I returned to the island on Wednesday and, as expected, found the colony fully engaged in producing the new generation. The ALCIDS are well into the rearing stage with their peak hatch a couple weeks past. So far, food doesn't seem to be a problem. There are 4 or more BLACK GUILLEMOTS hanging around near the boat ramp and there's some attempted breeding but I don't think there is any nesting The TERNS...
Maine-birds is an email forum devoted to the discussion of birds and birding in the state of Maine. The primary function of the list is to provide an efficient means of reporting wild bird sightings in the state.
Friday, 30 June 2017
[Maine-birds] This Week's Highlights, 6/26-30
Hi all,My observations of note over the past five days included:- summertime Scoter sweep: 24 Black, 3 White-winged, and 2 Surf, Popham Beach State Park, 6/26 (with Jeannette).- 2 continuing KING RAILS and 1 Fish Crow, Eldridge Road, Wells, 6/27 (with Jeannette).- 12 Black Scoters, Seapoint Beach, Kittery, 6/27 (with Jeannette).- 26 Black and 2 White-winged Scoters, Simpson's Point, Brunswick, 6/28.- 2 continuing MUTE SWANS, 3...
[Maine-birds] Scarborough Marsh Brant 6/30/17
Probably of most interest to visiting birders, a single Brant was mixed in with Canada Geese in the pannes off the Eastern Trail in Scarborough Marsh today. Distant photos can be seen at: http://ebird.org/ebird/view/checklist/S37889532
Tim Fennell
Scarborough,ME/Round Rock,TX
Maine birds mailing list
[Maine-birds] Re: Thrush ID in Holden?
The minimal chest spotting would suggest to me a Veery. They would be pretty "rust" colored all over. On Friday, June 30, 2017 at 8:32:12 AM UTC-4, ellenrc3 wrote:Foraging on the wooded edge of my lawn this morning was a thrush-like bird, brown with white underside and minimal chest spotting. No rusty tail. What most caught my attention was that when he stopped walking, he swayed ever so slightly side-to-side. I got...
[Maine-birds] Thrush ID in Holden?
Foraging on the wooded edge of my lawn this morning was a thrush-like bird, brown with white underside and minimal chest spotting. No rusty tail. What most caught my attention was that when he stopped walking, he swayed ever so slightly side-to-side. I got a couple of lousy pics, only useful in determining no rusty tail, no orange cap, and pale chest spotting. Who was he?
Sent from my iPhone
Maine birds mailing list
[Maine-birds] Re: Injured domestic goose
On Monday, June 26, 2017 at 5:38:01 PM UTC-4, Sean Hatch wrote:
> Passing this on from a friend. I'm not in the area otherwise I would do something. One of the domestic geese living in and around Damariscotta mills/alewives was apparently hit recently. It's is injured somewhere in the area if ANYONE can do ANYTHING. I am very fond of these geese...
Did you try this website
good luck
Thursday, 29 June 2017
[Maine-birds] Crested Caracara in NB???
Not in Maine, but close enough! Check out this CBC story......http://www.cbc.ca/news/canada/new-brunswick/nb-rare-bird-nb-1.4181506Cheers,Colin -- Maine birds mailing list maine-birds@googlegroups.com http://groups.google.com/group/maine-birds https://sites.google.com/site/birding207 --- You received this message because you are subscribed to the Google Groups "Maine birds" group. To unsubscribe from this...
Wednesday, 28 June 2017
[Maine-birds] Information on banded Willet
Here is the promised information on the banded Willet photographed at
the King Rail Hotspot in Wells, Maine.
Hi Bob,
Great photos of 0914-47138 and thank you for sharing! The BBL will email
you an official certificate of appreciation for reporting the bird, but
here is some more info:
This bird was banded on 6/10/2014 near the Drake's Island part of the
refuge. Only about 3 miles (and 3 years) north of where you observed...
Tuesday, 27 June 2017
Re: [Maine-birds] Digest for maine-birds@googlegroups.com - 5 updates in 5 topics

Sent from TypeApp On Jun 27, 2017, at 4:32 PM, maine-birds@googlegroups.com wrote: maine-birds@googlegroups.com Google Groups Topic digest View all topics Prairie Warblers, Field Sparrow, etc. Whitefield - 1 Update Inland Common Terns - 1 Update Spruce grouse at Petit Manan NWR - 1...
