Saturday, 31 October 2015

[Maine-birds] Northern Maine Birds: White-fronted Goose, Pink-footed Goose, Pine Grosbeaks

As Kyle noted the Pink-footed Goose continues.  I got down to Mars Hill this afternoon and it slept the whole time I was there: Canada Goose flock at Lake Josephine in Easton has reached a season high with over 3,000 geese on the pond now.  With my scope zoomed all the way up, I was able to pick out a sleeping Greater White-fronted Goose...
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[Maine-birds] Pink-footed Goose

Pink-footed Goose is still present as of today in Mars Hill Pond. Great views of a very cooperative bird!  -- Maine birds mailing list --- You received this message because you are subscribed to the Google Groups "Maine birds" group. To unsubscribe from this group and stop receiving emails from...
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[Maine-birds] ANP

About 50 ring necked ducks and 1 pie billed grebe on Aunt betty's Pond in ANP this afternoon. Tammy & Rob -- Maine birds mailing list --- You received this message because you are subscribed to the Google Groups "Maine birds" group. To unsubscribe from this group and stop receiving emails from it,...
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[Maine-birds] Long-tail Ducks

50 Long-tail ducks off Vinalhaven- Sent from my iPhone -- Maine birds mailing list --- You received this message because you are subscribed to the Google Groups "Maine birds" group. To unsubscribe from this group and stop receiving emails from it, send an email to For more...
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[Maine-birds] Machias River

Sat. 10/31/15 Machias River behind Helen's Rest. at 9:30 a.m. 134 Canada Geese 2 Snow Geese 8 Hooded Mergansers 1 Double-crested Cormorant ________________________________________ We have updated our webpage with new nature and family pictures. Updates to the 2014, on the water, and eagle albums. Web address is: -- Maine birds mailing list ---...
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[Maine-birds] N. Harrier in SW Harbor this morning, MDI

Took a sunrise walk along the Manset Shore Road this morning and had a Northern Harrier fly in from over the water, low overhead and flapping steadily westbound. Best,Craig K -- Maine birds mailing list --- You received this message because you are subscribed to the Google Groups "Maine birds" group....
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[Maine-birds] Reid SP - Hudwit, etc.

Nice morning at Reid during another very Low Tide, exposing a lot of suitable habitat for shorebirds at the mouth of the Little River. Highlights: Hudwit - 1 juvenile BBPlovers - 3 Dunlin - 2 Semi Plovers - 10 GYLegs - 2 Sanderling- 258 - clicker count Snow Bunting 2 FOS Horned Lark - 6 No Pintail 1 drake w/ 83 Black Ducks Horned Grebe - 8 RN Grebe - 1 …and several of the usual suspects offshore, easily scoped in the calm...
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[Maine-birds] Sandy Point Morning Flight, 10/31 (BAWW, SNBU)

Hi all,A light, late-season flight passed over and through Sandy Point Beach this morning.7:12-9:00 am (joined by Saturday Morning Birdwalk Group at 8:20).33F, clear, calm.100 American Robins66 Dark-eyed Juncos16 Yellow-rumped Warblers14 SNOW BUNTINGS10 Golden-crowned Kinglets10 American Goldfinches4 Black-capped Chickadees3 Eastern Bluebirds3...
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Friday, 30 October 2015

[Maine-birds] Hooded Merganser

A stunning male with 2 females in a rather small lily pad cattail pond on E. Old Cty. Rd. Never tire of the beauty of hoodies!! -- Maine birds mailing list --- You received this message because you are subscribed to the Google Groups "Maine birds" group. To unsubscribe from this group and stop receiving emails from...
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[Maine-birds] Additional Highlights This Week, 10/27-10/30

Hi all,After a long weekend out of state,  a few more highlights for me over the past four days included:- 2 "INTERIOR/BAY" NELSON'S SPARROWS, 1 SALTMARSH SPARROW, 5+ subvirgatus Nelson's Sparrows, and several unidentified "sharp-tailed" sparrows, along with 1 American Tree Sparrow (first of fall), Eastern Road, Scarborough Marsh, 10/27...
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[Maine-birds] Buffleheads

