Hi all,With a week spent mostly catching up from being away, my limited birding time yielded the following observations of note:- 1 White-rumped Sandpiper and 1 Lesser Yellowlegs (first of fall?), Pine Point, Scarborough, 6/26.- 1 continuing TRICOLORED HERON X SNOWY EGRET HYBRID, 1 continuing TRICOLORED HERON, 1 continuing WHITE-FACED IBIS, and 1 continuing Greater Yellowlegs, Eastern Road Trail, Scarborough Masrh, 6/26.-1 continuing...
Maine-birds is an email forum devoted to the discussion of birds and birding in the state of Maine. The primary function of the list is to provide an efficient means of reporting wild bird sightings in the state.
Friday, 29 June 2018
[Maine-birds] This Week's Highlights, 6/24-29
Read More :- "[Maine-birds] This Week's Highlights, 6/24-29"
[Maine-birds] 9 Black-crowned Night Herons over SMCC (6/28)
I've been putting less effort into looking for BCNHs near the shore along SMCC's Spring Point Trail and more into just watching the skies. Their direct, non-buoyant flight profile is so different than the way gulls usually wheel around that it becomes very easy to ID them as flyovers. If anything it would be easier to mistake them for Crows from a distance... except they don't appear as dark, and Crows are not commonly...
Thursday, 28 June 2018
[Maine-birds] Chuck-will's-widow - yes
Was present in Orland again last night, ~9 p.m., in spite of a pretty steady background "roar" from wind in foliage. Heard best from the stakeout meadow just north of the stream crossing. Also had a Common Nighthawk overhead, singing Veerys, a dam-building beaver, a porcupine and a raccoon. Fireflies escorted me back to the car.No luck on Whip-poor-will, but a two goatsucker night is a good night anyway you slice it.Cheers,Craig...
Wednesday, 27 June 2018
[Maine-birds] Re: Cape Elizabeth ~ late report of Black billed Cuckoo
On June 7 an immature Black-billed Cuckoo flew into our garage window and died. Prior to that I had not seen or heard a Black-billed Cuckoo in our woods (we live in Winterport) for almost 15 years. That last time I only heard it and called Judy Markowsky, then the director at Fields Pond Audubon, who confirmed it.SueOn Wednesday, June 20, 2018 at 10:24:59 PM UTC-4, Elias B. wrote:I was seriously doubting that I would see or...
Monday, 25 June 2018
[Maine-birds] Recent Mt. Desert Rock Sightings
Hi all, This summer, I'm set up on Mt. Desert Rock 18+ miles off of MDI recording sightings of Cetaceans, seals, and birds for College of the Atlantic. I've only been here for 4.5 days, but it's already been pretty amazing out here. First off, our first whale and dolphin sightings pf the season were today with a Fin Whale and at least 2 dolphin sp. seen 10+ miles to the SW. Then come the birds. Yesterday 6/24/18...
[Maine-birds] Monhegan weekend, 6.22-6.25.18
I spent the past 3-1/2 days out on Monhegan, and while I wasn't birding per se, I did keep track of everything I saw or heard (mostly heard) while I was there. Most of my time was either in the village or in Cathedral Woods. Noted 38 species total, probably could have turned up more if I'd picked up my binoculars. Highlights were seeing some youngsters, including a nice creche of Common Eiders (12 chicks with 5 hens),...
[Maine-birds] Yellow-billed Cuckoo
A Yellow-billed Cuckoo was heard and glimpsed near the entrance of the Kennebec Estruary Land Trust's Merrymeeting Fields Preserve on Saturday morning 6/23. A video recording was made and I.d. was confirmed later by a more-experienced birder.
Alan Seamans
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Sunday, 24 June 2018
[Maine-birds] Parula and Sapsucker nests
We had an Augusta Birding Club trip on and near the Long Falls Dam Road (near Flagstaff Lake) yesterday. One of our goals was to look for breeding evidence for the Maine Bird Atlas. Margaret Viens spotted a hanging Northern Parula nest made of Old Mans Beard lichen. We also came across a Yellow-bellied Sapsucker nesting hole. For some good pictures of these and a list of other birds at two of our stops: https://ebird.org/atlasme/view/checklist/S46760642https://ebird.org/atlasme/view/checklist/S46749801Glenn...
