Mount Desert Island Birds: Greater Yellowlegs territorial fighting Alley Island overlook, Hancock, US-MEApr 30, 2013 9:07 AM - 9:32 AM0.2 mile(s)Comments: Nico and I watched three Greater Yellowlegs, one male actively driving another away while performing territorial flights and displaying. The dominate male was calling weat-eo-o, weat-eo-o, weat-eo-o than flying...
Maine-birds is an email forum devoted to the discussion of birds and birding in the state of Maine. The primary function of the list is to provide an efficient means of reporting wild bird sightings in the state.
Tuesday, 30 April 2013
[Maine-birds] Re: (Maine Birds) Mount Desert Island Birds: Greater Yellowlegs territorial fighting, Lesser Yellowlegs as well
Read More :- "[Maine-birds] Re: (Maine Birds) Mount Desert Island Birds: Greater Yellowlegs territorial fighting, Lesser Yellowlegs as well"
[Maine-birds] B&W W.
Got my FOY Black and White Warbler today. I dont know what it is about them but they just make me happy. What an amazing day! Summers coming I can feel it!! E. Old County Rd. Newcastle ME.
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Re: [Maine-birds] Saco - Biddeford Birding 4/30
Hi Chuck,Indeed, that's a Common Murre in basic plumage. I am presuming (without having checked any references yet), that this is a 1st year bird.Anyway, what time did you have the bird? I saw it there this morning around 9 this morning, with about 6 Razorbills, and it stayed close to shore long enough for me to be joined by Katrina Fenton, Henry Walters, and Pat Moynahan. Always a treat to see from the mainland,...
[Maine-birds] Fwd: HSR: Bradbury Mountain State Park (30 Apr 2013) 34 Raptors
> Bradbury Mountain State Park
> Pownal, Maine, USA
> Daily Raptor Counts: Apr 30, 2013
> -------------------------------------------------------------------
> Species Day's Count Month Total Season Total
> ------------------ ----------- -------------- --------------
> Black Vulture 0 0 0
> Turkey Vulture 0 115...
[Maine-birds] Saco - Biddeford Birding 4/30
A relatively quiet day today. I started out at the Heath where the only birds I saw or heard were Chickadees, Blue Jays, Crows and a Downy Woodpecker. Seriously! The boardwalk is a dead end halfway through the heath but the work they are doing on the boardwalk and trail should be applauded. From there I headed to Biddeford Pool. I didn't see any shorebirds. There were 7 Long-Tailed Ducks in breeding...
[Maine-birds] Pileated Woodpecker, Camden
Not an unusual bird, of course, but always dramatic to see: a Pileated Woodpecker was just hanging out on a pine trunk right outside our office windows. Fun interruption for all of us working away inside. Kristen-- Kristen Lindquist12 Mount Battie St.Camden, ME "What is it you plan to do with your one wild and precious life?" --Mary Oliver -- -- Maine birds mailing list
[Maine-birds] Purple Martins in Belgrade
They're back at the house on Depot Road. I also had a northern waterthrush at my house in Sidney this a.m. Julia -- -- Maine birds mailing list --- You received this message because you are subscribed to the Google Groups "Maine birds" group. To unsubscribe from this group and stop receiving...
[Maine-birds] Pileated, Northern Parula, BTGreens, more at Mast Landing Aud Sanctuary
First of all, thank you to all the birders who provided some great information on spring migration trends/timing for Maine. It's tough seeing all my friends south of us getting on with spring, with lilacs in full bloom and warbler fallouts, while we're just starting. The main thing is that I just don't want to miss anything for lack of knowledge! Among other common birds, we saw some great FOY birds this morning (late start)...
[Maine-birds] King eider, 3 Iceland gulls, Lesser bl-bded gull etc
Hi folks, While working in the Cutler, Whiting and Machiasport area over the weekend, I was able to look for waterbirds in Machias Bay and Old Man Island. Old Man Island Quiet compared to the last visit. When viewing Old Man, you need to be patient and scan for at least an hour, especially if the bird activity seems low. There were flocks of scoters, eiders and cormorants passing by.1 male king eider...
[Maine-birds] BB warbler and others Downeast
Hi folks, I was working in Cuter Thurs through Monday in grasslands all weekend and staying in Machiasport. Here are some of the high lights. 1 Bay-breasted warbler in Machiasport 1 Yellow warbler in Cutler10+ Palm warblers50 + yellow-rumps with 80% on Sunday morning; There were a large number of arrivals that night Savannah sparrows - I was picking up about 10 per day on Thursday...