A few at Jones Creek, Pine Point. -- Maine birds mailing list --- You received this message because you are subscribed to the Google Groups "Maine birds" group. To unsubscribe from this group and stop receiving emails from it, send an email to For more options, visit htt...
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[Maine-birds] Prairie Warb Picture Needed

Hi folks,The Town of Brunswick is finalizing some interpretive signage for the Capt. Fitzgerald Park which offers nice mid-coast sandplain birding.  We would love to feature a Prairie Warbler pic by a local birder.  If anyone is willing to contribute one, you will be credited.Best,Steve Walker -- Maine birds mailing list
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[Maine-birds] ANP record, SWHA

-- Maine birds mailing list --- You received this message because you are subscribed to the Google Groups "Maine birds" group. To unsubscribe from this group and stop receiving emails from it, send an email to For...
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[Maine-birds] Cadillac Mtn. - Swainson's Hawk

An immature Swainson's Hawk was just seen (10-30-15: approx. 12:45 PM) at the Cadillac Mtn. Hawk Watch in Acadia National Park. Jason Bojczyk (Boychuck) the official counter hired by Schoodic Institute called to say he has photographs. Stay tuned. Will share this evening. -- Maine birds mailing list --- You received...
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Thursday, 29 October 2015

[Maine-birds] Sabattus Pond, 10/29 (REDH, WWSC)

Hi all, I squeezed a visit to Sabattus Pond in Sabattus into that lovely warm, dry, and relatively calm period early this afternoon, hoping for storm-downed migrants. Waterbird numbers remain below-normal, and I don't know where all of the Mallards were today: 219 Ruddy Ducks 164 Lesser Scaup 75+ Ring-billed Gulls 62 Mallards 41 Bufflhead 39 Greater Scaup 36 Ring-necked Ducks 16 American Coots 13 American Black Ducks 11 Canada...
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[Maine-birds] Owls Head Glaucous

A second-winter glaucous gull at the harborside lobster pound area on Lobster Lane. Traditionally a productive spot for wintering white-winged gulls and a few black-headed as well. Most of Weskeag Marsh was heavily flooded at 2:30pm today - greater yellowlegs flying about in search of a landing place.Don  ...
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[Maine-birds] High Tide - Back Bay - Portland

A remarkably high tide this afternoon pushed the American Golden Plover and his/her Black-bellied compatriots about ten-ish feet from the walking path as of 2:45pm today. Great photo op! Buffleheads, Common Goldeneyes, and Mallards galore. -- Maine birds mailing list --- You received this message because...
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[Maine-birds] Popham Beach - après storm

The causeway between the salt marshes at Popham is unpassable due to the very high tides (even higher at midnight). Water over the road not only deepish, but showing an incredible current. Full-size pickup might make it. Don't know about a Toyota. The salt marshes on both sides of the road are an inland sea, with little veg or driftwood showing. But GYLegs and Pectoral Sands are EZ to find. Grabbing whatever freeboard they...
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Wednesday, 28 October 2015

[Maine-birds] Waterfowl oLower Kimball Pond, Fryeburg

This afternoon there were a 100 Canada Geese a 6 Common Golden-eyes on Lower Kimball Pond in Fryeburg. This is a very slow Autumn migration here. Bob Crowley Chatham, NH -- Maine birds mailing list --- You received this message because you are subscribed to the Google Groups "Maine birds" group. To unsubscribe...
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[Maine-birds] Northern Maine Birds: Pink-footed Goose, marked Canada Goose from Greenland

Hi all,Today during my lunch hour, I found a Pink-footed Goose among about 400+ Canada Geese roosting on the mill pond in Mars Hill.  The bird was close but spent most of its time snoozing.  I managed some quick pics when the bird woke up and got a drink and repositioned in sleep mode.The was also another marked Canada Goose in the pond.  The goose had a yellow collar with an alphanumeric code indicative of Greenland...
Read More :- "[Maine-birds] Northern Maine Birds: Pink-footed Goose, marked Canada Goose from Greenland"

