I used to see Hawk Owls regularly when I lived in Anchorage. What impressed me most was their hearing. Without much of a facial disk, they are said to have poor hearing compared to other owls. Watching one perched on a street light about 50 yards from me he opened his wings and glided down feet first into the snow which was about 2 ft deep, landing 5 ft in front of me. He pulled up a mouse that was completely hidden under the...
Maine-birds is an email forum devoted to the discussion of birds and birding in the state of Maine. The primary function of the list is to provide an efficient means of reporting wild bird sightings in the state.
Monday, 31 October 2022
Re: [Maine-birds] Re: Hawk owl
I saw one once when I was X-C skiing during the daytime on the McCarty Rd. in Solon decades ago. It was perched in a hardwood tree at the edge of a field.On Wed, Oct 26, 2022 at 2:38 PM Dana Valleau <danaburr67@gmail.com> wrote:I remember and went to see that one.I'm still up here in The County and if I see it again I'll let you all know.DanaOn Oct 26, 2022, at 11:24 AM, Aletha Boyle <mainelypets@gmail.com> wrote:We...
[Maine-birds] Grasshopper Sparrow, Basin Point Rd., Harpswell, ME 10/30/22
Grasshopper Sparrow, Basin Point Rd., in the weeds along the west side of road across from Tibetan Track, Harpswell, ME 10/30/22Dr. Jay Pitocchelli, Professor EmeritusBiology DepartmentSaint Anselm CollegeManchester, NH 03102 https://www.anselm.edu/faculty-directory/jay-pitocchelli Blog: http://mourningwarbler.blogspot.com/ -- Maine birds mailing list maine-birds@googlegroups.com http://groups.google.com/group/maine-birds...
Sunday, 30 October 2022
Re: [Maine-birds] Northern Hawk Owl
Carl,Great photos and report! There is an abundance of meadow voles this year in the fields, woods, and structures in the area. We could use the help of any predator to thin them out. I only saw a large and beautiful bull moose in that area this morning.You raise a good point on sharing the locations of sensitive species. While rare I did not even consider and overlooked the hawk owl as a sensitive species as in my experience...
[Maine-birds] Northern Hawk Owl
I am not sure how this group is handling the reporting of sensitive bird species now. Since this bird has already been reported here, I will as well. I have not included the exact location in this post and waited 24 hours to report it. The bird did not seem to be bothered by the highway traffic. We did not encounter...
Saturday, 29 October 2022
[Maine-birds] Buffleheads, Basin Cove, Harpswell, ME 10/28,29/22
Buffleheads, Basin Cove, Harpswell, ME 10/28,29/22Dr. Jay Pitocchelli, Professor EmeritusBiology DepartmentSaint Anselm CollegeManchester, NH 03102 https://www.anselm.edu/faculty-directory/jay-pitocchelli Blog: http://mourningwarbler.blogspot.com/ -- Maine birds mailing list maine-birds@googlegroups.com http://groups.google.com/group/maine-birds https://sites.google.com/site/birding207 --- You received...
[Maine-birds] Winter ducks
6 common mergansers showed up yesterday off Fowlers beach. Wood Ducks still in the beaver pond.
H ?Donovan Long Island, Casco Bay
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Friday, 28 October 2022
[Maine-birds] This Week's Highlights, 10/22-28
Hi all,My observations of note over the past 7 days is posted here:https://mebirdingfieldnotes.blog/2022/10/28/this-weeks-highlights-october-22-28-2022/-Derek***************************************** Derek and Jeannette Lovitch Freeport Wild Bird Supply 541 Route One, Suite 10 Freeport, ME 04032 207-865-6000 www.freeportwildbirdsupply.com **********************************...
Thursday, 27 October 2022
[Maine-birds] Cattle Egret
Sorry for this late post, but there was a single Cattle Egret in the field just south of the Libby River on Black Point Rd, Scarborough this afternoon. I saw it at noon and again at 3:30. Lucy LaCasse&nb...
[Maine-birds] Crossbills & Goshawk
Good times this morning at Bigelow Labs. While observing crossbills a few raptors buzzed the top of hill. Was tickled pink when an adult Northern Goshawk flew just above the trees then right over me. A quick fairly close pass by a Merlin was also tickle trunk worthy!!!A few images from the experience:https://ebird.org/checklist/S121391531 -- Maine birds mailing list maine-birds@googlegroups.com http://groups.google.com/group/maine-birds...
