Thursday, 8 October 2020

[Maine-birds] Possible new Black-backed Woodpecker site

Laura and I biked today along the new(-ish) Penobscot River Trail in Grindstone, Maine, south of Katahdin Woods and Waters.  There's a Black Spruce bog along the Tote Road about 3.5 km in from the Visitor Center where we very briefly saw a woodpecker, most likely Black-backed Woodpecker, today.  Habitat is perfect but we never even got binoculars on the bird before it got away.  It was howling wind. Laura had a better look than I: size of a Hairy Woodpecker; back all black; no evident white on the face "definitely not Downy or Hairy" she said.  No vocals.  

So for now, I want to alert everybody first off, that the Trail is one heck of a wonderful (and free) place to bike, ski, bird, or whatever along the East Branch of the Penobscot and secondly, that we'd love to have someone check out the bog and perhaps confirm BBWO there.

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