Sunday, 9 May 2021

[Maine-birds] Fw: Bradbury Mountain State Park (09 May 2021) 58 Raptors

Bradbury Mountain State Park
Pownal, Maine, USA

Daily Raptor Counts: May 09, 2021
SpeciesDay's CountMonth TotalSeason Total
Black Vulture002
Turkey Vulture00603
Bald Eagle59114
Northern Harrier41487
Sharp-shinned Hawk12219718
Cooper's Hawk31092
Northern Goshawk024
Red-shouldered Hawk14127
Broad-winged Hawk135001903
Red-tailed Hawk514171
Rough-legged Hawk000
Golden Eagle000
American Kestrel948326
Peregrine Falcon0212
Unknown Accipiter0212
Unknown Buteo019
Unknown Falcon037
Unknown Eagle000
Unknown Raptor0843

Observation start time: 08:00:00
Observation end time: 16:00:00
Total observation time: 8 hours
Official CounterAndrew Sharp
Observers: Dave Fensore, Derek Lovitch, Jeannette Lovitch, Jim Pinfold, Zane Baker

16 visitors today. 1 suspected Mother's Day balloon was seen floating away over Pownal.

Another stunning day up at the summit. Skies were blue with billowing white clouds. Temps peaked at 70 F. Winds were moderate out of the NW, but rotated 180 degrees around to the SE by the end of the day.

Raptor Observations:
Slow-ish, but not bad, day. Broad-wings and sharpies still coming through. We're starting to see some young birds of species we really haven't seen in a while come though, like Red-shouldered and Cooper's hawks. 2 Northern Harriers were seen moving south, not sure what that's about.

Non-raptor Observations:
Non-raptors deemed migratory are as follows: -American Goldfinch: 5 -Tree Swallow: 15 -Cliff Swallow: 1 -Bank Swallow: 2 (FOS) -Barn Swallow: 2 -Double-crested Cormorant: 1 -Ruby-throated Hummingbird: 1 A total of 39 species were detected from the summit, including FOS Northern Parula. bzzzzzzzzzSQEAK!. A brilliant male Blackburnian Warbler gave brief but good looks in the last minute of the count.

Tomorrow was looking like a rainy day but the precip has been downgraded. Small chance of rain in the morning. Winds starting out of the west but will rotate clockwise to the south over several hours. Mostly cloudy. Temps in high 50's. Winds will be weak.

Report submitted by Jeannette Lovitch (
Bradbury Mountain State Park information may be found at:
More information at [Site Profile] [Day Summary] [Month Summary]


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