He/she's a red breasted nuthatch. Beautiful and friendly little bird. Definitely not shy to come right up on my coffee table and say good morning. Thanks Ken (and all) for the ID helpOn Sun, Sep 30, 2018 at 4:56 PM Brad Kraft <bradford.kraft@maine.edu> wrote:I apologize for being unable to submit a photo but we have a bird visiting our feer with a black crown and black and white tail feathers, brown to...
Maine-birds is an email forum devoted to the discussion of birds and birding in the state of Maine. The primary function of the list is to provide an efficient means of reporting wild bird sightings in the state.
Sunday, 30 September 2018
[Maine-birds] Re: small chicakdee like bird with longer beak
Read More :- "[Maine-birds] Re: small chicakdee like bird with longer beak"
[Maine-birds] small chicakdee like bird with longer beak
I apologize for being unable to submit a photo but we have a bird visiting our feer with a black crown and black and white tail feathers, brown to reddish underbelly, that is quite a bit larger than a chicadee or sparrow. Any guess where to start to look for id? -- Maine birds mailing list maine-birds@googlegroups.com http://groups.google.com/group/maine-birds https://sites.google.com/site/birding207 --- You...
[Maine-birds] Re: CT Warbler Fort Foster Kittery
YES! So glad you found one!!!! I will be going back there this afternoon to try and relocate it! -Heather RutledgeOn Sunday, September 30, 2018 at 10:33:32 AM UTC-4, Magill Weber wrote:I'll credit Heather Rutledge for the "put it out in the universe" but about 15min after talking about the possibility of CT Warbler at Fort Foster, I had a male pop up in response to playback at the back edge of the large gravel parking lot...
[Maine-birds] CT Warbler Fort Foster Kittery
I'll credit Heather Rutledge for the "put it out in the universe" but about 15min after talking about the possibility of CT Warbler at Fort Foster, I had a male pop up in response to playback at the back edge of the large gravel parking lot (near the playground). I marked the spot with an arrow in the gravel.
General coordinates 43.0683, -70.6914
Magill Weber
Maine birds mailing list
Friday, 28 September 2018
[Maine-birds] Dyer Point, Cape Elizabeth this morning
Hi all -- a low sky and spitting rain at sunrise. Lots and lots of near-shore and off-shore Northern Gannets, one perching Merlin (very close just above the tide line), Black and Surf Scoters in small numbers.Best,Craig K -- Maine birds mailing list maine-birds@googlegroups.com http://groups.google.com/group/maine-birds https://sites.google.com/site/birding207 --- You received this message because you are subscribed...
[Maine-birds] 11 Sandhill Cranes North Fryeburg
930 today. Near 1041 Rte 113 in 2 different open fields. Heading toward Chatham, 2 on left side of road, 9 in other side of road.Jess -- Maine birds mailing list maine-birds@googlegroups.com http://groups.google.com/group/maine-birds https://sites.google.com/site/birding207 --- You received this message because you are subscribed to the Google Groups "Maine birds" group. To unsubscribe from this group and stop...
[Maine-birds] Birding on the CAT ferry
Hi, everyone - I will be taking the CAT ferry to NS for the first time next week, and would appreciate any tips for maximizing my potential for seeing pelagic birds during the trip - where to watch from, etc. Thank you in advance!Jill McElderry-Maxwell Bag End Suri Alpacas of ME, LLC - ¡BESAME! Pittsfield, ME 04967 (207) 660-5276 (cell) bagendsuris@gmail.comhttp://www.bagendsuris....
Thursday, 27 September 2018
[Maine-birds] Sandy Point Morning Flight, 9/27
Hi all,A very surprising moderate flight passed over and through Sandy Point Beach, Cousin's Island, Yarmouth this morning. I've added the analysis to the post on the store's Facebook page.6:34-9:1057F, mostly cloudy, NW 6.2 becoming N up to 10.4mph.183 Blackpoll Warblers166 unidentified20 Northern Parulas12 Black-capped Chickadees8 Yellow-rumped Warblers8 unidentified finches7 Black-throated Green Warblers6 Blue Jays5 White-throated...
[Maine-birds] Scarborough Marsh Pine Point goodies this morning
Good morning all - I hit Jones Creek and Pine Point pier around sunrise and low tide today. Highlights of the two spots combined included:60 Tree Swallows in loose calling groups, flying north (inland from offshore?)3 Black-crowned Night Herons on the sandbars1 Am. Golden PloverBonaparte's Gullsplenty of snowies (72) and cormorants (178), great egrets and great blues (7)one Bald EagleLists here and hereBest,Craig -- Maine...
Wednesday, 26 September 2018
[Maine-birds] Re: Connecticut Warbler Mackworth Island
I tracked the bird between roughly 12:40 and 1:00.On Wed, Sep 26, 2018 at 1:18 PM, Richard Garrigus <rgarrigus@meca.edu> wrote:I took my lunch break on Mackworth and walked into the interior meadow. On the far side, I saw motion on the edge of the alder grove, followed until I got some brief fairly open looks. Distinctiveoff-white eyering that stood out in low relief. Brownish hood and dull yellow underneath. Olive-brownwings...