Re: [Maine-birds] Purple Finches, Roque Bluffs 24 June
Thank you Bob, Craig, and anyone else who thinks I can safely report this as an adult feeding young purple finch :-)On Sun, Jun 24, 2018 at 2:13 PM, Bob Crowley <crbob@fairpoint.net> wrote:To my eyes you have a male feeding a fledgling Purple Finch. Bob CrowleyChatham, NH From: Carol MuthSent: Sunday, June 24, 2018 1:34 PMTo: Maine BirdsSubject: [Maine-birds] Purple Finches, Roque Bluffs 24 June I...
[Maine-birds] slight correction re Purple Finches
I meant to say that the adult male looks smaller than the other finch, which might be a fledgling or a female. C. -- Maine birds mailing list maine-birds@googlegroups.com http://groups.google.com/group/maine-birds https://sites.google.com/site/birding207 --- You received this message because you are subscribed to the Google Groups "Maine birds" group. To unsubscribe from this group and stop receiving emails...
[Maine-birds] Purple Finches, Roque Bluffs 24 June
I hardly ever see any bird behavior, even though I hear the birds singing all around me every day. This Breeding Atlas has been a frustration for me, However. Two pair of Purple Finches have been at our feeder for more than a month. Around noon I looked out the window and Purple Finches were doing something. I think this is a fledgling and an adult male. But the Adult is larger than the other finch, so maybe it's not what it looks...
Friday, 22 June 2018
[Maine-birds] Maine Bird Atlas - Weekend Challenges, 6/22
Hi everyone:
This is a great week for early milestones: we cracked 500 participants (one of last week's challenges) and passed 25% of blocks in Maine having at least one checklist submitted (and 35% of Priority Blocks with data). You can keep tabs on the state-level results here: https://ebird.org/atlasme/state/US-ME?atlasPeriod=EBIRD_ATL_ME_2018
Before the new challenges, let's see how you all did last week…
Red-eyed Vireo...
Thursday, 21 June 2018
[Maine-birds] Peregrine chick
A single well developed Peregrine Falcon chick, still with a few downy feathers, was at the Ironbound Island nest site this afternoon. An adult was flying high overhead. Picture on Maine Birds facebook page and also the eBird site.
We have updated our webpage with new nature and family pictures.
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Other than a steadily increasing number of Alcid & Tern chicks and the first EIDER chicks emerging, things have been relatively quiet. Yesterday was an exception, with several birds apparently arriving Tuesday night. There were several RED BREASTED NUTHATCHES, making me wonder if this is going to be another banner year for that species. There are still 3-4 around. Anyone else seeing more Nuthatches than usual? A single GRACKLE...
Wednesday, 20 June 2018
[Maine-birds] Cape Elizabeth ~ late report of Black billed Cuckoo
I was seriously doubting that I would see or hear a Cuckoo this Spring. But that's the thing about birding, the unexpected can never be ruled out. Anyways I spotted a Black billed Cuckoo from my bathroom window the morning of the 19th - it was perched on a snag - on the fringe of my yard around 7:15am. I was afforded a good 20 seconds of observation. Perhaps the bird was checking out what all the commotion was around...
[Maine-birds] Little Egret in Eastern Trail Pannes
Currently feeding on back edge of closest ocean-side panne with White-faced Ibis.Tim FennellSent via the Samsung Galaxy S7, an AT&T 4G LTE smartph...
[Maine-birds] Re: Not often on birder's radars: white privilege
Thanks for posting this. It never occurred to me, although I could produce another video - The Rules for a Black Attending a White Wedding as a Guest. My daughter's ex-boyfriend taught us about those rules. Quite a wakeup call for my family. Lot's of your the help moments. Lots.On Monday, June 18, 2018 at 3:58:31 PM UTC-4, Craig Kesselheim wrote:Birding friends - I am sharing this in the spirit of an informational and non-political...
Tuesday, 19 June 2018
[Maine-birds] magnetic fields
Have you all seen this recent research.. so neathttps://www.sciencealert.com/birds-see-magnetic-fields-cryptochrome-cry4-photoreceptor -- Maine birds mailing list maine-birds@googlegroups.com http://groups.google.com/group/maine-birds https://sites.google.com/site/birding207 --- You received this message because you are subscribed to the Google Groups "Maine birds" group. To unsubscribe from this group and stop...
