Tuesday, 12 May 2020

Re: [Maine-birds] Time of day for Whip-Poor-Will Songs?

Many thanks—quite helpful.

Charles D. Duncan
76 Emery Street
Portland, Maine 04102, USA

On May 12, 2020, at 6:30 PM, Joanne Stevens <joshawk@maine.rr.com> wrote:

When I would go to Fuller Farm in Scarborough for Woodcock, the Woodcock would start around the 20 minutes after sunset time.  About 10 minutes later the Snipe would display and about 10 minutes after that the Whip-poor-will would call.  This progression seemed pretty consistent the times when all three were present.


On 5/11/2020 2:57 PM, Charles Duncan wrote:
Friends:  What time of the evening compared to sunset do whip-poor-wills begin singing at K'bunk Plains?  Same as woodcock, or ...??


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