Just put feeder out a few days ago... this a.m. had a Red Bellied Woodpecker...a first for this location. -- Maine birds mailing list maine-birds@googlegroups.com http://groups.google.com/group/maine-birds https://sites.google.com/site/birding207 --- You received this message because you are subscribed to the Google Groups "Maine birds" group. To unsubscribe from this group and stop receiving emails from it, send...
Maine-birds is an email forum devoted to the discussion of birds and birding in the state of Maine. The primary function of the list is to provide an efficient means of reporting wild bird sightings in the state.
Wednesday, 30 November 2022
[Maine-birds] Red Bellied Woodpecker in Holden
Read More :- "[Maine-birds] Red Bellied Woodpecker in Holden"
Friday, 25 November 2022
Re: [Maine-birds] Waxwings and evening grosbeaks- in Liberty
Hi Dana, you must be seeing some of these guys too— Thanks for that great article about the population effects of spruce budworm outbreaks on certain finch species, including evening grosbeaks! Really fascinating.If you have not yet seen this recent article, posted on the NRCM site, check it outhttps://www.nrcm.org/blog/birding-jeff-allison/evening-grosbeaks-on-move/On...
[Maine-birds] This Week's Highlights, 11/19-25
Hi all,Some of my observations of note over the past seven days can be found here:https://mebirdingfieldnotes.blog/2022/11/25/this-weeks-highlights-november-19-november-25-2022/-Derek***************************************** Derek and Jeannette Lovitch Freeport Wild Bird Supply 541 Route One, Suite 10 Freeport, ME 04032 207-865-6000 www.freeportwildbirdsupply.com **********...
Re: Fwd: [Maine-birds] Turkeys
Beautiful, atmospheric photo…..feels like November.On Nov 25, 2022, at 2:49 PM, Marie Jordan <wooddk5555@gmail.com> wrote:Not those we feast upon for Thanksgiving but the ones that are now commonplace in southern Maine and spreading northward.Over the last twenty years my backyard off outer Highland Avenue in South Portland has hosted an increasing number of turkeys each year.It started with one here and there once...
[Maine-birds] Harrier
Pleased to see a Northern Harrier tilting in the wind and hunting over our fields this morning. They often come in the shoulder season. Nancy Dickinson Pemaquid Get Outlook for iOS ...
Re: [Maine-birds] Waxwings and evening grosbeaks- in Liberty
The evening grosbeaks are certainly on the increase. The huge flocks of the 70's and early 80's may come again. Some of you my know they utilize spruce budworm caterpillars during breeding season and an increase in the budworm appears to have something to do with their return in flocks. Follow this link for an interesting read: Winter...
[Maine-birds] Waxwings and evening grosbeaks- in Liberty
I've had a flock of 8-10 Evening Grosbeaks reliably visiting my platform feeder here in Liberty for about 2 weeks. This seems to be a big year for them as I have rarely seen them in the last 10 years. Also, this morning across the road I had a flock of 6-8 Waxwings- too far away to see if Cedar or Bohemian. -- Maine birds mailing list maine-birds@googlegroups.com http://groups.google.com/group/maine-birds https://sites.google.com/site/birding207...
Tuesday, 22 November 2022
Re: [Maine-birds] Pine grosbeaks/Kokadjo and Lily Bay
Yesterday my husband and I we're on the Somerset Rd in Rockwood and we saw up to 60 Pine Grosbeaks picking up gravel in several places.. Linda Powell Skowhegan Get Outlook for Android From: maine-birds@googlegroups.com <maine-birds@googlegroups.com> on behalf of Christine Roberts <christine51@fairpoint.net> Sent: Tuesday, November 22, 2022, 10:11 AM To: Maine-birds <maine-birds@googlegroups.com>...
Re: [Maine-birds] Screech-Owl actually in Kittery
Don't know where you got Kittery. The person said to me it was in West Farmington.AndrewOn Tuesday, November 22, 2022 at 1:18:37 PM UTC-5 ctmck...@gmail.com wrote:Scrolling through the many comments on the Facebook post of the screech owl, I found that this happened in Kittery not FarmingtonStill very cool!Here is the post https://m.facebook.com/groups/MAINEAnimals/permalink/2495051653967603/On Nov 22, 2022, at 12:49...
