Friday, 9 October 2020

[Maine-birds] Additional Highlights This Week, 10/3-9 (including 3 days on Monhegan)

Hi all,

My non-Sandy Point highlights over the past seven days included the following:

- Monhegan Island, 10/4 (with clients from Maine):
1  Dickcissel
Unbelievable Peregrine Falcon show including an astounding kettle of 18!
7 Wood Ducks
- Monhegan Island, 10/4 (with Jeannette):
1 subvirgatus Nelson's Sparrow
- Monhegan Island, 10/5 (with Jeannette):
1 continuing Dickcissel
1 Red Crossbill
1 Yellow-bellied Flycatcher
2-5 Yellow-billed Cuckoos!  Either we had insane luck resighting the same two birds, or there were a lot of cuckoos around!
1 Black-billed Cuckoo
Probably would have seen a lot more "good" birds today if we didn't spend so much time not seeing the continuing Black-backed Woodpecker
- Monhegan Island, 10/5 (with Jeannette):
1 Gray-cheeked Thrush
1 Clay-colored Sparrow
2 Lesser Black-backed Gulls
1 continuing Dickcissel
1 presumed continuing subvirgatus Nelson's Sparrow
1 Marsh Wren
4 Pine Warblers (my record high out here)
- 2 AMERICAN OYSTERCATCHERS, Dry Ledges off of Allen Island from Port Clyde ferry, 10/5 (with Jeannette).

Away from Monhegan and Sandy Point:
- 1 CLAY-COLORED SPARROW, Wolfe's Neck Farm, Freeport, 10/7.
- 2 Yellow-billed Cuckoos, Fort Foster, Kittery, 10/8 (with clients from NY).
- Pine Siskins have arrived en masse on the southern Coastal Plain this week.

Isn't October birding grand!?

Meanwhile, I finally posted a blog with photos and daily birdlists from my Monhegan Tour the previous weekend:

And don't forget about Monday's Boothbay Pelagic. We will be chumming, and the weather looks pretty darn good at the moment!



 Derek and Jeannette Lovitch

 Freeport Wild Bird Supply

 541 Route One, Suite 10

 Freeport, ME 04032




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