[Maine-birds] Connecticut Warbler Mackworth Island
I took my lunch break on Mackworth and walked into the interior meadow. On the far side, I saw motion on the edge of the alder grove, followed until I got some brief fairly open looks. Distinctiveoff-white eyering that stood out in low relief. Brownish hood and dull yellow underneath. Olive-brownwings and mantle. Actively moving mostly down low, but inside the alders came to just above eye level, where I got my first and only...
Tuesday, 25 September 2018
[Maine-birds] Monhegan update 9.24 - 9.25.18
A few observations and highlights of the past couple of days, by no means comprehensive and in no particular order:-Two CLAY-COLORED SPARROWS joined several Chipping and Song Sparrows on some seed at the end of Harbor Rd. -A very large (female) Cooper's Hawk flew overhead yesterday, noted by many on the island-Many Cape May and Yellow-rumped Warblers continue, along with a diversity of other warblers, but most in very small...
[Maine-birds] Hummingbirds
Monday 9/24/18
Eight to ten female or juvenile Ruby-throated Hummingbirds were working the flowers at Thuya Gardens in Northeast Harbor today.
We have updated our webpage with new nature and family pictures.
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Maine birds mailing list
Monday, 24 September 2018
[Maine-birds] Connecticut warbler . Timber Point.
Ken. Kevin and I had good looks at a CTWA. This morning just off the south west corner of tennis court. It flew in from field where there are bluebird boxes. -- Maine birds mailing list maine-birds@googlegroups.com http://groups.google.com/group/maine-birds https://sites.google.com/site/birding207 --- You received this message because you are subscribed to the Google Groups "Maine birds" group. To unsubscribe from...
[Maine-birds] Monhegan, brief update 9.22-9.23.18
First a small correction. In my last post I noted 2 Spotted Sandpipers at the Ice Pond, but I meant to say Solitary Sandpipers, which are in fact quite spotted. And apparently there were 3 there yesterday, 9.23.18. Random observations of note over the past few days:-Many Cape May Warblers still around, including at least one bird in the grape arbor with a Blackpoll and a Black-throated Blue (female), actually eating grapes.-Yesterday...
Sunday, 23 September 2018
[Maine-birds] Owl ID?
https://www.facebook.com/1461576377/posts/10212537566101762/A friend has had this outside her home in Boothbay several nights in the past couple of weeks. Great Horned? Thanks, Lorri Higgins. Sent from my i...
[Maine-birds] Monhegan Island, 6/17-22
Hi all,I returned last night from a week-long private WINGS tour to Monhegan with a couple visiting from California. We had some good days, some slow days, and some interesting birds. We finished with 88 species (including 18 spp warblers) on the island and a total of 104 species on the trip, both just a little below average for this tour. Here are the daily highlights:9/17:Pine Point, Scarborough:- 1 juv "WESTERN" WILLET...
[Maine-birds] Sandy Point Morning Flight, 9/23
Hi all,A moderate flight passed over and through Sandy Point Beach, Cousin's Island, Yarmouth, this am. Good diversity, but overall rather disappointing given the intensity of the flight overnight - no doubt due to the early passage of yesterday's cold front and winds rapidly diminishing to calm overnight. Hunting raptors (Merlin, Peregrine Falcon, Cooper's Hawk) this morning didn't help the count, either.6:28 - 9:20am44F, mostly...
[Maine-birds] fall-out
It must have been an interesting migration night. There was a small fall-out of warblers around my house here on the north end of Pushaw Lake in Hudson this morning. Clusters of black-throated green warblers, northern parulas, and yellow-rumps, with a handful of black-and-white warblers, blue-headed vireos, and ruby-crowned kinglets. Lots of noisy foraging going on right now. Bob Duche...
Saturday, 22 September 2018
Re: [Maine-birds] Mt. Agamenticus Hawk watch
I stayed at the Hawk watch after Andy and others left around 2:00 pm. There was a lull for another 2 hours with few birds moving. I was about ready to leave a little after 4:00 when some kettles (of 32, 65, 47 BWs) starting forming again. The kettles (one of 150 birds) that Andy reported earlier were setting up mostly from the NW. By late afternoon the kettles were...
[Maine-birds] Mt. Agamenticus Hawk watch
Hi,Maybe 30 to 50 birders and visitors to watch hawks today. Mourning Dove 1Turkey Vulture 5Osprey 13 Hawk watchNorthern Harrier 1Sharp-shinned Hawk 3Cooper's Hawk 7Northern Goshawk 2Accipiter sp. 3Bald Eagle 10Red-shouldered Hawk 2Broad-winged Hawk 504 hawk watch with many kettles of birdsRed-tailed Hawk 8Buteo sp. ...
