Saturday, 10 October 2020

[Maine-birds] Boothbay Harbor Pelagic, Monday, 10/12 - limited spaces available!

Hi all,

We still have some room on Monday's 4-5 hour trip out of Boothbay Harbor.  The weather looks good - light winds, a break in the seas, and cloud cover (which helps to spot seabirds), and rain is currently expected to hold off until the afternoon (but we'll be watching that closely). 

We will be chumming, both with fish and popcorn, which should maximize our birding - and especially photography - opportunities. These waters are very under-birded in October, so we are hoping for some surprises. The boat's naturalist have been reporting good numbers of shearwaters - more than they have been seeing all summer - so that is a good sign. We'll also be in jaeger season, and of course, we are hoping for things like Great Skua, an early Dovekie, and maybe a rarity ( about a Brown Booby?). More expected species include Great, Sooty, and Cory's Shearwaters, along with Northern Fulmar.

This is the first collaboration in a new partnership between Freeport Wild Bird Supply and Cap'n Fish Cruises. We hope to offer more options next year, but first, we'll try a half-day pelagic. 

More information can be found at the link below, including our COVID policy and procedures (for one, we'll be operating the boat at a maximum of about 1/3rd capacity), and how to sign up:

If you prefer to book over the phone, you can call Cap'n Fish at 207-613-7339.

Hope to see you aboard!


 Derek and Jeannette Lovitch

 Freeport Wild Bird Supply

 541 Route One, Suite 10

 Freeport, ME 04032




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