Wednesday 28 August 2024

Re: [Maine-birds] Yellow-headed Blackbird Wells

Hi Maine-birds:

I figured I'd take this as an opportunity to mention, from the owner/moderator perspective, some updates in this group. 

First of all, I want to thank everyone who participates in this group and makes my role easy by staying on topic and being civil. This group has a little over 1,600 members and it says a lot that I don't have to put much effort into managing it anymore. That said, Google has changed some tools over the last year or two that make it increasingly harder to moderate all posts and approve requests to join in a timely way. I'm sorry to any folks who waited long for their membership to be approved or messages to get through. We do get a fair amount of spam, which Google is good at catching, but it also catches random messages and replies. 

Thanks to Ingrid for sharing the link to the GroupMe earlier today. I started that group when the Steller's Sea-Eagle first showed up. (January 2022) as the GroupMe app is a much faster and more efficient way to communicate. It has since become the primary source for most rare bird updates in Maine (for now) with over 3,700 members, and while I will try (and I'll encourage others) to still cross-post noteworthy records, that is the best place for the fastest information. Here is a link to the group's rules and instructions for joining:

There are also a handful of Facebook Groups, like the very popular "MAINE Birds" and of course lots of sightings on eBird. We are definitely in a "Paradox of Progress" with bird alerts right now, where we have increasingly better and faster ways to communicate, but with so many options and avenues things are also getting worse. I recently made a video on this topic, if you're interested in a deeper look (and don't mind the self promotion), available here:

If I can help anyone with Google Group or GroupMe questions, let me know.

Thanks again,

Doug Hitchcox
Maine-birds Moderator

On Aug 28, 2024, at 12:33 PM, Joanne Stevens <> wrote:

I just saw 23 ebird reports of a Yellow-headed Blackbird seen yesterday on Webhannet Dr. in Wells.  Interestingly no reports were posted on Maine-birds.  This seems to be the trend now but it would be a nice courtesy for someone to post rare bird sightings on Maine-birds as not everyone uses ebird.  Maine has had several rare and very rare birds this year but there's been little timely alert on Maine-birds.  Please take a few moments to think of others, maybe some who may not actively chase rare birds but would be happy to see one if it was close by.

Thank you,

Joanne Stevens

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[Maine-birds] Mississippi Kite Nesting Summary for NH - 2024

Mississippi Kites continue to struggle and 2024 was another difficult
year for them in New Hampshire with no confirmed young reported for the
first time since 2017.  Only 3 territorial pairs were confirmed this
year with two of these pairs found to have a nest and both started
incubating.  Sadly, however, both of these nests failed early in the
season.  The Kites were first made famous by nesting in 2008 and this is
(at least) the 17th consecutive year that kites (between 1 and 4 pairs)
have nested in New Hampshire in this isolated, rare, nesting colony.

A summary of the Kite territories was as follows:

DURHAM #1 - Kites in Durham have been somewhat regular to appear in
recent years, but nesting hasn't been regular and they haven't produced
any young in the last 4 years. This year, a pair was back quickly and
observed copulating on May 22nd; however, Fish Crows seemed to be
harassing them.  No further observations were made until a nest was
discovered by Deb Powers on June 16th with a female active at a nest
high in a white pine in a side yard of a residential neighborhood. 
Incubation was thought to start a few days later on the late date of
June 19th.  Incubation looked fine into the 4th of July weekend;
however, nest failure was reported on July 6th by Deb when Fish Crows
were seen removing sticks from the nest and no Kites in the area.  It's
not clear what caused the failure, but the Fish Crows may have been the

DURHAM #2 - This is the only bright spot for the year.  It appears to be
a new territory, different from the other pair in Durham; however, no
sign of a nest was located.  Starting in May, reports were received of
one or two birds and even copulation was reported. Random sightings
continued into August; however, no nest was found and there were no
signs of fledged young.