[Maine-birds] Stonington Puffin and Tropicbird Trip
Left today at 1:00 PM and saw the usual loons, guillemots, eagles, osprey and eiders. The water on the way out had lots of flotsam but not many birds. A single intermediate morph Parasitic Jaeger was seen sitting on a piece of wood about 20 feet from the boat. Multiple puffins and razorbills were foraging on the way out as well as many in...
[Maine-birds] Prairie Warblers, Field Sparrow, etc. Whitefield
On Sunday, Jeff and I took an excursion to check out a few places not far from our house in Gardiner. The highlight was a gravel pit area near the intersection of Thayer and Palmer roads in Whitefield that looked good for PRAIRIE WARBLERS. From the side of the road, we had at least two, singing and providing superb looks. Also, EASTERN TOWHEE encouraging us to “sip-your-teeeea” (love that song). Other species...
[Maine-birds] Inland Common Terns
Thanks to all who responded to my rfi about Common Terns breeding away from the coast. These, plus everyone's submissions to eBird, are most helpful. Areas with significant numbers seem to be Portage and Fish Lakes (Aroostook), Allagash River, Chamberlain Lake and Allagash Lake (all Piscataquis) and especially Long Lake (Aroostook).I'll repeat Jeff Well's comment that he has "always thought that the number of...
[Maine-birds] Spruce grouse at Petit Manan NWR
Photo only.http://photosbychance.zenfolio.com/p432832521/h8e892453#h8e892453 -- Maine birds mailing list maine-birds@googlegroups.com http://groups.google.com/group/maine-birds https://sites.google.com/site/birding207 --- You received this message because you are subscribed to the Google Groups "Maine birds" group. To unsubscribe from this group and stop receiving emails from it, send an email to maine-birds+unsubscribe@googlegroups.com....
Monday, 26 June 2017
[Maine-birds] Re: Inland nesting Common Terns?
About 15 years ago we had them in Mud Cove (Lily Bay ) at Moosehead Lake. Now we have ring-billed gulls. They may have driven them off. Hope this helps. AlethaOn Friday, June 23, 2017 at 2:50:56 PM UTC-4, Charles Duncan wrote:I'm looking for information on Common Terns breeding inland in Maine. Palmer (1949) mentions small colonies in Somerset, Franklin, Piscataquis, Washington and Aroostook counties....
[Maine-birds] Injured domestic goose
Passing this on from a friend. I'm not in the area otherwise I would do something. One of the domestic geese living in and around Damariscotta mills/alewives was apparently hit recently. It's is injured somewhere in the area if ANYONE can do ANYTHING. I am very fond of these geese...
Maine birds mailing list
Sunday, 25 June 2017
Re: [Maine-birds] Brown Pelican-No
its down in NH. its the same bird. On Sun, Jun 25, 2017 at 4:25 PM Linda Powell <lindaleehunter@hotmail.com> wrote: Spent two hours searching Pine Point and then went over to Prouts Neck looking for the Brown Pelican but did not find him. Linda Powell Skowhegan On Jun 24, 2017 3:43 PM, 'john tobin' via Maine birds <maine-birds@googlegroups.com> wrote: No .... after a quick look. I will...
Re: [Maine-birds] Brown Pelican-No
Spent two hours searching Pine Point and then went over to Prouts Neck looking for the Brown Pelican but did not find him. Linda Powell Skowhegan On Jun 24, 2017 3:43 PM, 'john tobin' via Maine birds <maine-birds@googlegroups.com> wrote: No .... after a quick look. I will say he is actually easy to miss , unless in the air. When I saw him on Thursday, hunkered down on the buoy at a distance , he didn't look...
[Maine-birds] WINGS Maine-New Hampshire tour notes, 6/17-24
Hi all,I just completed my biennial 10-day tour (with eight full days of birding) for WINGS. We covered just over 1300 miles in Maine and about 24 hours in New Hampshire. Lots of weather impacted birdfinding and limited our success at a couple of hotspots, but we managed just about all of the major target birds from Saltmarsh Sparrow and Roseate Tern to Bicknell's Thrush and Spruce Grouse to Atlantic Puffin and Razorbill. 19 species...