Thursday, 20 September 2018
[Maine-birds] Monhegan, 9.20.18
Hi All,I've been on the island since Saturday, but with all the birders out here right now, was hoping someone birding more intensively than I would post. So I was grateful to see Brett's summary. Birding picked up quite noticeably today with many more warblers around, including at least 1 (possibly 2) MOURNING WARBLERS. I also came across several Cape May, Magnolia, and Black-throated Green Warblers, many Blackpolls and...
[Maine-birds] Monhegan Island Sightings & Monhegan Bird Alert
I have included below a summary of our recent trip. Below that you will find information on a new WhatsApp Bird Alert I've started for Monhegan Island and a continuing request for sightings for the Birds of Monhegan Book in preparation.
We just returned from a New Jersey Audubon trip to Monhegan Island - September 14 - 19. Despite predominantly SSW winds and fog precipitated by the high pressure system blocking Hurricane Florence,...
[Maine-birds] Update from Schoodic Point
Here's a quick summary of select species observed migrating past Schoodic Point.The count occurs daily, approximately 5 hours per day.Best time (trend) is first 3 hours following sunrise.The past couple of days we have also seen 5 Peregrine and 7 Merlin. Normal 0 false false false EN-US JA X-NONE ...
[Maine-birds] Re: Biddeford: Caspian Terns...
Well, I can't say they won't be back, but the terns flew south toward "the pool" at 10:30am.—Josh-- Inspiring Nature Connection in New England ... joshfecteau.com -- Maine birds mailing list maine-birds@googlegroups.com http://groups.google.com/group/maine-birds https://sites.google.com/site/birding207 --- You received this message because you are subscribed to the Google Groups "Maine birds" group. To unsubscribe...
[Maine-birds] Biddeford: Caspian Terns...
Hi all,There are currently two CASPIAN TERNS roosting on the sand off Basket Island at Hills Beach in Biddeford. They are visible with a scope from the intersection of Hills Beach Road and Sky Harbor Drive.Wildly,Josh-- Inspiring Nature Connection in New England ... joshfecteau.com -- Maine birds mailing list maine-birds@googlegroups.com http://groups.google.com/group/maine-birds https://sites.google.com/site/birding207...
[Maine-birds] Western Kingbird - Pleasant Hill Preserve, Scarborough
There was a Western Kingbird at Pleasant Hill Preserve in Scarborough earlier this morning. If you walk southwest along the gravel trail from the parking lot, it was in the hedge row closest to the cattails. I viewed it from approximately this location: https://goo.gl/maps/aM9yGH3U2G52
I saw the bird from 7:30 until about 7:45 when a sharp-shinned hawk went through the hedgerow.
Complete ebird checklist: https://ebird.org/view/checklist/S48625501
Wednesday, 19 September 2018
[Maine-birds] Re: roseate spoonbill-no
Just FYI, "your" Roseate Spoonbill is now in Connecticut. The bird was positively linked by photos according to Louis Bevier, with the CT bird having the same bill defect (injury?) as the ME one. He's been here for a few days now. Such fun to document the travels of this bird, first on this list and now in CT.On Sunday, September 16, 2018 at 1:16:24 PM UTC-4, Julia Hanauer wrote:We tried for the spoonbill today,...
Re: [Maine-birds] warblers
Some of my best birds and most enjoyable times have occurred while sitting and reading/watching in my front yard-oftentimes I forget to read...:) Sharon in West Kennebunk From: maine-birds@googlegroups.com <maine-birds@googlegroups.com> on behalf of Bob Duchesne <duchesne@midmaine.com> Sent: Tuesday, September 18, 2018 4:38 PM To: maine-birds@googlegroups.com Subject: [Maine-birds] warblers ...
[Maine-birds] Fwd: (WPT) Many People Flee Hurricanes. Some Birders Flock to Them.
From the Washington Post this morningBill LavertySent from my iPhoneBegin forwarded message:From: "William Laverty (WILLIAMS CAPITAL GRO)" <wlaverty3@bloomberg.net>Date: September 19, 2018 at 11:16:58 AM EDTTo: welaverty@gmail.comSubject: (WPT) Many People Flee Hurricanes. Some Birders Flock to Them.Reply-To: "William Laverty" <wlaverty3@bloomberg.net>(WPT) Many People Flee Hurricanes. Some Birders Flock to Them.-------------------------------------------------------------------------------The information and opinions contained in this document have been derived from sources believed to be reliable but no representation or warranty, expressed or implied, can be made as to their accuracy. All opinions expressed herein are subject to change without notice. This document is for information purposes only, and should not be construed as an offer to buy or sell any securities. The Williams Capital Group LP or persons associated with it may own or have a position in any securities or investment mentioned in this study, which position may change at any time, and may, from time to time, sell or buy such securities or investments. Member of NASD and SIPC. Many...
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