[Maine-birds] Ash-throated Flycatcher Capisic, nope

As of midday, the Ash-throated Flycatcher was not seen. A number of folks tried this morning, but the chilly temps and gray skies had most birds staying low, even chickadees and titmice. I learned that Bill Bunn photographed the Ash-throat 5 days ago ( near the parking area as one first turns in toward the park. Orange-crowned Warbler and Indigo Bunting were the highlights otherwise today.Louis Bevier...
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[Maine-birds] FOS Bohemian Waxwing UMaine Orono Campus/ RFI for a new Maine resident

Hello All, I spotted a first of the season Bohemian Waxing around lunchtime today at U. of Maine Orono. It was in an ornamental fruit tree by the SW corner of the library with Cedar Waxwings and Robins. In an unrelated note, as a new Maine resident my #1 target bird is Manx Shearwater. Can anybody provide advice on finding one? eBird seems to suggest a Bar Harbor whale watching trip would be a good bet once those resume next...
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[Maine-birds] Saltmarsh Sparrow with a dash of Nelson's

What does such a bird look like? by Klemens Gasser, Brooklyn, NYShai Mitra saw these images and wrote: "Based on appearance alone, I wouldn't have taken this bird for pure Saltmarsh. The supercilium shows only a hint of black flecking (characteristic of Saltmarsh) and rather more of a grayish wash (characteristic of Acadian Nelson's), the back is rather washed out and grayish, and the ventral...
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Tuesday, 27 October 2015

[Maine-birds] Ash-throated Flycatcher at Capisic Pond

Today (Wednesday) in the early afternoon, an Ash-throated Flycatcher was observed at Capisic Pond.  The bird was located down the main trail on the right in a tangle of multiflora rose and burning bush just before the house with bird feeders.  Two video clips will be posted on eBird later.Gordon SmithBrunswick -- Maine birds mailing list
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[Maine-birds] Northern Maine Birds: White-winged and Black Scoters, Black-bellied Plover, White-rumped Sandpiper

Spent my lunch hour checking the goose flocks at Hanson Lake in Presque Isle/Mapleton, Lake Josephine in Easton and Christina Reservoir in Fort Fairfield.  None of the Canada Geese had morphed into other species overnight...  Hanson Lake held a few hundred Canada Geese.   A juvenile White-winged Scoter was hanging out with them.Over in Easton, there were more Lesser Scaup in Lake Jo today and a group of 9 Black...
Read More :- "[Maine-birds] Northern Maine Birds: White-winged and Black Scoters, Black-bellied Plover, White-rumped Sandpiper"

[Maine-birds] One hooded merganser

Jones creek Pine point -- Maine birds mailing list --- You received this message because you are subscribed to the Google Groups "Maine birds" group. To unsubscribe from this group and stop receiving emails from it, send an email to For more options, visit https://groups...
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[Maine-birds] Bowdoinham WMA - Oct 27

Not many birds under the power lines here this morning. A FOS Am Tree Sparrow found no more than 18 (total) sparrows with which to forage. All visible water from several vantage points around Merrymeeting Bay, yielded zero duckage. -- Maine birds mailing list --- You received this message because you are subscribed...
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[Maine-birds] Inland Ducks

Yesterday afternoon the 26th, 3 Bufflehead and 3 Long-tailed Ducks were on Lower Kimball Pond, Chatham, NH before moving across the state line into Maine. They did not stay long. First migrant this fall. Bob Crowley Chatham, NH -- Maine birds mailing list --- You received this message because you are subscribed...
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[Maine-birds] record number of redpolls passing Tadoussac, Quebec

The Tadoussac Bird Observatory (Observatoire d'oiseaux de Tadoussac) reported yesterday that a record number of redpolls flew over their observation point: 15,790 redpolls in 7 hours. The previous record was 14,391 on October 24, 2010. Tadoussac is only 50+ miles (83 kms) north of the northern tip of Maine. The concentration of birds, though, tends to remain along the north shore of the St. Lawrence. But that's a lot of redpolls....
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Monday, 26 October 2015