[Maine-birds] pelican
hi all, heard from a NH friend that the pelican was seen at Rye Beach on Saturday--don't know where it is now-- -- Maine birds mailing list maine-birds@googlegroups.com http://groups.google.com/group/maine-birds https://sites.google.com/site/birding207 --- You received this message because you are subscribed to the Google Groups "Maine birds" group. To unsubscribe from this group and stop receiving emails from...
Saturday, 24 June 2017
[Maine-birds] Brown Pelican
No .... after a quick look. I will say he is actually easy to miss , unless in the air. When I saw him on Thursday, hunkered down on the buoy at a distance , he didn't look much like a Pelican. There's a lot of water to cover, a couple of Islands, breakwater, etc. Parking near the Yacht Club is impossible ,so you have to be ready to hoof it. F.y.i. ,there have been 2 Brown Pelicans down around Salsbury Beach / Plum Island this...
[Maine-birds] Any Pelican Sightings on Saturday?
I wondered if anyone had seen or looked for the Prout's Neck Brown Pelican today. An immature Pelican was spotted on the NH coast today, and since I hadn't seen any posts from Maine today, I wouldn't be surprised that the NH bird was the bird that has been in Maine recently. Though since I was planning to look for the bird at Prout's Neck tomorrow, it would be great to get updates if the Maine bird returns (or never...
[Maine-birds] Washington County birds, June 21 - 23
Hi all,During and after a work trip up to the blueberry barrens around Deblois this week, I had time to do some birding and exploring in Washington County and found some great birds. On Wednesday morning, I made it out for a half an hour of birding early in the morning along the barrens near Highway 193 in Deblois, where I was rewarded with great looks (and listens) to at least 3 Upland Sandpipers and heard a distant Vesper...
Friday, 23 June 2017
[Maine-birds] Pelican YES Friday evening
The Brown Pelican flew in from the direction of Stratton Island at 6:15pm today, then was diving with terns in between Pine Point and Prouts Neck, then preened for awhile on the green buoy off of the Prouts Neck Yacht Club, then more fishing. It was out fishing until at least 7:15pm. Also nice to see the Piping Plovers and Least Terns. Some pictures and more details on eBird: http://ebird.org/ebird/view/checklist/S37764504...
[Maine-birds] Inland nesting Common Terns?
I'm looking for information on Common Terns breeding inland in Maine. Palmer (1949) mentions small colonies in Somerset, Franklin, Piscataquis, Washington and Aroostook counties. MDIFW's 2006 "Island Nesting Tern" species assessment, https://www1.maine.gov/ifw/pdfs/species_planning/birds/islandnestingterns/ternassessment06.pdf, lists about two dozen colonies with irregular counts, mostly from the 80s and 90s. These...
[Maine-birds] Red-billed Tropicbird
After leaving from Old Quarry on Wednesday, it was a nice sunny day; perfect for the tropicbird. Saw our usual loons, eiders, eagles, guillemots and ospreys on the way out. The only pelagic bird was a single immature Northern Gannet. At the island was about 50 Atlantic Puffins milling about in the water, about 15 razorbills scattered about, a Peregrine Falcon perched on top of the island, plenty of arctic terns, common terns,...
[Maine-birds] Brown Pelican - Stratton Island
Just found the li'l guy hanging out with some cormorants on the rocks by Little Stratton Island. It's below the high tide line so I suspect it'll be relocating in the next hour or two.
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[Maine-birds] Cape Elizabeth: White-faced Ibis (6/22)...
Hi all,
Sorry for the delayed report. Yesterday afternoon, a WHITE-FACED IBIS
was in the marsh pannes nearest to the Riverside Cemetery (scope
helpful) on the corner of Rt. 77 and Spurwink Ave. in Cape Elizabeth.
In the 15 minutes we were there, we did not notice another ibis.
