Hi all,
Just a couple of other sightings of note over the past seven days for me included:
- 2 American Oystercatchers and 1 Fish Crow, Pine Point, Scarborough, 4/19.
- 1 pair SANDHILL CRANES (looked fine for "Greater"), Messalonskee Lake, Belgrade, 4/20 (with Don Mairs).
And my personal "FOYs" this week were:
2 Yellow-rumped Warblers (first migrants of spring), Florida Lake Park, Freeport, 4/18 (with Saturday Morning Birdwalk group).
1 Rusty Blackbird, Pelreco building marsh, Scarborough Marsh, 4/19 (with Josh Fecteau et al).
1 Pied-billed Grebe, Messalonskee Lake, 4/20 (with Don Mairs).
1 male PURPLE MARTIN (a little early), Depot Rd, Belgrade, 4/20 (with Don Mairs).
1 Blue-headed Vireo, Hedgehog Mountain Park, Freeport, 4/22.
And don't forget about the 5th Annual Feathers Over Freeport this weekend!
Derek and Jeannette Lovitch
Freeport Wild Bird Supply
541 Route One, Suite 10
Freeport, ME 04032
Derek and Jeannette Lovitch
Freeport Wild Bird Supply
541 Route One, Suite 10
Freeport, ME 04032
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