STRATHAM - Only one pair of Kites was found in Stratham this year. The
pair rebuilt the same nest that successfully fledged a single chick last
year.  The nest was high up in a maple tree crotch in the front yard of
a single family home in an established residential neighborhood.  While
the beginning stages of nest building and courtship were not observed,
the nest appeared to be getting bigger, and then on a June 18th visit, a
bird was seen incubating!
Things continued to look fine with brief weekly visits showing a female
on the nest, but things turned bad on July 13th when I visited and found
no bird on the nest or in the vicinity and no sign of a chick in the
nest.  Subsequent visits showed a female at the nest site acting
strangely; either partly incubating/brooding or leaving the nest and not
returning.  Again, with no sign of a chick in the nest and no male to be
seen.  It's unclear what happened here, but I finally concluded a nest
failure on July 25th with no sign of a young bird in the nest.

Other birds seen during the summer include a one-year old Kite that was
seen wandering the neighborhoods of Stratham which may be different from
the nesting pair, and there were a couple of late season reports in
August of a single bird in Newmarket.  No reports were received from
Greenland where there was a nest a few years ago.

A summary of confirmed fledged Kites (and pairs of kites present) from
recent years in NH:

2017 - 0 (3 pairs)
2018 - 3 (3 pairs)
2019 - 2 (3 pairs)
2020 - 3 (3 pairs)
2021 - 1 (4 pairs)
2022 - 1 (4 or 5 pairs)
2023 - 1 (4 pairs)
2024 - 0 (3 pairs)

Thanks to all who helped out this year and contributed to this information.

much, but the people do.

Steve Mirick
Bradford, MA

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[Maine-birds] Swallow-tailed Kite spotted in Freedom

Hi birders,
I received a secondhand report from an extremely reliable observer that he had watched a ST kite hunt over a recent harvested field on Rt 137 just east of the Albion line this afternoon.  We looked for it after he told me about it without luck.

The bird has probably moved on, but for anyone passing that way, there is lots of appropriate habitat.

Good birding,
tom a

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Re: [Maine-birds] Yellow-headed Blackbird Wells

Hi Linda,

There is a GroupMe for Maine Rare Bird Alerts. I've included the link to join below.

It is very easy to install and use the app. That is where the most timely notifications are to be found these days. You don't have to post to it in order to use it. You can just look at what others post. You can even mute it if you don't want immediate notifications of rare bird sightings in the state.

The rules for posting to the group are strict, so be sure to read those before posting.


Sent from my iPhone

On Aug 28, 2024, at 12:54 PM, Linda Thompson <> wrote:

I saw it on Maine Birds.

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Linda Thompson

On Aug 28, 2024, at 12:33 PM, Joanne Stevens <> wrote:

I just saw 23 ebird reports of a Yellow-headed Blackbird seen yesterday on Webhannet Dr. in Wells.  Interestingly no reports were posted on Maine-birds.  This seems to be the trend now but it would be a nice courtesy for someone to post rare bird sightings on Maine-birds as not everyone uses ebird.  Maine has had several rare and very rare birds this year but there's been little timely alert on Maine-birds.  Please take a few moments to think of others, maybe some who may not actively chase rare birds but would be happy to see one if it was close by.

Thank you,

Joanne Stevens

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Re: [Maine-birds] Yellow-headed Blackbird Wells

I saw it on Maine Birds.

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[Maine-birds] Yellow-headed Blackbird Wells

I just saw 23 ebird reports of a Yellow-headed Blackbird seen yesterday
on Webhannet Dr. in Wells.  Interestingly no reports were posted on
Maine-birds.  This seems to be the trend now but it would be a nice
courtesy for someone to post rare bird sightings on Maine-birds as not
everyone uses ebird.  Maine has had several rare and very rare birds
this year but there's been little timely alert on Maine-birds.  Please
take a few moments to think of others, maybe some who may not actively
chase rare birds but would be happy to see one if it was close by.

Thank you,

Joanne Stevens

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Sunday 25 August 2024

[Maine-birds] This Week's Highlights and Shorebird High Counts, 8/19-25 (with brief pelican search notes, too).

Hi all,
Here are my observations of note over the past seven days:

Additionally, while leading a boat tour on Casco Bay today, we kept an eye out for the American White Pelican that was last seen at dusk at the Goslings off of Harpswell yesterday.  At about 11:30, I spotted what a appeared to be a very large, very pale, and very slowly-flapping bird in the extreme distance, over and to the east of Lower Goose Island, heading due south. Unfortunately, it dipped below treeline (suggesting it was passing between the Gooses and Harpswell Neck) before all but one person got on it. We motored off the south of the Gooses, but never saw it or anything else suggestive again. We then checked the ledges around Little Whaleboat to no avail, before heading back to Freeport harbor. I really don't know what besides the pelican it could have been, but alas.  I only share it to suggest it could still be/have been in the area, and observers to the south should remain vigilant!