[Maine-birds] Snow buntings in Camden

A nice group of fairly friendly 6 snow bunting was on top of Mount Battie today around 4pm in Camden Hills State Park. A pic here: Good birding, Francesco -- Maine birds mailing list --- You received this message because you are subscribed to the Google Groups "Maine birds" group. To...
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[Maine-birds] Pine Siskins

Today, encountered a sizable First-of-Fall flock of approx 40 PISI, 15-20 miles NW of Rockwood, as well as numerous Gray Jays, an abundance of Ruffed Grouse and a Goshawk. Although there are still patches of color, most of the leaves are off the trees. A beautiful, crisp fall day.  Rob -- Maine birds mailing list
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[Maine-birds] Northern Maine Birds: Glaucous Gull, Tufted Titmouse, Brown Thrasher

There's been a rapid changing of the guard in northern Maine in the past few days.  Nightly freeze ups have squeezed water birds out the shallower wetlands and ponds and dabbling ducks are thinning out.  At the same time the hardy diving ducks have appeared in big numbers. Large numbers of migrant gulls have moved in as well.  Tonight, on my evening commute, I saw very large number of gulls circling over Collins...
Read More :- "[Maine-birds] Northern Maine Birds: Glaucous Gull, Tufted Titmouse, Brown Thrasher"

[Maine-birds] Bald eagle

Nice mature eagle came in close to the house at 36 Jones Creek Rd. Pine Point. An oh my moment. -- Maine birds mailing list --- You received this message because you are subscribed to the Google Groups "Maine birds" group. To unsubscribe from this group and stop receiving emails from it, send an email to For...
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[Maine-birds] Peregrine, Sharpie, and Rusty - Hancock Cty

Hi all -- Had a Peregrine adult at the top of Flying Mtn in Acadia NP right around sunrise this morning. Seemed like I had flushed it off a perch; very close overhead.Returned home to SW Harbor and a cluster of Common Grackles at the feeder (very flighty) that included one Rusty Blackbird. And then the back yard's fruity and squat shrubby crabapple tree drew in both Juncos and a Sharp-shinned Hawk. That Sharpie just couldn't seem...
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Re: [Maine-birds] Scoters

Yesterday mid afternoon there was a large raft of birds off the point at Pond Cove in Cape Elizabeth on Shore Rd. I had binoculars but could not get a good sighting ad they were way past the point of land. It had to be more than 400 birds. At first I thought they were cormorants as their beak was pointed upwards. It was quite s sight but not sure. Would there be that large of a raft of cormorants on the open water? Sent from...
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[Maine-birds] Couple of Snow Buntings, Dyer Point

Around 9 o'clock this morning, real windy here! -- Maine birds mailing list --- You received this message because you are subscribed to the Google Groups "Maine birds" group. To unsubscribe from this group and stop receiving emails from it, send an email to ...
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[Maine-birds] Red-headed Woodpecker - Acton, 10/23-24 **Homeowner requests**

Hi everyone: I received a call this morning from Sarah Cognata, who has been hosting a Red-headed Woodpecker in her Acton yard since October 23rd. She shared this sighting on eBird ( and the MAINE Birds Facebook group ( but was a little alarmed by early morning visits from birders so she had a few requests for visitors: It is okay to visit, but...
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Sunday, 25 October 2015

[Maine-birds] Sandhill Cranes-Fryeburg

11 cranes present at 4:00 PM today. Initially on the West side of McNeil Rd, just North of the intersection of Old River Rd and McNeil Rd. Then flew across McNeil Rd into the corn field at around 4:15 PM Julie Krasne -- Maine birds mailing list --- You received this message because you are subscribed...
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[Maine-birds] Scoters

