I love birding in Maine and I love our Maine birding community!
This morning, Ed Hawkes and I drove down to Camden and Rockland to look for the Bullock’s Oriole and Pink-footed Geese. In Camden, we arrived at the designated church parking lot at the same time as three other birders. We walked across the street to the viewing spot and waited. In the cold. A little movement in the damp air sapping our (well, mine, anyway) warmth. And then. There it was! Not a great look, but certainly a definitive one! Bullock’s Oriole! We continued our stakeout and again were rewarded with views. If we saw no other birds this day, the day was a success.
We continued on to the Rockland Elementary School’s athletic field. As we drove up, the lone Snow Goose stood out like the proverbial sore thumb. We saw several cars parked along Thomaston Street with scope-wielding birders nearby. Clearly, this must be the place. In about three seconds of looking, we found the two Pink-footed Geese! YES!!!
We spent nearly an hour watching the geese. During this time, easily 15 (or more) birders came through to look at the geese, allowing for many good conversations and a few reconnections.
What a wonderful day!
Richard MacDonald
The Natural History Center
P.O. Box 6
Bar Harbor, Maine 04609
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