Friday, 10 May 2019

[Maine-birds] Fwd: Bradbury Mountain State Park (10 May 2019) Raptors

Bradbury Mountain State Park
Pownal, Maine, USA

Daily Raptor Counts: May 10, 2019
SpeciesDay's CountMonth TotalSeason Total
Black Vulture000
Turkey Vulture00573
Bald Eagle0678
Northern Harrier09148
Sharp-shinned Hawk096614
Cooper's Hawk0870
Northern Goshawk003
Red-shouldered Hawk0198
Broad-winged Hawk01523036
Red-tailed Hawk07192
Rough-legged Hawk002
Golden Eagle000
American Kestrel049487
Peregrine Falcon013
Unknown Accipiter025
Unknown Buteo039
Unknown Falcon017
Unknown Eagle000
Unknown Raptor0620

(No count conducted today)

Just me.

Today's count was canceled due to rain. Light showers began early with a slightly drier period mid to late morning giving a little ray of hope I might get to count for a short period. By the time I got to the mountain to assess the conditions the rain had become steady and drenching. From then on the rain persisted for the duration of the count period.

Raptor Observations:

Non-raptor Observations:
I spotted one Yellow-rumped Warbler during my short stay at the summit.

Tomorrow should be dry and a little warmer. Cloud cover should be minimal and temps may climb into the low 60s. NW is predicted to be the predominant wind direction and wind speeds could be stiff, around 10-15 mph. The next couple of days are looking like our best bet, currently, to find some more migrant raptors.

Report submitted by Jeannette Lovitch (
Bradbury Mountain State Park information may be found at:
More information at [Site Profile] [Day Summary] [Month Summary]


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