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Begin forwarded message:
From: "American Bird Conservancy" <>
Date: June 4, 2017 at 13:02:10 EDT
To: "Skip Small" <>
Subject: ABC's Bird of the Week: Northern Bobwhite
Reply-To: American Bird Conservancy <>
American Bird Conservancy
Quality Quail:
Northern BobwhiteAlso known as Virginia quail or bobwhite quail, the Northern Bobwhite is native to the United States, Mexico, and the Caribbean. The clear, whistled "bobwhite" call was once a common sound throughout the birds' range. It's much more rare today; populations plunged between 1966 and 2014, resulting in an overall decline of 85 percent, according to the North American Breeding Bird Survey.
Habitat loss and the increased use of pesticides are thought to be the culprits behind this steep decline—a worrisome trend also noted in other birds sharing similar habitats, including Loggerhead Shrike.
Read more and hear the bobwhite's call >>
American Bird Conservancy | P.O. Box 249 | The Plains, VA 20198
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