 Derek and Jeannette Lovitch

 Freeport Wild Bird Supply

 541 Route One, Suite 10

 Freeport, ME 04032



Read More :- "[Maine-birds] This Week's Highlights and Shorebird High Counts, 8/19-25 (with brief pelican search notes, too)."

[Maine-birds] Re: Nighthawks

Very cool Julia.  We have had them three evenings here in Unity in the last week, so the movement this year seems good.  All our birds were silent and continually on the move.

tom a

On Friday, August 23, 2024 at 7:12:25 PM UTC-4 Julia Hanauer-Milne wrote:
There seems to be a lot of Nighthawks moving tonight. I saw about 10 between Richmond and Sidney on 95 earlier. Just now I've had two dozen stream
Over my house in Sidney. They were booking it too—not doing much meandering. 

Hope some others see some too! 


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Friday 23 August 2024

[Maine-birds] Nighthawks

There seems to be a lot of Nighthawks moving tonight. I saw about 10 between Richmond and Sidney on 95 earlier. Just now I've had two dozen stream
Over my house in Sidney. They were booking it too—not doing much meandering. 

Hope some others see some too! 


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Thursday 22 August 2024

[Maine-birds] WB Nuthatches are back

In southern Maine, at the feeders.

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Tuesday 20 August 2024

[Maine-birds] Re: Barred Owl, Mere Creek Golf Course, Brunswick, ME 5/18/24

On a somewhat related note (because it is a nearby property), there was a terrible chemical spill at Brunswick Executive Airport yesterday.  Tons of PFAS-laden firefighting foam spilled out of a hangar and onto the surrounding area.  This is a favorite Maine birding spot for many.  At any given point during the year there are tons of great birds running / flying around including Killdeer (and Killdeer offspring), Eastern Meadowlark, Savannah Sparrows, many different birds of prey, an occasional Upland Sandpiper, Horned Lark flocks, and more.  Hopefully the cleanup response will be swift and thorough, so the area wildlife isn't significantly impacted. Certainly, a worthy story for birders who enjoy this area to be aware of. 

On Monday, August 19, 2024 at 11:49:45 AM UTC-4 Jay Pitocchelli wrote:
Barred Owl, 1 calling near hole 2 in the afternoon, Mere Creek Golf Course, Brunswick, ME 5/18/24

Dr. Jay Pitocchelli, Professor Emeritus
Biology Department
Saint Anselm College
Manchester, NH 03102

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Monday 19 August 2024

[Maine-birds] Barred Owl, Mere Creek Golf Course, Brunswick, ME 5/18/24

Barred Owl, 1 calling near hole 2 in the afternoon, Mere Creek Golf Course, Brunswick, ME 5/18/24

Dr. Jay Pitocchelli, Professor Emeritus
Biology Department
Saint Anselm College
Manchester, NH 03102

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Sunday 18 August 2024

[Maine-birds] This week's highlights, 8/12-18

Hi all,
My observations of note and shorebird high counts over the past seven days can be found here:



 Derek and Jeannette Lovitch

 Freeport Wild Bird Supply

 541 Route One, Suite 10

 Freeport, ME 04032



Read More :- "[Maine-birds] This week's highlights, 8/12-18"

Thursday 15 August 2024

[Maine-birds] Black-Billed Cuckoo in Poland

Although I couldn't lay eyes on it, I definitely HEARD a Black-Billed Cuckoo in my front yard the other morning. Another lifer for me!

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[Maine-birds] Wilkinson Basin Trip Report - 8/14/24

Survey of birds encountered during UNH research trip aboard UNH Research
Vessel Gulf Challenger.  Boat did not stop or steer toward birds.  We
were guests on boat doing water research.  Jane, now retired, along to
help spot birds.  Only birds counted at CO2 buoy spot and out to
Wilkinson's Basin survey spot and during return route.  Birds between
the harbor and out to the Isles of Shoals not counted.