Large rafts of scoters. White winged and surf. Several rafts consisting of 70 plus each raft. Kinney Shores Saco -- Maine birds mailing list --- You received this message because you are subscribed to the Google Groups "Maine birds" group. To unsubscribe from this group and stop receiving emails from it, send an...
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[Maine-birds] Lapland Longspur and cormorants

One Lapland Longspur was with two chipping sparrows at Atlantic Circle just down from Strawberry Island Preserve at the end of Great Hill Rd in Kennebunk. About 400 Double-crested Cormorant flew in and landed on the water and on the rocks with another hundred continuing on down the coast. Quite an impressive sight. Linda and Turk-- Linda Woodard II Maine AudubonDirector of Scarborough Marsh Audubon Center_______________________________20...
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[Maine-birds] Male Eastern Towhee in Scarborough

Was under our front feeders just before dusk on Sat. a pleasant surprise and a first as we watched him for quite a while before he took off. Flo...
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[Maine-birds] Sparrows and siskins

Yesterday in Unity I saw my FOY American Tree Sparrow along with seven other native sparrow species and plenty of juncos.  Also small groups of siskins were noted here for the first time in many months.Good birding,tom -- Maine birds mailing list --- You received this message because you are subscribed...
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Saturday, 24 October 2015

[Maine-birds] Sand Hill Crane, Fryeburg

The same group of 11 Sandhills (6 adults and 5,adolescents) come to the Kezar Lake Fen every night like clockwork. -- Maine birds mailing list --- You received this message because you are subscribed to the Google Groups "Maine birds" group. To unsubscribe from this group and stop receiving emails from it, send...
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[Maine-birds] Spruce Grouse with attitude

Today was a great day to be up in the North Maine Woods, although grouse hunters were everywhere due to great weather on a Saturday. White-winged crossbill numbers have built a little bit. Pine Siskins are flocking up. We notched our first Bohemian Waxwings (3) of the season. An Eastern Bluebird in the woods was not a total surprise. I get them up there now and then. The usual Boreal Chickadees and Gray Jays. In fact, the...
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[Maine-birds] Tufted Titmouse in Washington County

We had 40+ Common Grackles at our feeders early this afternoon and to our surprise a Tufted Titmouse popped out of the conifers around the feeder area.  Also, on the western side of Flat Bay we spotted 27 Dunlin on the mudflats during the afternoon low tide.  A mixed flock of Black Ducks and Mallards replaced the Dunlin as the tide came in! Merle and Anne ArchieHarrington, ME -- Maine birds mailing list...
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[Maine-birds] Red-headed Woodie in Cape Elizabeth

I just had a redheaded woodpecker on Charles Jordan Road in Cape Elizabeth. It was a juvenile with a dark head feeding actively in oak trees near the small pond at the bottom of the second hill just past the Higgins Beach overlook . Also called a few times. Maine bird for me! Sent from my iPhone -- Maine birds mailing list ---...
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[Maine-birds] Red-headed Woodie Juv in Cape Elizabeth

I just had a great look at a juvenile Red-headed Woodpecker along Charles Jordan Road in Cape Elizabeth. It was actively feeding in oaks and I saw it pull it several juicy morsels. Head is still dark (not red) but otherwise the bird is quite unmistakable. It was in the area around a small pond at the bottom of the second hill on Jordan Road, just below the field the gives you a clear view of Higgins Beach. Also head it call… Peggy...
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[Maine-birds] Avenue five parking lot pine point beach

Lots of birds on the water 4:30pm. White winged scoters, horned grebe, and maybe the Pacific loon is still there. ( A smaller loon with a dark verticle chin bib? ) surf scoters. -- Maine birds mailing list --- You received this message because you are subscribed to the Google Groups "Maine birds" group. To unsubscribe...
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[Maine-birds] Winter Wren

Along the Lincoln Acadamy cross country trail. -- Maine birds mailing list --- You received this message because you are subscribed to the Google Groups "Maine birds" group. To unsubscribe from this group and stop receiving emails from it, send an email to For more options,...
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Re: [Maine-birds] Black-backed Woodpecker, 10/24, Newcastle