[Maine-birds] Re: black throated green Kennebunk
I've also been hearing it here in Raymond for the past two days.On Tuesday, April 30, 2013 8:26:27 AM UTC-4, Sharon F. wrote: Heard a Black throated green warbler at 7 AM today-very chilly and quite early for one! Sharon in West K. -- -- Maine birds mailing list --- ...
[Maine-birds] Re: Migration timeline questions
Thanks, Louis, for a great and informative answer. On Monday, April 29, 2013 4:28:54 PM UTC-4, dguzman1 wrote:I'm new to Maine, having moved up here from central PA last fall. My question: When does spring migration get going up here? I keep seeing things about how migration is jumping south of us, but here things seem to be a bit slow. Is it too early for this far north? Thanks for your knowledge and help!Delia GuzmanBrunswick--...
[Maine-birds] Bird Banding Breakfast on Friday, May 3
Hello Maine Birders,This Friday at 7 a.m., Maine Audubon is partnering with Biodiversity Research Institute (BRI) for a Bird Banding Breakfast at River Point Conservation Area in West Falmouth. This is a great opportunity to view birds in the hand and learn about BRI's research. We'll finish the program with coffee and muffins. For online registration, and additional program information, please visit
[Maine-birds] black throated green Kennebunk
Heard a Black throated green warbler at 7 AM today-very chilly and quite early for one! Sharon in West K. ...
[Maine-birds] Evergreen Quiet-my FOY Wood Thrush
And Blue-gray Gnatcatcher continues.
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Re: [Maine-birds] Maine Birds
HI Aloyse,Northern Shoveler were first documented as a Maine breeder in 1979 when Spenser found a hen with a single chick at Lake Josephine in Easton. Now 5 - 10 broods are raised here annually. Shovelers have also been documented breeding on Stratton Island off of Old Orchard Beach.Good birding!Bill There On Tue, Apr 30, 2013 at 6:44 AM, luvbrds <> wrote: Saturday, April...
[Maine-birds] Maine Birds
Saturday, April 27 Corundel Lake, Corinna - NORTHERN SHOVELER pair: These were quite a distant away on the water but there was no mistaking the rusty brown patch mostly surrounded by white on the side of the male. We also saw them in flight which was distinctive. Are there records of these ducks breeding in Maine? This is the second time we've seen a pair. Both sightings were within three miles of...
Monday, 29 April 2013
[Maine-birds] FOY Pine Warbler Cape Neddick
I heard a couple of Pine Warblers last Saturday but couldn't spot any up in the white pines. Today I caught the bird on camera and consulted with GBBC members about its ID. We're pretty sure it's a Pine Warbler.
Ms Wild Turkey visited again today, as did a female Purple Finch and a female Brown Headed Cowbird, among the regulars at the feeders.
Maine birds mailing list
Highlights from Islesford ( Little Cranberry Island ) this past weekend
Brown Thrasher, Brown-headed Cowbird, Semi-Palmated Plover, male Horned Grebe in full color, Greater Yellowlegs , Belted Kingfisher, Yellow-rumped Warbler, Green-winged Teal, Winter Wren, and a Woodcock sitting on her nest....... FOY Northern Parula at MDI High ponds today
Sent from Jim's iPhone
Maine birds mailing list
[Maine-birds] Re:(Maine Birds) Mount Desert Island Birds: Greater Yellowlegs
Hello all, Thinking about the migration question ask earlier today: Maine is the destination for millions of migratory birds. Many shorebirds, like Greater and Lesser Yellowlegs, are working their way north to the tundra right now and stopover on mudflats like Clark Cove at low tide where I found 5 tonight. The number of shorebirds we see during migration does depend on weather...
[Maine-birds] Maine RBA - April 28, 2013
Name: Maine Audubon Rare Bird Alert
Reporting Period: April 22 – 28, 2013
Area: State of Maine
Compilers: Doug Hitchcox
Noteworthy Species Mentioned:
'Eurasian' Green-winged Teal
Tricolored Heron
White-faced Ibis
Glossy x White-faced Ibis (hybrid)
Purple Martin
Blue-gray Gnatcatcher
Bohemian Waxwing
Orchard Oriole
Hoary Redpoll
York County
At least 35 BOHEMIAN WAXWINGS were photographed atop Mount Agamenticus on...
[Maine-birds] barn swallows in Sidney
FOY on the wire in front of my house, then hunting with the tree swallows. Also had three at Messalonskee boat landing in Belgrade on the way home. It was very quiet there otherwise. Great day for eagles, though. Got to point out two to students today in Oakland and one to students in Belgrade. Julia -- -- Maine birds mailing list
[Maine-birds] Fwd: HSR: Bradbury Mountain State Park (29 Apr 2013) 75 Raptors
> Bradbury Mountain State Park
> Pownal, Maine, USA
> Daily Raptor Counts: Apr 29, 2013
> -------------------------------------------------------------------
> Species Day's Count Month Total Season Total
> ------------------ ----------- -------------- --------------
> Black Vulture 0 0 0
> Turkey Vulture 0 115 ...
