Sunday, 31 May 2015

[Maine-birds] Lark Bunting records in Maine

The Maine Bird Records Committee added Lark Bunting to its review list last year. We sure would appreciate any descriptions and photos of the Seal Cove bird, especially notes by those in the group finding the bird. (Submission to eBird counts too, but descriptions add to the historical value.)Thanks to Becky Marvil and all the hard-working folks helping to make the Acadia Birding Festival a success. It was a blast and great fun...
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Re: [Maine-birds] Thank you from Monhegan :)

Donna. Thanks for having us again and for the wonderful muffins and bread. You are so generous to share your little slice of birding heaven with us. Jess and LisaEliot. Sent from my iPhoneOn May 31, 2015, at 8:12 PM, Donna Cundy <> wrote:I am overwhelmed with all of the wonderful bird food donations during spring migration. Thank you!! To everyone who responded to my post about seed for muffins...
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[Maine-birds] Thank you from Monhegan :)

I am overwhelmed with all of the wonderful bird food donations during spring migration. Thank you!! To everyone who responded to my post about seed for muffins - I hope you were able to enjoy baked goods in return. It is a work in progress so if you missed out this year hopefully we will connect better next year.  In the meantime I made so many new birder friends! If you have any suggestions for next year let me know and...
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[Maine-birds] Re: Mount Agamenticus, Cape Neddick

->  PHOTOS ON Mount Agamenticus Conservation Area FaceBook page.On Sunday, May 31, 2015 at 9:13:09 AM UTC-4, Denise Johnson wrote:Saw two Indigo Buntings at the summit Saturday, May 30, .............. -- Maine birds mailing list
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[Maine-birds] Mount Agamenticus, Cape Neddick

Saw two Indigo Buntings at the summit Saturday, May 30, both doing plenty of singing.  One east of the summit parking lot below the picnic table facing ocean; the other in trees edging the slope behind and right of the old fire tower.  Three of us also were lucky enough to see two Osprey, one with a fish, briefly landed on the main radio tower while the other chased it - three of us thinking it was a juvenile.  Lots...
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Saturday, 30 May 2015

[Maine-birds] Black Billed Cuckoo - Schoodic

Hi All,Went for a hike on Adler trail yesterday.  There was a black billed cuckoo at the beaver pond near the trail head.  See photo.Best Regards,Dean -- Maine birds mailing list --- You received this message...
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[Maine-birds] No MDI Lark Bunting

Checked for the Lark Bunting (LARB) on the Cape Road, Seal Cove this morning from 7:20 to 8:05 without success. -John -- Maine birds mailing list --- You received this message because you are subscribed to the Google Groups "Maine birds" group. To unsubscribe from this group and stop receiving emails from it,...
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[Maine-birds] Lark Bunting

Any reports today? -- Maine birds mailing list --- You received this message because you are subscribed to the Google Groups "Maine birds" group. To unsubscribe from this group and stop receiving emails from it, send an email to For more options, visit
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Friday, 29 May 2015

[Maine-birds] This Week's Highlights and New Arrivals, 5/23-30

Hi all,Sorry about the previous old post, there was apparently a little snafu in my draft folder there.  Anyway, these are actually my sightings of note from me over the most recent seven days:- 1 NORTHERN SHOVELER, Florida Lake Park, Freeport, 5/24 (Patch Bird #157, thanks to Zane Baker!).- 4 Brant, Pine Point, Scarborough, 5/24...
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[Maine-birds] Additional Highlights This Week and New Arrivals, 5/23-5/29.

Hi all,A few non-Monhegan sightings of note for me this week included:- 4 or 5 UPLAND SANDPIPERS, 1 Grasshopper Sparrow, etc, Kennebunk Plains, 5/21 (with Phil McCormack).- 1 LOUISIANA WATERTHRUSH and 6 species of shorebirds (including 1 Short-billed Dowitcher and 1 Semipalmated Plover), Sanford Lagoons, Sanford, 5/21 (with Phil McCormack).And my personal "FOY's" also included:- 4 Red-eyed Vireos, Florida Lake Park, Freeport,...
Read More :- "[Maine-birds] Additional Highlights This Week and New Arrivals, 5/23-5/29."

[Maine-birds] w-winged dove

 returned today late afternoon,  People are very welcome to come to see it  if they wish.  Send me an e-mail and I'll let you know if it returns.j...
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Re: [Maine-birds] Lark Bunting - YES!!!

