Monday 16 January 2023

[Maine-birds] 63rd Biddeford/Kennebunkport CBC

This is the report for the 63rd Biddeford/Kennebunkport CBC that took place on Saturday, December 31st.    We had about 40 birders. The day was cloudy with temperatures ranging from the low-40s in the morning to high-40s in the afternoon with a light south-south-west wind.

Total species 90, Total birds 10,808, Plus 2 CW species.  This is the highest total species since 2013.  We had high counts for 5 species: Lesser Scaup(2), Northern Harrier(6), Red-breasted Nuthatch(94), Brown Creeper(20), Winter Wren(2).  We did not have any new low counts this year.

The bird of the day was of course the Northern Lapwing seen in a field on Arundel Rd by Dave Tucker. Other birds seen less frequently on this count were American Wigeon, Ring-necked Duck, Killdeer, Lesser Black-backed Gull, Catbird, Lapland Longspur and an Eastern Towhee.  Count Week birds were Red Crossbill and White-winged Crossbill.

Thank-you to all who participated.

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