Saturday 22 June 2024

[Maine-birds] Re: wood thrush question/Gorham

When we first moved our current location in Nobleboro, 40 years ago, I could usually hear three wood thrushes from our deck every summer.  Then there were one or two, now none.  There has been little or no change in the surrounding habitat as we own the land.  It is my understanding this is a common problem throughout the bird's former range.  Yes, there are problems with cowbirds, but the main reason for this decline has been the loss of wintering grounds in Central America.  This was documented by Peter Vickery in a written article titled, "Requiem for the Wood Thrush."  He also gave a lecture on his article at Maine Audubon, which I happened to attend.  This is the same reason for the reduction in the populations of many Neotropical migrants.  It made me see how interference of the USA (via the Monroe Doctrine) in Central and South America made this situation even worse.  We protected American businesses in Latin America that were seriously damaging the environment. 

On Saturday, June 22, 2024 at 1:23:21 PM UTC-4 Lois and Tom Hasbrouck wrote:
We have noticed this year the absence of wood thrushes in our area and are wondering about this. I looked back over our observations (dating back to 2001 for our own yard/woods) and every year since 2006 we have noted seeing or hearing wood thrushes by May. This year we have neither seen nor heard them. I only started hearing a veery a week ago and have also not yet heard a hermit thrush. The wood thrushes have always been notably around and vocal so I am/we are curious about this.

I know there are changes over time with bird population and movement…we now have bluebirds year-round which were not here in former years, and another more recent neighor is the Carolina wren family…hard to miss with those LOUD vocalizations. :) Wood thrushes just seem to be an odd one to have moved away.

Thanks in advance for any insight anyone might have~

Lois Hasbrouck

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