Still munching on the dandelions near the picnic table at 4;30pmSent from my iPhoneOn May 29, 2015, at 11:08 AM, Rich MacDonald <> wrote:The Lark Bunting reported earlier this morning was still along the Cape Road in Seal Cove (on the western side of Mount Desert Island) as of 10:00 this morning! YES!!! It is always exciting when I can get a life-bird on MDI!Richard MacDonaldThe Natural History...
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[Maine-birds] Lark Bunting - YES!!!

The Lark Bunting reported earlier this morning was still along the Cape Road in Seal Cove (on the western side of Mount Desert Island) as of 10:00 this morning! YES!!! It is always exciting when I can get a life-bird on MDI!Richard MacDonaldThe Natural History Center6 Firefly LaneP.O. Box 6Bar Harbor, Maine 04609207/801-2617 (store)207/266-9461 (mobile)Rich@TheNaturalHistoryCenter.comwww.TheNaturalHistoryCenter.comwww.faceboo...
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[Maine-birds] Lark Bunting

Acadia Birdibg Festival's field trip to Seal Cove on Mount Desert Island just found a Lark Bunting (spotted by Edison Buenano of Wildside Nature Tours). Hanging out on dandelions near picnic table on Cape Rd right along water. Becky Marvil Sent from my iPhone -- Maine birds mailing list --- You received this message...
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Thursday, 28 May 2015

[Maine-birds] Windham - White-winged Dove

In my yard as I type, on the hopper feeder w/ a Mourning Dove.Just got back from AZ and had to blink a couple of times to make sure I wasn't just having visual transference.Judy Sc...
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[Maine-birds] Scope owner found

They have been reunited. - Margaret Vi...
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[Maine-birds] Lost scope at Flood farm

I am currently at the Flood Farm, Clinton and a thunderstorm with wind has just started. Someone left a Leica Televid 77 scope near the southern pond and it's been here since this morning according to a worker. I have it with me so it wouldn't get damaged in the storm. E-mail, text or call to arrange to get it. I live in Waterville. Cell 861-2169 Hope that's OK By the way, there are 5 BB Plovers here now with Least SP, Semipalmated...
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[Maine-birds] White-faced Ibis - Gilsland Farm, 5/28

There is a White-faced Ibis feeding in the marsh on the south end of the West Meadow at Gilsland Farm in Falmouth. An unexpected highlight on our birdwalk! Good birding, Doug Hitchcox Sent from my iPhone -- Maine birds mailing list --- You received this message because you are subscribed to the Google Groups...
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Wednesday, 27 May 2015

[Maine-birds] Pine Point plover ID help

I visited Pine Point, Scarborough jetty area for the first time this morning approx. 1030 in hopes to see the two 'rare' gulls.  No luck for me.  Did get to see plenty of Bonapartes and good showing of shorebirds.  Ruddy Turnstones are in great colors right now.I also photo'd a plover that I need a little help with.  I'm thinking it is Am. Golden-Plover, but please let me know.  It is posted on my Flickr...
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[Maine-birds] BLACK-HEADED GULL and LITTLE GULL Pine Point

Was able to find the two gulls mentioned above about an hour after high tide near the Pine Point jetty this morning. Could not relocate the adult LIGU however. Bird haahd,Noah Gibb- PortlandSent from Yahoo Mail on Android -- Maine birds mailing list --- You received this message because you are subscribed...
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Tuesday, 26 May 2015

[Maine-birds] Blue-gray Gnatcatcher

Here’s a photo of a Blue-gray Gnatcatcher nest taken at Fort Foster. How many nesting records do we have in Maine? It was sent to me by Beth Dutton of York Beach.Glenn JenksCamden,...
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[Maine-birds] WF Ibis

P.S. - the previously reported White-Faced Ibis was also present this morning, feeding w/ 5 Glossy Ibis on the Scarborough Marsh side, close to the highway. When I stopped to look, they took off. 4 remained on that side and settled down next to a mallard. The other 2 settled near the Dunstan lndg site, in a not very advantageous spot, next to a Snowy Egret. The white outline around the eyes and across the forehead is wide...
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[Maine-birds] gulls at Pine Point Jetty - May26

Both gulls were present this morning along the beach feeding in the shore break. The snappy Little Gull has a very slight rosy tinge to the chest, barely discernible in the subdued light available. Its behavior allowed many photos showing wing shape and color, bill, hood pattern compared to Bonies, leg color, etc etc. It ceased feeding briefly at one point, and flew well offshore to loaf…perhaps 100 yards. The not-so-snappy...
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[Maine-birds] Evening grosbeaks in Holden

