importantly in considering a point and shoot camera is the delay time between when the shutter is depressed and the image captured is imperative for photographing any moving subject....
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[Maine-birds] Gilsland Farm Birdwalk & Digital Birding Workshop TONIGHT

Hey everyone: The recent drop in temps seemed to also drop a few birds from Gilsland Farm during the walk today. Ice has taken over most of the river again, limiting us to 22 species for the morning - down from 29 during last Saturday's heat spell. Any day now we will break 30 again; both temperature and species would be nice... The variety of songs have certainly increased and the first real drumming we've heard this year from...
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[Maine-birds] Lincoln Hawk Owl this am

I observed the Hawk Owl from about 10:30 to 11 am today, at the northwest corner of Highway 2 and 116.  Thanks to those who have continued to post about it!A flock of about 60 Snow Buntings was also seen north of Albion on 202, just north of the Kennebec County line.Kyle Te PoelEast Winthrop -- Maine birds mailing list
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Re: [Maine-birds] mega zoom cameras - long review

I caution potential buyers to carefully sort through consumer reviews re. digital cameras.    Several years ago I purchased a Panasonic Lumix DMC-F27 with 12x optical zoom... at the time pretty high-powered.   The reviews were glowing and numerous (something like 4.5 out of 5 stars on average as I recall), but it's the worst birding camera imaginable.   For me the single most important...
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[Maine-birds] FW: Evening Grosbeak Vocalizations

Forwarding this request that came to me via Dept. of Conservation… he’s looking for folks willing to record, or who have recordings of, Evening Grosbeaks.   PS plz don’t respond to me, connect with Aaron directly…   Mike     From: Aaron Haiman [] Sent: Thursday, February 27, 2014 10:39 AM I am a graduate student at the University of California, Davis where I am...
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[Maine-birds] mega zoom cameras - long review

High quality, but fairly inexpensive ($400 - 500) small cameras now zoom to 50 and 60 power and apparently deliver good pics.  I haven't used one personally.I pulled this from the Massbird site and thought it might be of interest to Maine birders.  Paul Roberts, a seriously afflicted hawk enthusiast and expert wrote the piece.Best, PeterThe December 2014 issue of Bird Observer contained an article I wroteentitled, Å’The...
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Re: [Maine-birds] Song Sparrows - Winterport

John;Interestingly, I found two Song Sparrows yesterday down around Fort Popham, where I haven't been seeing them all winter.  Maybe there's something to this early movement. Be interesting to hear whether others had FOY birds recently.  And you're right about playing around with eBird maps.  (None at our feeders in West Bath, however.  But we're not in a particularly  good sparrow location.) mikeOn...
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Wednesday, 26 February 2014

[Maine-birds] Bremen Woodpeckers

For the past hour have been watching 4 Hairy Woodpeckers (3m;1f), 2 Downy (1m;1f), 2 Red-Bellied (1m;1f) - 8 woodpeckers playing tag around 2 tree trunks in the yard - all with an eye on the discarded suet I threw on the ground. While I was changing the suet, heard a Pileated. Great fun. Juanita RoushdyBremen, Me ...
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Like everyone else, we are grasping for each hint of spring. Out here it's the daily appearance of RAVENS (more than the regular pair), increasingly vocal LONG TAILED DUCKS and GREAT CORMORANTS sitting around and showing their big white spots.GRAY SEAL pups are on the island daily in small numbers. I saw one on Monday with a shark bite. The wounds were just begining to heal but the wounds were severe, leaving its survival in doubt.EAGLES...
Read More :- "[Maine-birds] MACHIAS SEAL ISLAND REPORT"