Saturday 1 June 2024

[Maine-birds] Plovers and Waxwings, Reid State Park, 1 month later.

After a lovely but unbirdy visit on May 1st I was pleased with this afternoons turnout.
2 Piping Plovers were feeding together at Half Mile Beach with a group of 9 sandpipers not far away. There were more gulls and cormorants but still seems to be a fairly low number. At one point 2 terns were working the incoming tide, Never saw more that 2 at one time though.
Eventually there were 3 plovers in view but feeding separately.
Heading back to the parking lot we saw about 10 Cedar Waxwings in the shrubby growth between the paths near the bathhouse. They were spooked by a group walking by so I got a chance to see just how many had been gathered there but then they were gone.
A pleasant afternoon on the beach.

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