Sunday, 5 January 2014

[Maine-birds] Mid-coast report

Ann Boover reports a snowy owl adjacent to the Herring Gut Learning Center in Port Clyde this late afternoon. Although much of the upper Georges River is now fully iced, a narrow water channel in Warren village supports 15-20 common mergansers and several common goldeneyes. A few bald eagles patrol this stretch on a regular basis. At times, the mergs will swim to approach eagles standing on the ice, sometimes within 20 feet or so; both parties seem to understand the rules of engagement, and that a standing eagle presents less potential threat that an eagle overhead.  An adult red-shouldered hawk remains around the same neighborhood near the alewife trap. Probably the bird we recorded on Dec 21 CBC, it regularly  perches atop of a tall Douglas spruce just behind the trap area. 200+ mallards loaf daily just north of Main  Street bridge - always worth a quick scan for the odd dabbling duck. A female red-bellied and Carolina wren make periodic feeder visits to my yard. An adult Cooper's has taken several doves on High Street.



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