Bradbury Mountain State ParkPownal, Maine, USADaily Raptor Counts: Mar 31, 2023SpeciesDay's CountMonth TotalSeason TotalBlack Vulture000 Turkey Vulture70310310 Osprey000 Bald Eagle23737 Northern Harrier102424 Sharp-shinned Hawk42020 Cooper's Hawk21111 Northern Goshawk000 Red-shouldered Hawk23333 Broad-winged Hawk000 Red-tailed Hawk45151 Rough-legged Hawk000 Golden Eagle000 American Kestrel388 Merlin377 Peregrine...
Maine-birds is an email forum devoted to the discussion of birds and birding in the state of Maine. The primary function of the list is to provide an efficient means of reporting wild bird sightings in the state.
Friday, 31 March 2023
[Maine-birds] Fw: Bradbury Mountain State Park (31 Mar 2023) 102 Raptors
Read More :- "[Maine-birds] Fw: Bradbury Mountain State Park (31 Mar 2023) 102 Raptors"
[Maine-birds] Eastern Phoebe, Basin Cove, Harpswell, ME 3/31/23
Eastern Phoebe, Basin Cove, Harpswell, ME 3/31/23Dr. Jay Pitocchelli, Professor EmeritusBiology DepartmentSaint Anselm CollegeManchester, NH 03102 Blog: -- Maine birds mailing list --- You received...
[Maine-birds] Eastern phoebe - Durham
Eastern phoebe calling on this chilling morning in Durham, ME. 4 days later than when I first heard one in Durham last year.A very welcome sign of spring! -- Maine birds mailing list --- You received this message because you are subscribed to the Google Groups "Maine birds" group. To unsubscribe...
Thursday, 30 March 2023
Re: Fw: [Maine-birds] Bradbury Mountain State Park (29 Mar 2023) 85 Raptors
My gwi email account will become inactive in late April. Please write to me at my new email address:
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On Mar 29, 2023, at 7:54 PM, 'Derek and Jeannette Lovitch' via Maine birds <> wrote:
> Bradbury Mountain State Park
> Pownal, Maine, USA
> Daily Raptor Counts: Mar 29, 2023
> Species
> Day's Count
Re: [Maine-birds] Fwd: Bradbury Mountain State Park (30 Mar 2023) 3 Raptors
My gwi email account will become inactive in late April. Please write to me at my new email address:
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On Mar 30, 2023, at 8:23 PM, 'Derek Lovitch' via Maine birds <> wrote:
> Bradbury Mountain State Park
> Pownal, Maine, USA
> Daily Raptor Counts: Mar 30, 2023
> Species
> Day's Count
> Month...
[Maine-birds] Fwd: Bradbury Mountain State Park (30 Mar 2023) 3 Raptors
Bradbury Mountain State ParkPownal, Maine, USADaily Raptor Counts: Mar 30, 2023SpeciesDay's CountMonth TotalSeason TotalBlack Vulture000 Turkey Vulture3240240 Osprey000 Bald Eagle03535 Northern Harrier01414 Sharp-shinned Hawk01616 Cooper's Hawk099 Northern Goshawk000 Red-shouldered Hawk03131 Broad-winged Hawk000 Red-tailed Hawk04747 Rough-legged Hawk000 Golden Eagle000 American Kestrel055 Merlin044 Peregrine Falcon011...
Wednesday, 29 March 2023
[Maine-birds] Fw: Bradbury Mountain State Park (29 Mar 2023) 85 Raptors
Bradbury Mountain State ParkPownal, Maine, USADaily Raptor Counts: Mar 29, 2023SpeciesDay's CountMonth TotalSeason TotalBlack Vulture000 Turkey Vulture66237237 Osprey000 Bald Eagle53535 Northern Harrier41414 Sharp-shinned Hawk31616 Cooper's Hawk099 Northern Goshawk000 Red-shouldered Hawk23131 Broad-winged Hawk000 Red-tailed Hawk24747 Rough-legged Hawk000 Golden Eagle000 American Kestrel255 Merlin044 Peregrine Falcon011...
Tuesday, 28 March 2023
[Maine-birds] Duck concentration at Magotty Meadow Brook Marsh (Sagadahoc County)
Hello Maine Birders,I have driven west on 197, from Richmond into Bowdoin several times in the last week and have noticed a significant concentration of waterfowl at the south end of Cobbosseecontee Stream. The Magotty Meadow Brook Marsh is split by 197, just west of 201, at the northern tip of Sagadahoc County.This afternoon, I had a few minutes to spare and my optics, which allowed for some fun waterfowl watching....