Inspiring Nature Connection in New England
joshfecteau.com | patreon.com/JoshFecteau
Thursday, 22 June 2017
[Maine-birds] Brown Pelican YES
Present at 6:10 PM on green "can" channel marker just off yacht club at Prout's NeckJulie Krasne -- Maine birds mailing list maine-birds@googlegroups.com http://groups.google.com/group/maine-birds https://sites.google.com/site/birding207 --- You received this message because you are subscribed to the Google Groups "Maine birds" group. To unsubscribe from this group and stop receiving emails from it, send an email...
[Maine-birds] Brown Pelican -- eBird and age
Thank you,
To everyone entering their sightings of Maine's first definitively documented Brown Pelican into eBird. And thanks for the terrific and detailed write-ups (Doug Hitchcox, for example—https://ebird.org/ebird/view/checklist/S37719895) and photographs (http://tinyurl.com/yau7rggl). This is also a bird that should be reported to the Maine Bird Records Committee. One's eBird report is good for that, but if anyone had more...
[Maine-birds] Brown Pelican - YES
Still here, but now off the south corner of Prouts Neck. Currently resting on green channel marker between Pine Point jetty beach and Bluff Island.
Kevin C.
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[Maine-birds] Brown Pelican
Currently being seen between Pine Point breakwater and Pr. Neck . Bird has been on the outer most green buoy, also on the water off Ferry Beach and plunge diving in vicinity of feeding terns. One of the local people told me she saw the frigatebird from the cliff walk yesterday.(?) John Tobin, ScarboroughSent from Yahoo Mail on Android -- Maine birds mailing list maine-birds@googlegroups.com http://groups.google.com/group/maine-birds...
[Maine-birds] Brown Pelican - YES
I am viewing the pelican now from the far end of Ferry beach. It is on a green buoy. I have witnessed three boats approaching it. At that point, it flies off circles around then lands back on the same green buoy. This is at 10:17 AM
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[Maine-birds] Brown Pelican - YES
I made an early morning trip to Ferry Beach and found the continuing Brown Pelican at 5:52am. The bird spent most of its time around the sand bar off of Pine Point and would have been viewed better from the Pine Point side. It spent a decent amount of time loafing on the water in-between brief flights around the sand bar and surrounding area. It was still present when I left at 6:25am and was in very close to shore along Pine...
Wednesday, 21 June 2017
Re: [Maine-birds] Prout"s Neck Brown Pelican
Two solutions to the parking issue, because it is impossible on the Neck itself. I've put a bike in the back of the car and parked at Ferry Beach and biked out to the point. The gatehouse at the parking area isn't open (typically) until 8:30am so parking is free before then.(I'm not sure what happens if a vehicle is already in a spot and you return after the gatehouse has opened.)The gatehouse closes at five. I should point out...
Re: [Maine-birds] Prout"s Neck Brown Pelican
Is there any place to park out there? Without getting towed away, that is? Wally S. On Wed, 21 Jun 2017 20:49:17 +0000, Nathan Hall wrote: Bird was on the green bouy just past the yacht club (where it has been seen often) at about 4:45 before being scared by a passing boat. On Wed, Jun 21, 2017 at 4:05 PM Laura Blutstein <laurajb@maine.rr.com> wrote: Perched on piling now since 16:00....
[Maine-birds] waxwing behavior
I saw something today that surprised me: Six Cedar Waxwings were on my lawn all afternoon, rooting around excitedly, eating something, and then flying up to the edge and whistling, then back to the lawn. I thought, do they eat ants? Or what? They were eating wild strawberries! I got some blurry photos of them with a beak-full. Pretty funny. Nancy Dickinson New Harbor/Pemaquid...
Re: [Maine-birds] Prout"s Neck Brown Pelican
Bird was on the green bouy just past the yacht club (where it has been seen often) at about 4:45 before being scared by a passing boat.On Wed, Jun 21, 2017 at 4:05 PM Laura Blutstein <laurajb@maine.rr.com> wrote:Perched on piling now since 16:00. At Yacht club. -- Maine birds mailing list maine-birds@googlegroups.com http://groups.google.com/group/maine-birds https://sites.google.com/site/birding207 --- You received...