[Maine-birds] Belted Kingfisher, Camden, 4.29.13
Belted Kingfisher (FOS) just rattled overhead here at my office in the Megunticook River.
Kristen Lindquist
Camden, ME
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Re: [Maine-birds] Migration timeline questions
The short answer is that the passerine migration you might be thinking of--the bulk of warblers, vireos, thrushes, and flycatchers--has just begun. Most of these arrive or pass through from late April to late May, with the peak of warblers, the classic highlight most people anticipate, usually occurring from mid-May to the first few days of June.
What is happening currently is that over the past few days and into this coming...
[Maine-birds] Fwd: White-throated sparrow
Sorry for the double up, but I'm still trying to figure how to send the web link as a hot button.Dave---------- Forwarded message ---------- From: David Small <>Date: Mon, Apr 29, 2013 at 4:45 PMSubject: White-throated sparrow To: Dave Small <> Birding the back yard has it's advantages. This white-throated...
[Maine-birds] White-throated sparrow
Birding the back yard has it's advantages. This white-throated sparrow has been hanging around my feeders, it's a beautifulbird: Cheers, Dave -- -- Maine birds mailing list --- You received this message because you are...
[Maine-birds] Migration timeline questions
I'm new to Maine, having moved up here from central PA last fall. My question: When does spring migration get going up here? I keep seeing things about how migration is jumping south of us, but here things seem to be a bit slow. Is it too early for this far north? Thanks for your knowledge and help!Delia GuzmanBrunswick-- Sent from Gmail Mobile -- -- Maine birds mailing list
[Maine-birds] Yellow-bellied Sapsuckers
Yesterday, we saw and heard several Yellow-bellied Sapsucker drumming on hard wood trees to attract a mate yesterday at Mt Blue State Park Also several Blue-headed Verios, and we heard a drumming Grouse. Bill BlauveltPortland, ME -- -- Maine birds mailing list --- You received this message...
[Maine-birds] Mai Po shorebird video
Paul Donahue sent me this terrific shorebird video. The video was been slowed so it's easy to see the shorebird feeding. Primarily Old World birds but the occasional turnstone.Best, Peter ...
[Maine-birds] Re: Mount Desert Island Birds: YR Warblers on the move in Mixed flocks
Mount Desert Island Birds: Yellow Rumped and Warblers are on the Move The hotspots are active with warbler activity during this early portion of migration. This weekend we saw the intensity of Palm and Yellow Warblers in various watershed around Mount Desert Island began to decline as we crank up towards the mass movement of birds. The diversity of warblers is about to increase...
[Maine-birds] FOY Common Yellowthroat, Brown Thrasher Biddeford
On my morning walk, I heard my first yellowthroat of the year singing away, and spied a Brown Thrasher sulking in the bushes on Proctor rd. Good Birding -- David RankinUniversity of New EnglandGraduate Student -- -- Maine birds mailing list --- You received this message because you are...
[Maine-birds] Louisana Waterthrush
The Louisiana Waterthrush reported yesterday at Vaughn Woods in Hallowell was singing away this morning at about 10:15. It was in the vicinity of the stone bridge that crosses about halfway along the brook trail. A Northern Parula Warbler was also present, as was a Winter Wren. Jay Adams Dres...
Re: [Maine-birds] Field sparow
Hi Chip, Also have had one at Babson Creek here on MDI for a few years .... have not heard it yet. Last year it as actively calling all spring and early summer. He needs a mate so send any female Field Sparrows down east!! Michael From: Clark Moseley Sent: Monday, April 29, 2013 11:17 AM To: Maine-birds Subject: [Maine-birds] Field sparow One Field Sparrow...
[Maine-birds] gnatcatcher Kennebunk
I was able to join the blue gray gnatcatcher viewing parade on Sunday. Actually heard it a bit before finally getting a visual. Also heard a catbird Sat. A.M. and also finally sighted Palm warblers amidst the yellow rumps. Still have one junco around-looks lonely...Tree swallows and blue bird pair sorting out house ownerships-enough to go around for all! Sharon in West Kennebunk ...
[Maine-birds] Field sparow
One Field Sparrow has been coming to my feeder station to eat millet here on 198 Pertville Rd, Sedgwick for the last 3 days. The last one that I had here was on April 25, 2007. These are the only 2 sightings that I have recorded in Sedgwick while living here since 1999. The south side of Blue Hill Mnt. is the closest nesting location that I am aware of, although we have not seen or heard this species for...