[Maine-birds] Isles of Shoals Christmas Bird Count
All,Weather permitting Isles of Shoals CBC will be held aboard UNH R/V Gulf Challenger on one day during the weeks after Christmas (December 27-30 or January 2-5). As this trip is incredibly weather dependent, I'm hoping the 8 day window will give us at least one day. We probably won't know the final date until a few days before the trip sails. We will be landing (conditions...
[Maine-birds] Six More Places To Bird in Portland
Last year, I produced a video describing the Top Six Places To Go Winter Birding in Portland. Despite a minor error or two, it got a lot of views, and triggered some suggestions for a follow-up video. See the original here: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=qi62ARNM0K0 Over the next several weeks, I expect to piece together Six More Places To Go Winter Birding in Portland. The places I listed last year were Pine Point, Pine...
Re: [Maine-birds] Screech-Owl actually in Kittery
Scrolling through the many comments on the Facebook post of the screech owl, I found that this happened in Kittery not FarmingtonStill very cool!Here is the post https://m.facebook.com/groups/MAINEAnimals/permalink/2495051653967603/On Nov 22, 2022, at 12:49 PM, andrew...@gmail.com <andrewblock7@gmail.com> wrote:Yes, they're in that very southern part of Maine, but still pretty rare. The farther north/east you...
Re: [Maine-birds] Screech-Owl in West Farmington
Yes, they're in that very southern part of Maine, but still pretty rare. The farther north/east you go in the state the rarer they are. Evidentily Farmington is one of the few places they've bred in the past. Hope you get one nesting. Atleast you have one;-) AndrewOn Monday, November 21, 2022 at 6:02:53 PM UTC-5 Linda Scotland wrote:We have one here in Cape Neddick that's been calling and calling...
[Maine-birds] Pine grosbeaks/Kokadjo and Lily Bay
Many. Roadside. None seen south of Lily Bay when traveling from Kokadjo to Greenville.
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Monday, 21 November 2022
Re: [Maine-birds] Screech-Owl in West Farmington
We have one here in Cape Neddick that's been calling and calling for the past week. In fact I went out and bought a screech owl house and put it up in hopes that he/she will stay. But, we also have a large, very active population of great horned owls so….Linda Scotland Sent from my iPhoneOn Nov 21, 2022, at 8:45 AM, andrew...@gmail.com <andrewblock7@gmail.com> wrote:Just saw on the ME Wildlife FB group that someone...
[Maine-birds] Screech-Owl in West Farmington
Just saw on the ME Wildlife FB group that someone in West Farmington had an Eastern Screeh-Owl that flew into their house. Had photos though they thought it was a barred owl or saw-whet:-) What a great bird to see in ME. So rare. Still looking. One of the few breeding owls I have yet to see in the state. I see in the 80's tthat a family of them was seen in Farmington so I guess this is one of...
Sunday, 20 November 2022
Re: [Maine-birds] Townsend's Solitaire in Wells
The solitaire was being seen as a recently as 11:20 this morning along the barrier beach trail close to the marsh. ScottOn Nov 20, 2022, at 11:35, andrew...@gmail.com <andrewblock7@gmail.com> wrote:Just saw posted on the ME BIrds FB page that a Townsend's Solitaire was seen at Laudholm Farms in Wells. That's all the details I have. There were photos so no question on id.Andrew -- Maine birds mailing...
[Maine-birds] Townsend's Solitaire in Wells
Just saw posted on the ME BIrds FB page that a Townsend's Solitaire was seen at Laudholm Farms in Wells. That's all the details I have. There were photos so no question on id.Andrew -- Maine birds mailing list maine-birds@googlegroups.com http://groups.google.com/group/maine-birds https://sites.google.com/site/birding207 --- You received this message because you are subscribed to the Google Groups "Maine...