[Maine-birds] Maine Birds
June 20 and 21 - St Albans Game PreserveEastern KingbirdTurkey VultureNorthern FlickerGreat Blue HeronCommon LoonCommon YellowthroatHooded Merganser female with 3 babiesCedar WaxwingWood DuckGray CatbirdBald EagleEastern Wood PeweeOspreyYellow WarblerSCARLET TANAGER heard yesterday, heard and saw todayMany other birds seen and heard in this area.June 21 - Corinna: Eastern Phoebe, Blue Heron, Osprey, American Redstart, Brown Thrasher,...
[Maine-birds] Prout"s Neck Brown Pelican
Perched on piling now since 16:00. At Yacht club.
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[Maine-birds] Prout"s Neck Brown Pelican
At 3:55 pm, the pelican is flying and diving off the yacht club again.Tim FennellSent via the Samsung Galaxy S7, an AT&T 4G LTE smartph...
[Maine-birds] Brown Pelican on Bluff Island
Still present on Bluff Island as of 2:30 p.m. this afternoon. Thanks to Lucy LaCasse and her boat, Davis Finch, Don and Nancy Mairs, and I saw the first-year Brown Pelican perched on rocks at Bluff Island's southeastern side (facing Stratton) in an area likely only visible by boat. Thanks to Zeke Smith for the heads up!
Louis Bevier
Maine birds mailing list
[Maine-birds] Saxl Park Bangor
The bobolinks were busy in Saxl Park this morning. Observed six different, plus my first female. She played hide and seek with me and she finally won...not giving me a clear shot. I'm just happy to have seen her. Also observed several high-speed chases. Bobolinks ridding their territory of sparrows.http://photosbychance.zenfolio.com/p432832521/h8e01c92e#h8e01c92eCheers,Dave -- Maine birds mailing list maine-birds@googlegroups.com...
[Maine-birds] Pelican
Spotted it at 1145 from Stratton while it was snoozing on Bluff Island.
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[Maine-birds] Pelican
Our son saw the pelican this morning (~9:30) on one of the channel markers of the Scarborough River. It then flew up river towards the Pine Point anchorage. Lucy LaCasse 52 Old Neck Rd Scarborough, ME 04074 207-883-3637 207-928-3637 (Stoneham) 207-650-4770 (cell) wnder@aol.com -- Maine birds mailing list maine-birds@googlegroups.com http://groups.google.com/group/maine-birds...
[Maine-birds] Brown Pelican NO
NOT seen at Prouts Neck brief search x 10 mins
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Re: [Maine-birds] Prout's Neck Brown Pelican 6/21/17
As of 8:10am, the BROWN PELICAN had moved to a green can (channel marker) not far from the yacht club. Thanks Tim!--Josh-- Inspiring Nature Connection in New Englandjoshfecteau.com | patreon.com/JoshFecteau -- Maine birds mailing list maine-birds@googlegroups.com http://groups.google.com/group/maine-birds https://sites.google.com/site/birding207 --- You received this message because you are subscribed to the Google...
Re: [Maine-birds] Prout's Neck Brown Pelican 6/21/17
To give people a better idea of vantage points where the immature Brown Pelican may be seen from, there are some photos at: http://ebird.org/ebird/view/checklist/S37717688
The view was excellent from Black Point Road but there is no public parking here so please use caution in this congested and private area. Alternate locations could be parking at Ferry Beach and walking around the point to Western Beach and scoping from there....
[Maine-birds] Prout's Neck Brown Pelican 6/21/17
The immature Brown Pelican is currently perched on a piling at the Prout's Neck Yacht Club. Will post photos later.Tim FennellScarborough, ME/Round Rock,TXSent via the Samsung Galaxy S7, an AT&T 4G LTE smartph...
Tuesday, 20 June 2017
Re: [Maine-birds] Brown Pelican - Prouts Neck - Yes
Posted earlier but forgot to hit "reply all." I was able to observe the immature Brown Pelican from 7:20- 7:35 pm at the same spot Ian Carlsen reported it earlier. Poor but identifiable photos are at:
Thanks to Lucy Lacasse and Ian Carlsen for posting about another great Prout's Neck bird!
Tim Fennell
Scarborough, ME/Round Rock, TX
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