Friday, 10 May 2019

[Maine-birds] This Week's Highlights and (lots of) New Arrivals, 5/4-10

Hi all,
Well, that was more like what spring migration should be!  Here are my observations of note over the past seven days:
- 1 Brown Thrasher, feeders here at the store, 5/5 (our 123rd Yard Bird!).
- 1 singing LOUISIANA WATERTHRUSH, Elmwood Road Trail, Pownal, 5/6 (with Jeannette). Jeannette found it here about a week ago; our first in Pownal.
- 1 GREEN-MORPH PINE SISKIN, our feeders in Pownal, 5/6. Observed in detail, but did not stick around long enough to Jeannette to get a photo, unfortunately. 
- 1 Blue-gray Gnatcatcher, East Point, Biddeford Pool, 5/7.
- 300-500 White-throated Sparrows, Biddeford Pool neighborhood, 5/7. 50-75 were at Timber Point as well. 
- 1 ad SANDHILL CRANE, 1 BLUE-GRAY GNATCATCHER, 4+ Pied-billed Grebes, etc, Messalonskee Lake, Belgrade, 5/9 (with clients from Maine).
- 12+ PURPLE MARTINS, Depot Road, Belgrade, 5/9 (with clients from Maine). 
- 11 species warblers, led by 13 Yellow-rumped and 10 Northern Parulas, Evergreen Cemetery, 5/10 (with was my all-time latest date to finally hit 10 species of warblers in one location).

And my personal first-of-years were many:
- 1 Eastern Kingbird, Hidden Pond Preserve, Freeport, 5/4 (with Saturday Morning Birdwalk group).
- 1 Chimney Swift, Bradbury Mountain Hawkwatch, 5/4.
- 1 Ruby-throated Hummingbird, our yard in Pownal, 5/4.
- 1 House Wren, Evergreen Cemetery, Portland, 5/5.
- 1 Great-crested Flycatcher, Evergreen Cemetery, 5/5.
- 2 Least Flycatchers, Evergreen Cemetery, 5/5.
- 3 Veeries, Evergreen Cemetery, 5/5.
- 2 Northern Waterthrush, Evergreen Cemetery, 5/5 (with Terez Fraser and John Lorenc).
- 1 Yellow Warbler, Evergreen Cemetery, 5/5 (with Terez Fraser and John Lorenc).
- 1 Nashville Warbler, Evergreen Cemetery, 5/5.
- 1 Magnolia Warbler, Pond Cove, Cape Elizabeth, 5/5.
- 2 Spotted Sandpiper, Pond Cove, 5/5.
- 1 Rose-breasted Grosbeak, Florida Lake Park, Freeport, 5/6 (with Jeannette).
- 1 Northern Parula, Elmwood Road Trail, Powanl, 5/6 (with Jeannette).
- 1 Common Yellowthroat, Timber Point, Biddeford, 5/7.
- 1 Laughing Gull, Biddeford Pool Beach, 5/7.
- 1 Blackburnian Warbler, Bradbury Mountain Hawkwatch, 5/7 (with Jeannette).
- 1 Lincoln's Sparrow, Florida Lake Park, 5/8.
- 1 Baltimore Oriole, Florida Lake Park, 5/8.
- 2 Solitary Sandpipers, Florida Lake Park, 5/8.
- 1 Cliff Swallow, Florida Lake Park, 5/8.
- 4 Bobolinks, Viles Arboretum, Augusta, 5/9 (with clients from Maine).
- 1 Warbling Vireo, Viles Arboretum, 5/9 (with clients from Maine).
- 1 American Redstart, Evergreen Cemetery, 5/10
- 1 Black-throated Blue Warbler, Evergreen Cemetery, 5/10.
- 2 Wood Thrushes, Evergreen Cemetery, 5/10.
- 2 Swainson's Thrushes, Evergreen Cemetery, 5/10.



 Derek and Jeannette Lovitch

 Freeport Wild Bird Supply

 541 Route One, Suite 10

 Freeport, ME 04032




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