[Maine-birds] Carolina Wren, Pine Siskin, Red-winged Blackbird, Basin Point Rd., Harpswell, ME 11/19/22
1 Carolina Wren at our suet feederSeveral Pine Siskins in flightSeveral Red-winged Blackbirds at a feeder near Middle Bay Rd.Dr. Jay Pitocchelli, Professor EmeritusBiology DepartmentSaint Anselm CollegeManchester, NH 03102 https://www.anselm.edu/faculty-directory/jay-pitocchelli Blog: http://mourningwarbler.blogspot.com/ -- Maine birds mailing list maine-birds@googlegroups.com http://groups.google.com/group/maine-birds...
Friday, 18 November 2022
[Maine-birds] This Week's Highlights, 11/11-18
Hi all,My observations of note over the past eight days are listed here:https://mebirdingfieldnotes.blog/2022/11/18/this-weeks-highlights-november-11-november-18-2022/-Derek***************************************** Derek and Jeannette Lovitch Freeport Wild Bird Supply 541 Route One, Suite 10 Freeport, ME 04032 207-865-6000 www.freeportwildbirdsupply.com ********************...
[Maine-birds] Red-shouldered Hawk today - Lincolnville Center
Hi all - Spotted a perching Red-shouldered Hawk this morning on the Hope Road between the Lincolnville Center P.O. and the elementary school. On the other side of the road from those landmarks, and closer to the PO than to the school. Seen well, perching in a leafless deciduous tree in a clearing, perhaps 100 meters off the road.Best,Craig KSouthwest Harbor -- Maine birds mailing list maine-birds@googlegroups.com...
Thursday, 17 November 2022
[Maine-birds] Evening grosbeaks Orono
A noisy flock of 15-20 evening grosbeaks has been reoccurring at the Taylor Road parking area in Orono. In the trees either side of the Hinds-Keleti trailhead. Have seen them several days now, around mid morning.Paul Lindsay Markson 🌲oronopaul@yahoo....
[Maine-birds] Surprise in Bremen
Currently tolerating a flock of at least 60 Blue Jays marauding the feeders but this morning, they were harassing two Evening Grosbeaks that were trying to feed. Such a pleasure to see the bright yellow and not fearful of the blue!
Juanita Roushdy
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[Maine-birds] Black headed gull york
Subject bird on long sands Beach with a mix of 3 other gull sp. Opposite beacon st. Red bill and legs.Dave tuckerSent from my Verizon, Samsung Galaxy smartph...
[Maine-birds] GROSBEAKS
Small flock (6ish) of Evening Grosbeaks yesterday, first in a while! Montville. Sarah Sent from Mail for Windows ...
Wednesday, 16 November 2022
[Maine-birds] Hiram post-snow sparrows
This morning a very late SAVANNAH SPARROW showed up under the sunflower feeder along with a Fox Sparrow and an American Tree Sparrow. All three of these species are locally uncommon and the Fox is a patch first. All looked healthy and seemed content to just hang around and forage with the Juncos and Cardinals. https://ebird.org/checklist/S122530398Sean SmithHiram, ME -- Maine birds mailing...
[Maine-birds] Pelagic Trip to Wilkinson's Basin aboard UNH Research Boat
Yesterday, on 11/15/22, I was an invited guest aboard the UNH research
vessel "Gulf Challenger". Graduate students from UNH were aboard to
take ocean water samples from two locations. One location was just
north of the Isles of Shoals and the 2nd location was in about 800' of
water at Wilkinson's Basin, an offshore area just east of Jeffrey's
Ledge and in Massachusetts waters. Except for these two...
Monday, 14 November 2022
[Maine-birds] Fwd: Free Seeds for Teachers

Since native plants help birds and these seeds are specific to the northeast, I wanted to send this on.Jennifer Jennifer MillerLubbock, TX(o,o) /)_) " "Email: foundnatureblog@gmail.comBlog: https://foundnature.weebly.com/Begin forwarded message:From: Wild Seed Project <jess@wildseedproject.net>Date: November 14,...
Re: [Maine-birds] Sandhill Cranes
I defer to someone with more knowledge on the subject, but these cranes, for the most part, don't breed in the local area. This seems to be a staging area for cranes that have bred in various places throughout the State. There is at least one pair of cranes which nests locally, in a marsh/bog in Smithfield. The...
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