Wednesday 24 July 2024

[Maine-birds] Monhegan Island sightings and presentation July 19-20

Two days on the island to give a presentation (see video link below) for the Monhegan Associates on The Birds of Monhegan provided some notable sightings, as well as illustrating how little coverage the island receives in summer, compared to spring and fall. Birding focused on seawatching at Lobster Cove/Point in the early morning and the way there, stops at the Ice Pond and the Meadow, and a loop to White Head that included Long Swamp and Cathedral Woods.

Highlights included:
Blue-winged Teal - 10 at the Ice Pond both days (1 adult female and 9 mostly grown juveniles).
Virginia Rail - 1 seen on an exposed mud flat in the Meadow on the 19th.
Solitary Sandpiper - 1 at the Ice Pond on the 19th - record early (previous July 26).
Spotted Sandpiper - 1 at Lobster Cove on the 20th.
Least Sandpiper - 1 heard at the Meadow on the 19th.
Lesser Yellowlegs - 1 flyover on the 20th.
Greater Yellowlegs - 1 flyover with Lesser Yellowlegs on the 20th.
Atlantic Puffin - 14 flybys at Lobster Point on the 19th, 45 on the 20th (record high count).
Black Guillemot - concentrations at the north end of Manana both days: 60 on the 19th, 50 on the 20th.
Razorbill - 2 flybys at Lobster Point on the 19th.
Arctic Tern - 1 flyby at Lobster Point on both days.
Common Tern - 52 on the 20th, most feeding near Eastern Duck Rock (record high count)
Manx Shearwater - 1 flyby at Lobster Point on the 20th.
Osprey - flyover on the 19th.
Baltimore Oriole - 1 along road between Trailing Yew and Lobster Cove Trail on both days.
Rose-breasted Grosbeak - 2 along road between Monhegan House and Brewery on both days.
Many other expected species heard or seen. A Great Shearwater was seen on the ferry back to Port Clyde on the 20th. No gannets seen.

Continued updates of notable Monhegan Island sightings, especially those supplementing those presented in the book, can be viewed at The Birds of Monhegan Facebook Page -  These sightings should be added in the next few days. Please share your sightings or photos from the island! 

The Monhegan Associates Ecology Lecture Series presentation can be viewed at  Please be sure to support them for all they do to preserve, restore and maintain the wonderful habitat on the island, to the benefit of the birds and birders.

Don't have a copy of the book? You can purchase the softcover at, several locations on the island, and other select bookstores. Limited edition signed and numbered hardcover editions can be purchased directly from me at the contact info below.


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