Monday, 13 May 2019

[Maine-birds] Ducktrap River Preserve, Lincolnville, 5.13.19

Gary Gulezian and I led a walk at Coastal Mountains Land Trust's Ducktrap River Preserve this morning as part of Belfast Bay Watershed Coalition's Bird Week. I've participated in or led this walk for maybe 20 years now, and it always amazes me how different it can be from one year to the next. This year birds and plant life (i.e. spring ephemerals) felt a little behind past years, and the morning started off slow and cold (we actually found standing ice remaining along one stream in the woods!) But there's always something of interest in this beautiful preserve, one of my favorite local birding spots. 

Highlights included:
-a loudly drumming Ruffed Grouse
-calling Red-shouldered Hawk
-a little fishing activity along the river, with flyover Bald Eagle and Osprey
-pair of Barred Owls briefly calling back and forth
-some very active Yell0w-bellied Sapsuckers, including an interacting trio
-small group of Least Flycatchers calling in their usual spot 
-pair of Common Ravens vocalizing overhead 
-2 singing Winter Wrens, which I never get enough of
-Golden-crowned Kinglet with nesting material 
-Swainson's Thrush (thank you, Seth Benz!)
-10 warblers spp, including FOY Blackburnian Warbler (3) in their usual spot in the hemlocks, and Ovenbirds everywhere

No trilliums yet, but some blooming Trailing Arbutus.
Red-backed Salamander
Salamander and possible Wood Frog eggs in one of the vernal pools
Giant Red Mound Ants mound, that we've been seeing for years, continues.

Bird Week continues with another walk tomorrow:

Kristen Lindquist

"Be kind whenever possible. It is always possible." 
--Tenzin Gyatso, the 14th Dalai Lama

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