Male & female have found my feeders today. Sent from my iPhone -- Maine birds mailing list --- You received this message because you are subscribed to the Google Groups "Maine birds" group. To unsubscribe from this group and stop receiving emails from it, send an email to For...
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[Maine-birds] Bell's Vireo - Monhegan Island

Jeremiah Trimble sent a photo of a Bell's Vireo seen at the start of the Lobster Cove trail on Monhegan. That's literally all I know and assume it was seen this morning. The first state record and only other spring record of Bell's Vireo was from Monhegan (20-21 May 2003 by Rich Eakin, Howie Neilson, and Geoff Dennis).Louis BevierFairfi...
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[Maine-birds] Maine/New Hampshire Pelagic Trip

NH Audubon sponsored an all day pelagic trip yesterday aboard the "Granite State" out of Rye Harbor, NH. We cruised northeast directly up to the "Three Fingers" area of Jeffrey's Ledge in Maine where there was a lot of bird and whale activity last weekend. Nothing there!!! So we cruised south, following the ledge until we ran into an absolute bonanza, first of the very rare SEI WHALES. They were everywhere! Skim feeding...
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[Maine-birds] Prairie Warbler

As I was getting on the Me Turnpike in Gray yesterday (5/25), to head South, I heard a Prairie Warbler singing mightily from the scrub on the west side of the entrance ramp. Nice to hear!  Lucy LaCasse 52 Old Neck Rd Scarborough, ME 04074 207-883-3637 207-928-3637 (Stoneham) 207-650-4770 (cell) -- Maine birds mailing list
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Monday, 25 May 2015

[Maine-birds] Scarborough: BLACK-HEADED and Little Gull

Good evening all, Just before sunset, in addition to the continuing LITTLE GULL near the Pine Point Jetty (Scarborough), there was an immature BLACK-HEADED GULL. The latter bird was pointed out to me by visiting birders Steve Tucker and Nate McGowan (Thank you, again!). Photos of both birds, in fading light, are on my eBird checklist. --Josh --- Josh Fecteau Kennebunkport,...
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[Maine-birds] Long-tailed Ducks

5/24/2015 I had a pair of Long-tailed Ducks, a breeding plumage male and what appeared to be a female in Larrabee Cove on the west side of Machias Bay today. This would be along the Bucks Harbor road about midway between Machiasport and Bucks Harbor. ________________________________________ We have updated our webpage with new nature and family pictures. Updates to the 2014, on the water, and eagle albums. Web address is:...
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Re: [Maine-birds] Unidentified Golden-Plover, Pine Point, 5/24 - new link

Correction: > On May 25, 2015, at 4:46 PM, Louis Bevier <> wrote: > > "Pacific G-P has a subtly...longer primary projection" This should read shorter primary projection, but again, it's not of use in this case. Louis -- Maine birds mailing list --- You received this message because...
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Re: [Maine-birds] Unidentified Golden-Plover, Pine Point, 5/24 - new link

I'm game for Loch Ness. It is always advisable to leave birds unidentified when we can't get the goods, and I'd like to see more "spuhs" on lists. That said, there are clues in Derek's photos that probably tip this safely into the American Golden-Plover basket. Unidentified is certainly a respectable position to take, however. Although a lot of emphasis is placed on subtle structural differences among the three similar golden-plovers,...
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[Maine-birds] Blue Grosbeak - Winterport

A male Blue Grosbeak (BLGR) was singing from the top of a neighbor's birch this morning on Kaler St. Seen briefly before it flew to the south. I'd guess they wouldn't show up in numbers like Indigo Buntings (INBU) did recently, but worth keeping an eye out for others in the area, i.e., Hancock, Penobscot, Waldo Counties. Good Birding, John -- Maine birds mailing list ---...
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[Maine-birds] Little Gull

Still present at Pine Pt. beach. Between the 5th ave ext. parking lot and the rock jetty. Also there was a Glaucous Gull. Sent from my iPad -- Maine birds mailing list --- You received this message because you are subscribed to the Google Groups "Maine birds" group. To unsubscribe from this group and stop receiving...
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The terrestrial birds continue to be very slow. 1 STARLING (I'm not complaining there!); 1 GRACKLE; 2 RED-WING BLACKBIRDS; 1 possible LEAST FLYCATCHER. Several GRAY CATBIRDS continue, mainly hunting under the boardwalks and dropping by to snack on grape jelly and grapefruit.Overnight there seems to have been a minor increase. From the house this morning, I've seen 1 EASTERN WOOD PEWEE; 1 LEAST FLYCATCHER; 2 YELLOW WAEBLERS; 1...
Read More :- "[Maine-birds] MACHIAS SEAL ISLAND REPORT"

