Sunday, 12 February 2017

[Maine-birds] Fwd: Birding weekend at Cold River Camp, May 19-21, 2017

I thought some of you might know of some one out there that might be interested in this.

Bob Crowley

Chatham, NH

-------- Forwarded Message --------
Subject: Birding weekend at Cold River Camp, May 19-21, 2017
Date: Sun, 12 Feb 2017 13:39:21 -0500
From: Ned Beecher <>
To: Nancy Ritger <>, Tony Vazzano <>, Nancy Houlihan <>, Bob Crowley <>, Rick Steber <>, Sean Ashe <>, Stefan Gaschott <>


Back in the fall (9/28/16 to be exact), I sent you an email about the possibility of a formal birding weekend at Cold River Camp in the spring of 2017.  I was unable to get any "big names" to come give talks or lead trips....  But we have some "big names" among this group who can ably lead trips & have fun! 

So, rather than a more formal event, I've decided we'll try a cheaper, somewhat more informal option: just $40/night, plus a bit (~$10) toward group food costs. I'll help organize the logistics & even get a cook in if we have enough people.

I hope you can be involved.  Anyone leading a trip or giving an evening program gets a day free. (Nancy Houlihan - you and Pat seemed glad to participate; please forward this to Pat and let me know if you two are still on for it....)  (One of our trips could be to part of the Tin Mountain annual event happening that same weekend.)

Here are the details. 
Please spread the word far and wide to get birders from all over to join in.  Send the following paragraph, post it on birding listservs (I'll do the NH one), etc.

Peak Bird Migration Weekend in Chatham, NH: May 19 - 21, 2017
Birding enthusiasts from around the region will convene at AMC's Cold River Camp ( for a weekend of birding during peak migration in the wild & varied habitats of No. Chatham, NH.  Starts with Friday evening dinner & ends after Sunday breakfast. Includes scheduled outings & evening programs in an informal and comfortable atmosphere.  You'll get meals, a rustic cabin with fireplace or stove, hot showers, & use of all Camp facilities.  Just $40 / night self-service rate, plus your share of food cost (~10/day).  All ages & experience levels welcome.  Details & registration: CRC Off-season Manager Ned Beecher (

Thanks for your interest, suggestions, and help! 

Enjoy the snow,



Hi All,

I'm reaching out to a few key people who are connected to birding and/or Cold River Camp, the AMC hiking camp in Evans Notch.  I happen to be the offseason manager of the Camp, and we used to have the AMC naturalist weekend at Camp in mid-May.  But that's moved on, and now we have this open weekend at Camp, and I've talked to a few people about the idea of creating a birding weekend there.  Here are some ideas of what might be involved. 

Birding weekend at Cold River Camp next spring: Friday, May 19 to Sunday, May 21 (2 nights).  I imagine having an evening program each evening and several led birding outings each day to various habitats around the Cold River valley and maybe down to North Fryeburg/Fryeburg - led by various people who want to lead a particular kind of outing.  We'd have Camp meals and lodging (people bring sleeping bags & pillows and use cabin beds and eat cafeteria style in the dining area).  The normal charge for such weekend groups is $70/person/night - so $140 per person to be there Friday - Sunday, 3 meals a day (trail lunch) included.   I'd think we can give free room & board to those who lead trips and/or give evening programs (and maybe charge participants an extra $10 to cover that cost).  Anyway.... these are all details that will be easy to work out. 

I'm looking for your thoughts on how this might work, whether you'd want to help out (attend, lead a trip, give an evening program, whatever), and if you think we would get takers to come and enjoy the event (having to pay for room & board, if they stay and eat).  And do you have suggestions of presenters or leaders who would be a nice draw? Sibley came to Tin Mountain a bunch of years back, after his first edition came out; maybe he'd come up for this for a night!  Maybe Pam Hunt would be interested?  And what organizations might want to collaborate on this (Tin Mtn?  AMC?  NH and/or ME Audubon?)  Could we get some sponsors to help cover presenters and leader fees?  Any feedback and suggestions are welcome! 



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