[Maine-birds] Fwd: Bradbury Mountain State Park (28 Mar 2023) 12 Raptors
Bradbury Mountain State ParkPownal, Maine, USADaily Raptor Counts: Mar 28, 2023SpeciesDay's CountMonth TotalSeason TotalBlack Vulture000 Turkey Vulture9171171 Osprey000 Bald Eagle03030 Northern Harrier11010 Sharp-shinned Hawk01313 Cooper's Hawk099 Northern Goshawk000 Red-shouldered Hawk02929 Broad-winged Hawk000 Red-tailed Hawk14545 Rough-legged Hawk000 Golden Eagle000 American Kestrel033 Merlin144 Peregrine Falcon011...
Monday, 27 March 2023
[Maine-birds] Fw: Bradbury Mountain State Park (27 Mar 2023) 65 Raptors
Bradbury Mountain State ParkPownal, Maine, USADaily Raptor Counts: Mar 27, 2023SpeciesDay's CountMonth TotalSeason TotalBlack Vulture000 Turkey Vulture42162162 Osprey000 Bald Eagle03030 Northern Harrier299 Sharp-shinned Hawk21313 Cooper's Hawk299 Northern Goshawk000 Red-shouldered Hawk22929 Broad-winged Hawk000 Red-tailed Hawk134444 Rough-legged Hawk000 Golden Eagle000 American Kestrel033 Merlin233...
Re: [Maine-birds] Passing of Captain Andrew Patterson
Nicely said.Our condolences,Dan and BethOn Sun, Mar 26, 2023 at 5:11 PM 'Derek and Jeannette Lovitch' via Maine birds <> wrote:Hi all,It is with a heavy heart that I share with you the news of the untimely passing of the beloved Captain Andy Patterson. If you have been to Machias Seal Island via Cutler Harbor, you know Andy and his wife Renee of Bold Coast Charters.Andy died yesterday in a plane...
[Maine-birds] Fwd: Bradbury Mountain State Park (26 Mar 2023) 11 Raptors
Bradbury Mountain State ParkPownal, Maine, USADaily Raptor Counts: Mar 26, 2023SpeciesDay's CountMonth TotalSeason TotalBlack Vulture000 Turkey Vulture7120120 Osprey000 Bald Eagle13030 Northern Harrier077 Sharp-shinned Hawk01111 Cooper's Hawk077 Northern Goshawk000 Red-shouldered Hawk02727 Broad-winged Hawk000 Red-tailed Hawk23131 Rough-legged Hawk000 Golden Eagle000 American Kestrel033 Merlin111 Peregrine Falcon011...
Sunday, 26 March 2023
[Maine-birds] Passing of Captain Andrew Patterson
Hi all,It is with a heavy heart that I share with you the news of the untimely passing of the beloved Captain Andy Patterson. If you have been to Machias Seal Island via Cutler Harbor, you know Andy and his wife Renee of Bold Coast Charters.Andy died yesterday in a plane crash in South Carolina. A dedicated and life-long pilot, he loved his Piper perhaps even more than his boat, the Barbara Frost. His passion and dedication to...
[Maine-birds] White-throated and Song Sparrows back in Standish
I heard the pretty whistle of the White-throated, " Old-Sam-Peabody-Peabody" yesterday behind my house and today under my feeders along side a Song Sparrow. Spring is in the air! -- Maine birds mailing list --- You received this message because you are subscribed to the Google Groups "Maine birds"...
[Maine-birds] Barnacle Goose continues in Auburn
Hello Maine Birders,As of 3 p.m., the Barnacle Goose continues with Canada Geese in the corn stubble along the Androscoggin River, as seen from River Road, in Auburn. I was viewing it from just north of the intersection of River Road and Stetson Road.Good birding,Eric.....................Eric HynesBrunswick, ME---------------------Field Guides Birding -- Maine birds mailing list
[Maine-birds] Webinar on baby birds by Julie Zickefoose
If you are going to check on nests this year like I am, here is a valuable, free webinar coming up on April 5th at 6 ornithologist and author Julie Zickefoose. Register for Zoom link: Why and how do baby songbirds develop so quickly, some launching into flight only 11 days after hatching? In 2002, Julie Zickefoose began to draw and paint wild nestlings...
Re: [Maine-birds] Woodcock in Liberty
Same here in town Saco @ 6 a.m. Sunday. FOY...great to hear. Sharon in Saco On March 26, 2023, at 9:41 AM, "" <> wrote: Woke up to hear the peenting of a woodcock right in my side yard—they don't usually come in so close. Happy to hear it to dispel some of the discouragement of yet another snowfall here. -- Maine birds mailing list ...
[Maine-birds] Woodcock in Liberty
Woke up to hear the peenting of a woodcock right in my side yard—they don't usually come in so close. Happy to hear it to dispel some of the discouragement of yet another snowfall here. -- Maine birds mailing list --- You received this message because you are subscribed to the Google Groups "Maine birds"...