Wednesday, 26 October 2022
Re: [Maine-birds] Late report - 10/25 Evening Grosbeak's in Cape Elizabeth
Two immature or female type birds were here all day the 25th and early the next morning. It seems Evening Grosbeaks have difficulty with tube feeders vs. feeding platforms. Once they land on a tube feeder, they're inclined to constantly circle from port to port, which makes it difficult for more than one bird to feed at the same time. It's very different than the way Rose-breasted Grosbeaks sit more or less in...
[Maine-birds] Late report - 10/25 Evening Grosbeak's in Cape Elizabeth
Hi friend ~ At around 11am Tuesday morning I had a pair of Evening Grosbeak's on my seed feeder. It was interesting to watch the male attempt to land on the the feeder. He eventually gave up and stuck to the ground. The female was a bit more dextrous and on her second attempt figured where to land on the feeder. The pair disappeared into the rainy, foggy woods after about ten minutes and have not been seen since.They are...
Re: [Maine-birds] Re: Hawk owl
I remember and went to see that one.I'm still up here in The County and if I see it again I'll let you all know.DanaOn Oct 26, 2022, at 11:24 AM, Aletha Boyle <mainelypets@gmail.com> wrote:We had one in Belgrade probably 20 years ago which people got a good look at. Nice find, AlethaOn Tuesday, October 25, 2022 at 9:03:45 PM UTC-4 danab...@gmail.com wrote:A random find but I'll take it!Sent from my iPhoneOn Oct 25,...
Re: [Maine-birds] Re: Hawk owl
We had one in Belgrade probably 20 years ago which people got a good look at. Nice find, AlethaOn Tuesday, October 25, 2022 at 9:03:45 PM UTC-4 danab...@gmail.com wrote:A random find but I'll take it!Sent from my iPhoneOn Oct 25, 2022, at 2:45 PM, andrew...@gmail.com <andrew...@gmail.com> wrote:Great find Dana. NIce. Still one of my most wanteds in Maine. Thanks for posting. Wish I were up there...
Tuesday, 25 October 2022
Re: [Maine-birds] Re: Hawk owl
A random find but I'll take it!Sent from my iPhoneOn Oct 25, 2022, at 2:45 PM, andrew...@gmail.com <andrewblock7@gmail.com> wrote:Great find Dana. NIce. Still one of my most wanteds in Maine. Thanks for posting. Wish I were up there to look for it.AndrewOn Sunday, October 23, 2022 at 7:47:56 PM UTC-4 danab...@gmail.com wrote:Headed into the NMW early this morning I did a double-take as I was rolling down...
[Maine-birds] Re: Hawk owl
Great find Dana. NIce. Still one of my most wanteds in Maine. Thanks for posting. Wish I were up there to look for it.AndrewOn Sunday, October 23, 2022 at 7:47:56 PM UTC-4 danab...@gmail.com wrote:Headed into the NMW early this morning I did a double-take as I was rolling down Route 11 in Winterville. I wheeled back around and sure enough there was a hawk owl sitting on an electric distribution line in front...
Monday, 24 October 2022
Re: [Maine-birds] Kokadjo/Frenchtown bird noticed for first time
I had a red-bellied woodpecker for the first time last week as well. No palms, usual yellow-rumps and a small influx of ruby-crowned kinglets after the storm. Sarah Montville Sent from my Verizon, Samsung Galaxy smartphone Get Outlook for Android From: maine-birds@googlegroups.com <maine-birds@googlegroups.com> on behalf of Christine Roberts <christine51@fairpoint.net> Sent: Monday,...
[Maine-birds] Kokadjo/Frenchtown bird noticed for first time
We're hosting a red bellied woodpecker (male). New yard bird for us, and we'll keep our eyes peeled.
Also, we've seen a small flock of 7 horned larks roadside on the Smithtown and Lost Skidder roads a number of times over the past month.
Finally seeing some white breasted nuthatches and titmice. Also a pair of cardinals.
Things are definitely changing.
Last summer saw many palm warblers and catbirds. This year, many fewer...
Sunday, 23 October 2022
[Maine-birds] Hawk owl
Headed into the NMW early this morning I did a double-take as I was rolling down Route 11 in Winterville. I wheeled back around and sure enough there was a hawk owl sitting on an electric distribution line in front of 4142 Aroostook Rd. See attached photo. I was in the woods and off the grid the rest of the day and I am just back into civilization...