Juanita,The Dyer River flows into the Sheepscot River at Sheepscot Village. I am upstream one mile from the village. The river is a narrow tidal river with marsh on both sides.JeffSent from my iPadOn Oct 24, 2015, at 8:26 AM, Juanita Roushdy <> wrote: Jeff,Where is Dyer River Marsh - could not find it on line.  Thanks.Juanita Juanita RoushdyBremen, ME 04551www.fohi.orgFriends of Hog Island -...
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[Maine-birds] Black-backed Woodpecker, 10/24, Newcastle

The male Black-backed Woodpecker that was last seen here on 10/10 was found again this morning about a half mile from the first sighting. It was in a dead white pine next to the Dyer River marsh. Jeff Cherry Sent from my iPad -- Maine birds mailing list --- You received this message because you are subscribed to...
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Friday, 23 October 2015

[Maine-birds] Frenchman Bay 10/23/15

One trip around Frenchman Bay this afternoon. 20-25 mph NW winds, 2-3 ft. seas. Lots of ducks. Common Eider 1000+, all age groups Long-tailed Duck 24 Black Scoter 254 Surf Scoter 82 White-winged Scoter 50+ Common Loon 28 Red-throated Loon 6 Red-necked Grebe 6 Horned Grebe 4 ________________________________________ We have updated our webpage with new nature and family pictures. Updates...
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[Maine-birds] RTHummingbird - West Bath

This morning marks the 7th, and quite possibly the final, day that this Immature Male has visited our feeder. Habits were quite different this morning. Intervals between feeding bouts were much shorter (30 sec. cf. 6 to 12 min.) and the bird retreated to a new loafing, preening, wing-exercising spot (Variegated Dogwood, cf Apple or White Pine tree.) The new spot was low, just outside our den window, and I was able to get photos...
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[Maine-birds] Selasphorus hummingbird follow-up

Hi all,Earlier this week, I mentioned that I was waiting for photos of a Selasphorus hummingbird spotted in Yarmouth on October 16th-17th. I received the photos of the bird yesterday, and I have posted them in a blog. My conclusion is that I can't move beyond Rufous/Allen's Hummingbird from these photos, as is often the case with immature...
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[Maine-birds] Additional Highlights This Week, 10/17-23

Hi all,A few more observations of note from me over the past seven days included:- 1 juv HUDSONIAN GODWIT, 1 Semipalmated Sandpiper, 8 White-rumped Sandpipers, 18 Semipalmated Plovers, 54 Black-bellied Plovers, and 75+ Dunlin, Pine Point, Scarborough, 10/18.- 2 Lesser Scaup (first of fall), Grondin Pond, Scarborough, 10/18.- 12 American Coots...
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[Maine-birds] Jones creek Pine Point

Yesterday toward low tide, still a noisy bunch of semi palmated plovers, and semi-p' sandpipers, dunlins, black bellied plovers, short billed godwits. Only an occasional great egret, and great blue heron. -- Maine birds mailing list --- You received this message because you are subscribed to the Google Groups "Maine...
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[Maine-birds] Chat at kettle cove, cape elizabeth

FYL:   Joanne Stevens just called to let me know she just spotted  a Chat in the bushes behind the potties at the  Kettle Cove parking lot.   Also a Nashville W.  Marie Sent from my Verizon Wireless 4G LTE smartph...
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Thursday, 22 October 2015

Re: [Maine-birds] Large (14") seabird feather- Roque Bluffs

Another great reference that I use is the book, "Bird Feathers" by S. David Scott and Casey McFarland. Don LimaEllsworth, MEOn Oct 21, 2015, at 10:19 PM, Louis Bevier <> wrote:Carol,Your feather is one of the outer primaries from the left wing of a Herring Gull. I'd guess it is the 8th or 9th primary, and the white tip has worn off because this is a worn, year-old primary. These birds are finishing...
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[Maine-birds] Field Sparrow and Rose-breasted Grosbeak at Saxl Park, Bangor, 10/22