Saturday, 25 March 2023
[Maine-birds] Fw: Bradbury Mountain State Park (25 Mar 2023) 5 Raptors
Bradbury Mountain State ParkPownal, Maine, USADaily Raptor Counts: Mar 25, 2023SpeciesDay's CountMonth TotalSeason TotalBlack Vulture000 Turkey Vulture0113113 Osprey000 Bald Eagle02929 Northern Harrier077 Sharp-shinned Hawk11010 Cooper's Hawk177 Northern Goshawk000 Red-shouldered Hawk12727 Broad-winged Hawk000 Red-tailed Hawk02929 Rough-legged Hawk000 Golden Eagle000 American Kestrel133 Merlin000...
[Maine-birds] Common Mergansers on the Bagaduce River, Brooksville
For the last week we have had a flotilla of Common Mergansers. They arrive in a whoosh and travel like on a navel manuever swimming, diving, skittering over the water. Must be some sort of cooperative feeding behavior. This morning at about 0700 somewhere between 35 and 50 of them swooped into the cove and were dashing around --flying, diving, flapping over the water for about 20 minutes then they were...
Friday, 24 March 2023
[Maine-birds] Fwd: Bradbury Mountain State Park (24 Mar 2023) 19 Raptors
Bradbury Mountain State ParkPownal, Maine, USADaily Raptor Counts: Mar 24, 2023SpeciesDay's CountMonth TotalSeason TotalBlack Vulture000 Turkey Vulture16113113 Osprey000 Bald Eagle22929 Northern Harrier177 Sharp-shinned Hawk099 Cooper's Hawk066 Northern Goshawk000 Red-shouldered Hawk02626 Broad-winged Hawk000 Red-tailed Hawk02929 Rough-legged Hawk000 Golden Eagle000 American Kestrel022 Merlin000 Peregrine Falcon000...
[Maine-birds] FOY Mallards and grackles on Rock Haven lake in West Newfield
Joining the hooded mergansers, black ducks and Canada geese as the ice slowly opens wider. -- Maine birds mailing list --- You received this message because you are subscribed to the Google Groups "Maine birds" group. To unsubscribe from this group and stop receiving emails from it, send an email to...
[Maine-birds] sparrows
FOY one fox sparrow and one song sparrow foraging near backyard brush pile in Holden -- Maine birds mailing list --- You received this message because you are subscribed to the Google Groups "Maine birds" group. To unsubscribe from this group and stop receiving emails from it, send an email to
[Maine-birds] 22 March ANP Not sure about the ducks
At 5:30 on an overcast day (22 March) I saw two ducks near shore between Sand Beach and Thunder Hole. I think they were Mallards, seemed to have a greenish sheen on top of their heads, but the lighting was bad for my Point and Shoot camera, and my eyes are worse than the camera. I didn't add them to my eBird list. Where is the best place to post fuzzy photos so I can get ID help and comments. There is a...
Re: [Maine-birds] Fox Sparrow
One here this morning too! A treat! -----Original Message----- From: Marie Jordan <> To: Maine Birds Google <>; Marie Jordan <> Sent: Fri, Mar 24, 2023 10:37 am Subject: [Maine-birds] Fox Sparrow One just stopped in my backyard along with a bunch of Song Sparrows. A treat. 😊 Marie -- Maine birds...
[Maine-birds] Fox Sparrow
One just stopped in my backyard along with a bunch of Song Sparrows.A treat. 😊Marie -- Maine birds mailing list --- You received this message because you are subscribed to the Google Groups "Maine birds" group. To unsubscribe from this group and stop receiving emails from it, send an email to...
[Maine-birds] Franklin, Hancock Co.
First of Year (FOY) 3 American Woodcock (AMWO) "peenting" up a storm and sky dancing. 5:40am EDT-- astra ✨ -- Maine birds mailing list --- You received this message because you are subscribed to the Google Groups "Maine birds" group. To unsubscribe from this group and stop receiving emails...
Thursday, 23 March 2023
[Maine-birds] Fwd: Bradbury Mountain State Park (23 Mar 2023) Raptors
Bradbury Mountain State ParkPownal, Maine, USADaily Raptor Counts: Mar 23, 2023SpeciesDay's CountMonth TotalSeason TotalBlack Vulture000 Turkey Vulture09797 Osprey000 Bald Eagle02727 Northern Harrier066 Sharp-shinned Hawk099 Cooper's Hawk066 Northern Goshawk000 Red-shouldered Hawk02626 Broad-winged Hawk000 Red-tailed Hawk02929 Rough-legged Hawk000 Golden Eagle000 American Kestrel022 Merlin000 Peregrine Falcon000...
[Maine-birds] Franklin, Hancock Co.
FIrst of Year (FoY) in Franklin. A small flock of about 20 Common Grackles (COGR) descended about 11:30 this morning in Franklin, Hancock Co., astra ✨ -- Maine birds mailing list --- You received this message because you are subscribed to the Google Groups "Maine birds" group. To...
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