Friday, 21 October 2022
[Maine-birds] This Week's Highlights, 10/15-21
Hi all,My observations of note over the past seven days are posted here:https://mebirdingfieldnotes.blog/2022/10/21/this-weeks-highlights-october-15-21-2022/-Derek***************************************** Derek and Jeannette Lovitch Freeport Wild Bird Supply 541 Route One, Suite 10 Freeport, ME 04032 207-865-6000 www.freeportwildbirdsupply.com ******************************...
Thursday, 20 October 2022
[Maine-birds] Monhegan
Many Yellow rumped Warblers and Palm Warblers today all over the island. I say many but I mean like triple that. I heard 2 Great Blue Herons last night and someone saw them today. Watched a Peregrine chase a Gull then several Flickers then dive straight down at probably 100 mph after something in high wind. -- Maine birds mailing list maine-birds@googlegroups.com http://groups.google.com/group/maine-birds https://sites.google.com/site/birding207...
[Maine-birds] EARED GREBE
The EARED GREBE found by Ed Harper, continues today at Sears Island causeway. Bird has been present for a few days now. Took a few hours of searching to find, then studied for an hour or so, eventually being confident in ID. Tough bird to see in Maine. Bring a good scope. -- Maine birds mailing list maine-birds@googlegroups.com http://groups.google.com/group/maine-birds https://sites.google.com/site/birding207 ---...
Wednesday, 19 October 2022
[Maine-birds] Fall arrivals/KokadJo-Frenchtown Twp
The numbers of juncos and white throated sparrows have been steadily building under the feeders to the point where they're difficult to count. Between two and three dozen.
Canada Jays steadily snatching dog kibble put out from time to time for the blue jays, or raiding the suet and tray feeders.
Evening Grosbeak numbers are increasing each day over the past five days. Up to five pairs. Last winter we had a yard full every...
Tuesday, 18 October 2022
[Maine-birds] Wood Ducks, Snowy Egret, Field Sparrow, Basin Point Rd., Harpswell, ME 10/17/22
Snowy Egret continues in Basin Cove3 Wood Ducks resting on fallen tree in pond across from 251 Basin Point Rd. Field Sparrow mixed in with small flock of Song Sparrows foraging along the roadDr. Jay Pitocchelli, Professor EmeritusBiology DepartmentSaint Anselm CollegeManchester, NH 03102 https://www.anselm.edu/faculty-directory/jay-pitocchelli Blog: http://mourningwarbler.blogspot.com/ -- Maine birds mailing...
Monday, 17 October 2022
[Maine-birds] Evening Grosbeaks in Pittsfield
I just had two female Evening Grosbeaks drinking from my bird fountain in town in Pittsfield.
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Friday, 14 October 2022
[Maine-birds] This Week's Highlights, 10/8-14
My observations of note over the past seven days - including our trip report from our 1/2 Day pelagic out of Boothbay Harbor on 10/11 - can be seen here:https://mebirdingfieldnotes.blog/2022/10/14/this-weeks-highlights-october-8-14-2022/-Derek***************************************** Derek and Jeannette Lovitch Freeport Wild Bird Supply 541 Route One, Suite 10 Freeport, ME 04032 207-865-6000 www.freeportwildbirdsupply.com...
Wednesday, 12 October 2022
[Maine-birds] Fryeburg 10/10: Mega White-throated Sparrows
This report is a day and a half late, but on Monday evening there were more White-throated Sparrows than I've ever encountered along Mountain Division trail in Fryeburg, starting from the parking lot on Rt. 113 (@mile 46.9) until roughly mile 48 (heading in the direction of downtown Fryeburg). From 5:50 PM until a half hour after sunset (6:30) there were easily 100, likely closer to 150 along the trail, the train tracks...
Tuesday, 11 October 2022
[Maine-birds] Tri-State Pelagic 10/10/22 (Fulmars, jaegers, etc)
The Seacoast Chapter of NH Audubon sponsored an all day pelagic trip
yesterday aboard the "Granite State" out of Rye Harbor, NH. We started
with a tour of the Isles of Shoals where we were able to get nice views
of American Oystercatchers on Lunging Island and both Peregrine Falcons
and Bald Eagles on Appledore and Smuttynose Islands. We also saw a huge
flock of Common Eiders just past the islands. After this,...
Sunday, 9 October 2022
[Maine-birds] White-rumped Sandpipers photos, Brunswick
Merrymeeting Audubon had their big sit at Wharton Pt in Brunswick today. Some very cooperative White-rumped Sandpipers allowed me to get some nice shots. Photos at my website:henrymauer.smugmug.comHappy Birding,Henry MauerHarpswell, MEhenryd.mauer@gmail.com -- Maine birds mailing list maine-birds@googlegroups.com http://groups.google.com/group/maine-birds https://sites.google.com/site/birding207 --- ...