Hi everyone,I had another great rainy day birding outing at Saxl Park today. The two big highlights were flushing a Field Sparrow on the southern edge of the park, where the recently mowed grass meets the tall grass. Before that, when I was just starting out, I had a late Rose-breasted Grosbeak make a brief appearance in the bushy area between Saxl Park and Cascade Park. There's been a high turnover rate at the park the last couple...
Read More :- "[Maine-birds] Field Sparrow and Rose-breasted Grosbeak at Saxl Park, Bangor, 10/22"

[Maine-birds] RTHummer - West Bath

Today is day no. 6 for the Imm. Male Ruby-throated Hummingbird tanking up at our feeder. Showed up at least 4 times early morning, and then again at 3:30 this afternoon. Intervening times…nobody here to check. -- Maine birds mailing list --- You received this message because you are subscribed to the Google Groups...
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[Maine-birds] Fwd: (CBC) CBC: Hooded warbler mistakes Calgary for Cancun, thrilling

I saw this article on Bloomberg news wire Sent from my iPhoneBegin forwarded message:From: "William Laverty (FIDELITY CAPITAL MKT)" <>Date: October 22, 2015 at 11:46:28 AM PDTTo: undisclosed-recipients:;Subject: (CBC) CBC: Hooded warbler mistakes Calgary for Cancun, thrillingReply-To: "William Laverty" <>(CBC) CBC: Hooded warbler mistakes Calgary for Cancun, thrilling...
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Re: [Maine-birds] Wigeons at Capisic

Thank you very much. I will also correct my e-bird list. Bill On Thu, Oct 22, 2015 at 2:12 PM, Louis Bevier <> wrote:Bill,Your Flickr photos show a pair of American Wigeon. Males of those can have a buffy tinge to the "pate." Head color would be rufous brown and flanks starting to get gray, among other differences, on a Eurasian Wigeon.It is safe and recommended to copy the link and share that...
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Re: [Maine-birds] Wigeons at Capisic

Bill,Your Flickr photos show a pair of American Wigeon. Males of those can have a buffy tinge to the "pate." Head color would be rufous brown and flanks starting to get gray, among other differences, on a Eurasian Wigeon.It is safe and recommended to copy the link and share that with the List. Click the arrow icon (lower right when you are looking at one of your images on Flickr) and copy the URL text in the box. "Grab Link" should...
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[Maine-birds] Wigeons at Capisic

I saw two wigeons at Capisic Pond in Portland today around noon. One had a beige forehead, so I assumed it was a Eurasian Wigeon. I don't know about the other one. I have pictures on Flickr and on the link below to my e-bird list. I am reluctant to post the Flickr link because I think the picture shows up in the e-mail if I do that? I know we are not supposed to post pictures. I would appreciate confirmation on these two,...
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[Maine-birds] Sand Hill Crane, Fryeburg

At 12 noon today, the 22nd, the eleven continuing Sand Hill Cranes were in the turf field off Old River road, east of McNiel Road, Fryeburg. Also in the area were a Kestrel, a Harrier and many Song and Savannah Sparrows. Bob Crowley Chatham, NH -- Maine birds mailing list --- You received this message because...
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[Maine-birds] bluebirds on deer isle

a flock of 8-10 bluebirds came through the backyard at the Island Heritage Trust office around noon todayMike Little ...
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[Maine-birds] godwit/peregrine

As I did a quick check at Lyman-Morse shoreline at 9 am this morning, I happened to witness a peregrine raid on the Hudwit and 3 protesting black-bellied plovers. Not sure of the outcome as the falcon pursuit headed downriver.  Don  ...
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[Maine-birds] Schoodic Point SeaWatch

10-22-15Winds ablowin' out of the south, 20 mph and up.2 hour stint.As an old time hawk watcher, I'm beginning to realize that sea watching has its benefits!Most birds fairly close in and identifiable through binocs, others using scope verification.2American Black Duck Anas rubripes497Common Eider Somateria mollissima   Numbers of loafing birds slightly less today at the point, roughly 220. Interesting observation,...
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