This was a rare (for me) summer trip aboard the Gulf Challenger offshore
so the species list is quite a bit different from winter trips.  Some
expected summer visitors were seen including 3 species of Shearwaters
(Great, Manx, and Cory's).  Although none of them particularly rare,
they can all be notoriously irregular and have been somewhat hard to
come by in recent years.  Not many migrants, but a couple of odd ones
included a Least Sandpiper at Wilkinson's Basin and a Wilson's Snipe
over Jeffrey's Ledge.  The latter noteworthy for both location and the
early date.

Weather - Sunny and nice offshore.  Sun glare a problem as usual with
sun.  Winds light out of NW in morning.  Light out of NE in afternoon.
Seas - Less than 2'.
Time - 9:45 AM to 3:51 PM
Count of birds encountered past Isles of Shoals only.  Inshore birds and
birds near Isles of Shoals not counted. Decent weather allowed for count
from bow on outbound and return. eBird checklists submitted and eBird
trip list with documentation photos at this link:

Wilson's Snipe    1
Least Sandpiper    1
jaeger sp.    1
Laughing Gull    11
Herring Gull    22
Great Black-backed Gull    25
Common Tern    5
Wilson's Storm-Petrel    255
Cory's Shearwater    8
Great Shearwater    2
Manx Shearwater    4
shearwater sp.    2
Northern Gannet    2
Double-crested Cormorant    27
passerine sp.    1

Marine Mammals
Fin Whale - 4
Humpback Whale - At least 2 or 3 breaches of something large were
noted.  Presumably Humpback(s).
Harbor Porpoise - 1

Mola mola (Ocean Sunfish) - At least 3
Blue Shark - At least 1

Steve Mirick
Bradford, MA

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Monday 12 August 2024

[Maine-birds] Merlin, Northern Parula, Basin Cove, Harpswell, ME 8/12/24

Immature Merlin, chasing sandpipers and yellowlegs
Northern Parula, female feeding young,
Basin Cove, Harpswell, ME 8/12/24

Dr. Jay Pitocchelli, Professor Emeritus
Biology Department
Saint Anselm College
Manchester, NH 03102

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[Maine-birds] Blue-gray Gnatcatcher, Mitchell Fields, Harpswell, ME 8/12/24

2 Blue-gray Gnatcatchers, trail behind the Gazebo, Mitchell Fields, Harpswell, ME 8/12/24

Dr. Jay Pitocchelli, Professor Emeritus
Biology Department
Saint Anselm College
Manchester, NH 03102

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Sunday 11 August 2024

[Maine-birds] This Week's Highlights and Shorebird High Counts, 8/5-11

Hi all,
Here are my observations of note over the past seven days:



 Derek and Jeannette Lovitch

 Freeport Wild Bird Supply

 541 Route One, Suite 10

 Freeport, ME 04032



Read More :- "[Maine-birds] This Week's Highlights and Shorebird High Counts, 8/5-11"

[Maine-birds] Swallows

Walking back from the beach at Wells Reserve, hundreds of what looked to be Tree Swallows flying south over the marsh. 

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[Maine-birds] Black-bellied and Semiplamated Plovers, Yellowlegs, Sandpipers, Basin Cove, Harpswell, 8/11/24

Black-bellied and Semiplamated Plovers, Greater and Lesser Yellowlegs, Least and Semipalmated Sandpipers, Basin Cove, Harpswell, 8/11/24

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[Maine-birds] Blue-winged Teal, Wood Duck, Hooded Merganser, Hole 8, Mere Creek Golf Course, Brunswick, ME 8/9/24

4 Blue-winged Teal, 
Wood Duck with 11 young, 3 Hooded Mergansers, 
pond at Hole 8, Mere Creek Golf Course, Brunswick, ME 8/9/24

Dr. Jay Pitocchelli, Professor Emeritus
Biology Department
Saint Anselm College
Manchester, NH 03102

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Sunday 4 August 2024

[Maine-birds] This Week's Highlights, 7/29-8/4

Hi all,
These are my observations of note and shorebird high counts over the past seven days:



 Derek and Jeannette Lovitch

 Freeport Wild Bird Supply

 541 Route One, Suite 10

 Freeport, ME 04032



Read More :- "[Maine-birds] This Week's Highlights, 7/29-8/4"