Saturday, 8 March 2025

Re: [Maine-birds] Crow behavior

Seems like a curious mystery.
A photo would be great to set the scene better but at least a few more details might help.
Is the road paved or gravel?
Is it open to the sky or overhung with trees?
Is there much traffic? I assume they aren't chased off by vehicles constantly but do the return after disturbance?
Is there a time of day when you are more apt to see them?


> On Mar 8, 2025, at 09:55, 'Alex Barker' via Maine birds <> wrote:
> Can someone help me solve a mystery? For as long as I have lived on this rural/suburban road (34 years) I have frequently observed a large murder of crows congregating at a particular spot that spans the width of the road and maybe 10 feet in length. They seem to be eating something, but I can see nothing at that place in the road that looks any different from any other place in the road, certainly nothing that looks remotely edible. I see them at all seasons, maybe not daily but several times a week.
> Any ideas?
> Mary Lou in Sullivan
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