Sunday 15 January 2023


We have been getting a bit of the freezing rain and ice pellets that are hitting the mainland pretty hard today (January 15th).
There is little more than a glaze out here, thanks to the surrounding miles of "hot" water that warms our air a few degrees. Nonetheless, it's not pleasant for the few birds trying to eke out a meal.

I've seen a total of 4 SONG SPARROWS & 1 JUNCO today, around the patio and buildings.
The LAPLAND LONGSPUR from earlier this week might still be around, based on one brief probable sighting yesterday.

A small group of 9 PURPLE SANDPIPERS foraged on the lawn and around the patio for a while this afternoon.
Up to a couple dozen have been seen at various locations inland on the island over the past week.
Although they are well known to spend much of their time in the intertidal splash zone, some seem to discover the untapped foraging away from the shoreline, particularly when there is prolonged heavy surf and harsh weather that makes the intertidal zone inhospitable, even for these tough little birds.

Gulls are very scarce. Not surprising with this weather.  Wind alone doesn't bother too much, but heavy surf has been over-washing their usual roosting locations for days and limiting local feeding opportunities.
ICELAND & GLAUCOUS GULLS aren't numerous, but they are certainly notable as they scale past while virtually all the HERRING & GREAT BLACK BACKED GULLS have gone to more sheltered locations. The younger Glaucous really stand out. Three or four of them have explored our front lawn this weekend, apparently still finding some tidbits of food.

7 GANNETS (1, 1, 2, 1, 2.) were seen passing southward late last week.

HARLEQUIN DUCKS are visible around the island but, as adapted as they are for rough water, this spell of heavy sea is keeping them scattered and moving about more than usual.
No EIDERS or R.B. MERGANSERS have been visible for a couple of days.

EAGLES are around pretty much every day that the weather is reasonably clear.
I've never seen more than 3 at one time but their sizes and markings make me believe that there are 5 or 6 individuals visiting MSI, and surrounds, quite regularly.

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