[Maine-birds] PACIFIC LOON - Monhegan
My husband Paul spotted a loon off Pulpit Rock on Monhegan Island this morning that I was able to photograph and which Derek Lovitch later ID'ed from the photos as a Pacific Loon. Not sure of any other island records of this bird, which was last seen way offshore and almost out of visible range. (Will post photos to eBird too.)-- Kristen Lindquist (she/her)Website: kristenlindquist.comHaiku blog: www.kristenlindquist.com/blog/...
Saturday, 8 October 2022
[Maine-birds] LITTLE GULL
A super duper day today at Ogunquit Beach. Sunny with a moderate breeze, autumn was in the air. A lone 1st cycle (I believe) Laughing Gull was loafing in the parking lot with a gullery of Ring-billeds & a few Herring Gulls. White-winged Scoters were moving beyond the beach. Many Bonaparte's about as well. But the find of the day was a LITTLE GULL. This was a winter adult. Pretty cool!! I wonder how many there actually...
Friday, 7 October 2022
It's been and interesting migration so far. It's not unprecedented numbers or rare species so much as unusual combinations.Over the past couple weeks there have been brief pulses of some species while other, expected species have been sparse.KESTRELS had 1 day last week and 1 day the previous week where they dominated the island ..... literally dozens here at any moment ...... as many as 4 perched on the patio with others hunting...
[Maine-birds] Re: Fryeburg, Cranes
Seems Maine is the crane capitol of the New England:-) Yes, from reports it does seem Fryeburg is the place.AndrewOn Wednesday, October 5, 2022 at 8:37:17 PM UTC-4 crbob wrote:Fryeburg, Maine is the Sandhill Crane capitol of New England. I know of no other location that consistently get the large flocks as are found here Spring and Fall. There was a flock of 33 there this afternoon. Their numbers fluctuate daily.Bob...
[Maine-birds] This Weeks' Highlights, 9/22-10/7
Hi all,A pair of weekends on Monhegan and an exceptional Sandy Point Morning Flight highlighted a hectic two weeks for me.https://mebirdingfieldnotes.blog/2022/10/07/this-weeks-highlights-september-22-october-7-2022/-Derek***************************************** Derek and Jeannette Lovitch Freeport Wild Bird Supply 541 Route One, Suite 10 Freeport, ME 04032 207-865-6000 www.freeportwildbirdsupply.com...
Thursday, 6 October 2022
[Maine-birds] Evening Grosbeaks in Hiram
A handful were heard flying around the neighborhood this morning. So far none have visited the feeder, but keeping fingers crossed. June of 2021 was their last previous appearance ...
[Maine-birds] Question
We're on Deer Isle. Do our birds fly back to MDI to go up through the cleft to gain height or is there another energy saving route that they take?Thank you. -- Maine birds mailing list maine-birds@googlegroups.com http://groups.google.com/group/maine-birds https://sites.google.com/site/birding207 --- You received this message because you are subscribed to the Google Groups "Maine birds" group. To unsubscribe...
Wednesday, 5 October 2022
[Maine-birds] Fryeburg, Cranes
Fryeburg, Maine is the Sandhill Crane capitol of New England. I know of no other location that consistently get the large flocks as are found here Spring and Fall. There was a flock of 33 there this afternoon. Their numbers fluctuate daily.Bob CrowleyChatham,...
Sunday, 2 October 2022
[Maine-birds] Winter Finch Forecast 2022-2023
For anybody that hasn't seen this winter's finch forecast yet: https://finchnetwork.org/winter-finch-forecast-2022 -- Maine birds mailing list maine-birds@googlegroups.com http://groups.google.com/group/maine-birds https://sites.google.com/site/birding207 --- You received this message because you are subscribed to the Google Groups "Maine birds" group. To unsubscribe from this group and stop receiving...
[Maine-birds] Maine Bird Atlas - Volunteer Appreciation Event
Hi everyone:
It has been thanks to so many of you that over the last five years we've completed the Maine Bird Atlas, and we want to celebrate! This coming Saturday (8 Oct @ 4PM), we're holding a Volunteer Appreciation Event at Cushnoc Brewing in Augusta. This will be a fun time meant for: sharing stories of your adventures atlasing, meeting other volunteers, answering atlas trivia, winning door prizes, and much more! We'll have...
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