Led a bird walk at Merryspring Nature Center in Camden this morning, so thankful for the sun. Highlights were 11 warbler spp., including: FOY Chestnut-sided Warbler, FOY Am. Redstart, FOY Magnolia W, Brown Thrasher, Purple Finch, FOY Rose-breasted Grosbeak - singing male, and flyover Sharp-shinned Hawk, Red-tail, Bald Eagle, and Osprey. Also entertained by a gobbling Wild Turkey.
After, Don Reimer, Mark DiGirolamo and I birded the Pen Bay Medical Center fitness trail, where we saw FOY Blackpoll W, FOY Yellow W, FOY Lincoln's Sparrow, pair of Savannah Sparrows, and 3 Wood Ducks. (And lots of trout lilies!)
At Weskeag Marsh in S. Thomaston, with Don Reimer, counted 8 Great Blue Herons, 2 Great Egrets, mixed group of 8-10 Greater and Lesser Yellowlegs, flock of 10 Least Sandpipers, about a dozen Barn Swallows, and FOY Bobolinks (7 singing males—heavenly!).
Great morning to be out and about!
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