Sunday, 24 May 2015

Fw: [Maine-birds] Unidentified Golden-Plover, Pine Point, 5/24 - new link

If that link didn't work for you, I apologize, I forgot to delete one letter in the url. Try this one: go to and click on the link to the album.  -Derek*****************************************...
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[Maine-birds] Unidentified Golden-Plover, Pine Point, 5/24

Hi all,I joined my good friend Gabriel Willow and his NYC Audubon tour group for part of the day today. At Pine Point, we found a GOLDEN-PLOVER, near the mouth of the Nonesuch River across from the co-op pier at dead-low late this morning. Simply put: it was too far and I don't know. Distance plus heat shimmer made for challenging viewing....
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[Maine-birds] Harpswell - good morning

Ran into a nice mixed flock at Curtis Farm Preserve (Harpswell) this morning. When I immediately score a Bay-Breasted, Canada, Wilson's, while listening to a very long-winded Tennessee Warbler singing, I think "20 Warblers". But N-o-o-oo. Ended up with 19. 20 is hard. The Tennessee singing bout lasted a good 15 minutes and it was very difficult to locate the bird. Sounded like eye-level in a bunch of saplings, but eventually...
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[Maine-birds] Canada Warbler

A Canada Warbler today at Capisic. And a Bank Swallow at Duck Pond. Other than that, kind of slow. -- Maine birds mailing list --- You received this message because you are subscribed to the Google Groups "Maine birds" group. To unsubscribe from this group and stop receiving emails from it, send an email to For...
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[Maine-birds] Frye Mtn

Birding largely by ear this am due to focus on dog exercise activities,Blue jayAm. Robinleast flycatcherAm. GoldfinchYellow-bellied sapsuckerCommon YellowthroatBlack-throated greenBlack throated blueyellow warblermourning doveGray CatbirdchickadeeBlackburnian warblerRubythroated hummingbirdAlso FOY eastern/canadian tiger swallowtailSarah Montville ...
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Saturday, 23 May 2015

[Maine-birds] Petit Manan and Frenchman Bay

Sat. 5/23/15 The Petit Manan trip pounded its way to the island this afternoon but was rewarded with 100+ Puffins. Birds were flying to and from the roosting ledges on the island many of them passing within 6 ft. of the boat. In Frenchman Bay we had several small flocks of Black and Surf Scoters milling around the Porcupine Islands on both the morning and afternoon trips. We also had snow flurries that moved across...
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Re: [Maine-birds] Monhegan, 5.23.15

To add to the color parade today out here on Monhegan, a couple of brilliant Indigo Buntings, couple of Red-bellied Woodpeckers. On the monochromatic side, there are quite a few Blackpoll Warblers. Ride out was kind of wild but we did enjoy some Harbor Porpose. Jeff and Allison Wells On May 23, 2015, at 9:23 PM, "Kristen Lindquist" <> wrote: Back on the island for a few more days...
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[Maine-birds] Monhegan, 5.23.15

Back on the island for a few more days with my husband Paul. Got in a few good hours of birding this windy afternoon, managed to turn up some interesting birds, including:13 species of warbler, including No. Waterthrush, Nashville, and CanadaLeast Sandpiper - 1 in the Meadow (Jeremiah Trimble et al later saw 4 there, along with a Short-billed Dowitcher). This was a new island bird for me.Yellow-crowned Night-heron -...
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[Maine-birds] Monhegan Summer Tanager pics

I just posted these two pictures of the immature female Tanager (same ones that I shared with Louis B) - if you wish to look at them.Marie Jordan &nb...
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Re: [Maine-birds] Summer Tanager -- age & sex of Monhegan bird

Wow. Thank you SO much for taking the time, Louis. Not withstanding my lack of a dictionary handy, I've just been educated and it's appreciated. Thank you. Sent from my iPhone > On May 23, 2015, at 12:33 PM, Louis Bevier <> wrote: > > It's been great fun to read about and all the good birds on Monhegan. One bird that seems to have caused some confusion is the Summer Tanager. There is no doubt...
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