[Maine-birds] Brown Thrasher
FOY Brown Thrasher in tree at field edge yesterday at Scarborough River Sanctuary Park (place on the hill between pelreco and eastern trail). There is a small pond hidden in the woods a bit down the trail. Stood there 30 minutes marveling at dozens of ruby kinglets, some with flaming red mohawks. Also observed N. Parula, Palm, Yellow-Rump and B&W warblers at the pond. Great spot. -- -- Maine...
[Maine-birds] Invitation to use Google Talk
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[Maine-birds] Whimbrel at Biddeford Pool 4/25
I apologize for the very belated post, but I'm here in Brunswick from Michigan just to help my mother move and haven't had much time for the internet. I made a brief stop in Biddeford Pool on Thursday last week at what appeared to be low tide around 4:30pm. We pulled off Mile Stretch Rd at the first open area between houses and the first bird I saw in this muddy area was a Whimbrel. It was a lifer for me, but very unmistakeable....
[Maine-birds] Northern Parula at Capisic Pond
This morning saw a FOY parula among the dozens of yellow-rumps and palm warblers. 4 male and 1 female wood duck came out into the open water. Evergreen Cemetery was much quieter, though a kingfisher kept rattling the whole time i was circling the pond. Flushed a wren at the pond's edge. Way too brief to know for sure, but I did see a white stripe over the eye... -- -- Maine birds mailing list...
[Maine-birds] Evening grosbeaks
Two males among the goldfinches at my feeder this morning.
Mary Lou in Sullivan
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[Maine-birds] Pileated, broad-wings Harmony
Male P. Woodpecker back in the neighborhood as of Saturday. Watched a couple of BRHAs circling yesterday afternoon. Still so many juncos. Think I heard a Black and White Warbler, but haven't seen one yet. Maggie Strickland Harmony ME -- -- Maine birds mailing list --- You received this message...
Sunday, 28 April 2013
[Maine-birds] Peregrines S. Thomaston
Weskeag Marsh in S. Thomaston was entertaining this afternoon. My wife and I stopped at the parking lot as we usually do, and almost nothing was apparent at first. Two Snowy Egrets flew by, crossed the street and turned and landed atop a small pine. About then a Red-Tailed Hawk showed up, flying low from the wooded area toward the open marsh. I spotted a small kettle of birds high in the sky above the red-tail as I was watching...
Re: [Maine-birds] Eastern Towhee in Brooklin
Hi Kimberly! So nice to see your name come up! I saw a male eastern towhee on Vinalhaven last summer. Got to spend over an hour sitting right next to it on the beach as it scratched, scrambled and scurried around. I was so excited! KaliBe still, and the world is bound to turn herself inside out to entertain you. Everywhere you look, joyful noise is clanging to drown out quiet desperation. Barbara Kingsolver High Tide in Tucson...
[Maine-birds] Yellow Warbler, Eastern Towhee etc @ Gilsland Farm Falmouth
I was conducting a shorebird survey this morning at Gilsland Farm in Falmouth and was treated to a pleasant morning. A Yellow Warbler sang from the North Meadow while I counted a few of my first Lesser Yellowlegs of the year amongst the Greater. A tom Turkey was gobbling and strutting after 3 White-Tailed Deer galloped through the meadow. 20+ Savannah Sparrows were found throughout the property with most flushing...
[Maine-birds] Eastern Towhee in Brooklin
A male towhee turned up under our birdfeeder on Friday--the first I've seen in 18 years of living in Brooklin! Have others seen towhees down east? -- -- Maine birds mailing list --- You received this message because you are subscribed to the Google Groups "Maine birds" group. To unsubscribe...
[Maine-birds] Fwd: HSR: Bradbury Mountain State Park (28 Apr 2013) 96 Raptors
> Bradbury Mountain State Park
> Pownal, Maine, USA
> Daily Raptor Counts: Apr 28, 2013
> -------------------------------------------------------------------
> Species Day's Count Month Total Season Total
> ------------------ ----------- -------------- --------------
> Black Vulture 0 0 0
> Turkey Vulture 0 115 ...
[Maine-birds] More White-faced Ibis at Scarborough - there may possibly be more than three adults
Robby Lambert and I birded Scarborough marsh yesterday afternoon and came across two adult White-faced Ibis behind Pelreco, including the super bright white faced male photographed by Andy Aldrich, whom we named "Clown" for the prominent white markings. He was associating with another adult White-face and they remained within 30 feet of each other during the time we saw them. There was a third "white-face" type but...
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