[Maine-birds] Swainson's Thrush at Schoodic
Swainson's Thrush is a reliable summer resident at Schoodic. We heard several today advertising on the road up to Schoodic Head. What a treat! -- Maine birds mailing list maine-birds@googlegroups.com http://groups.google.com/group/maine-birds https://sites.google.com/site/birding207 --- You received this message because you are subscribed to the Google Groups "Maine birds" group. To unsubscribe from...
[Maine-birds] BCNH roosting colony on Casco Bay islands?
Sorry, just reporting this now, and it should be amusing when I try to enter the data on eBird. Friday afternoon/evening (the 15th) between 7:15 and 8:15sh PM, Jeff Webb and I saw 19 flyover BLACK-CROWNED NIGHT HERONS from the Spring Point trail that runs through the SMCC campus. We both had binoculars, it was still quite bright and sunny out, all the birds were very identifiable, and some could be heard calling...
[Maine-birds] Not often on birder's radars: white privilege
Thanks so much for adding this. And thanks Doug for allowing the discussion which is so important. We take for granted how easy it is for white people to go and do what they please. That's privilege.
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Monday, 18 June 2018
Re: [Maine-birds] Re: Not often on birder's radars: white privilege
I'm a fb friend of Drew's as well and I have long appreciated his extensive knowledge, his tremendously gorgeous photos and videos, his eloquent blog, and his wonderful sense of humor.I hadn't seen this video and it brings yet another layer of awareness to what my own privilege looks like and how blithely I take it for granted.Thank you so much for sharing it.KaliOn Mon, Jun 18, 2018 at 9:26 PM Delia Guzman <dguzman1964@gmail.com>...
Re: [Maine-birds] Re: Not often on birder's radars: white privilege
I honed my own Barred Owl call by listening to Drew's, Medea! He's long been a facebook friend, and I'm hoping to bird with him someday soon. He was on Hog Island this past weekend, but I was home with my infant son.As a Latinx woman, I am often the only person of color in birding groups and at festivals, so I know a small bit about what Drew's talking about--but only a small bit, as I'm a fairly light-skinned woman. It's thought-provoking...
[Maine-birds] Re: Not often on birder's radars: white privilege
Craig,Thanks for posting this. Maybe we're on the same science/education lists because that video came to my attention last week--can't remember how I happened onto it. The same wildlife ecologist (J. Drew Lanham) also had an article about trying to do a BBS as a black man. https://lithub.com/birding-while-black/. Pretty disturbing stuff--hard to focus on the birds and the enjoyment while worrying...
Re: [Maine-birds] Not often on birder's radars: white privilege
Having recently moved from Maine to Charlotte NC, I have quickly acclimated to a much higher percentage of the population being of color, which is not an issue with me at all.The Local Audubon Society, Mecklenburg Audubon welcomes anyone to join , and go on field trips, which is what I enjoy most.I have seen no discrimination in the birding community either in Maine or in North Carolina, and welcome birders of any color to our...
Re: [Maine-birds] Not often on birder's radars: white privilege
Excellent video. Thought provoking. In a related vein, when I started birding 60 years ago, birding was only done by "dweebs" and "dorks", neither of which I aspired to be as an intelligent and athletic kid. I hid my binoculars under my arm for decades and only took them out if I needed to see something and sometimes I even skipped looking at a bird because of other people around me. I used to bird with a close friend and when...
[Maine-birds] Not often on birder's radars: white privilege
Birding friends - I am sharing this in the spirit of an informational and non-political perspective on our shared passion; I hope that's OK within the listserv community. I don't need replies unless you wish to, and I'm happy to receive those off-list. From where I sit it seems like the community of birders in the world is not yet representative of who lives in our towns and our region. This is a 2-minute video called "Birding...
Will it ever warn up? I suppose it is getting better but it seems a slow grind.Last week produced more species than we usually see this far into the post-migration season. There were brief visits by an EASTERN KINGBIRD, a EASTERN MEADOWLARK, an EASTERN BLUEBIRD, 2 EASTERN PHOEBES, 2 ROBINS and a BLACKPOLL WARBLER. A RED BREASTED NUTHATCH and a BLACK TERN each continue to linger and at least once there was a sub-adult...
Friday, 15 June 2018
[Maine-birds] Maine Bird Atlas - Weekend Challenges, 6/15
Hi everyone:
Another week, another set of challenges! As mentioned last week, we are now within the safe dates for all of Maine's birds, meaning you can "safely" report all possible codes. Also, we'll be holding an atlas-specific eBird training at Gilsland Farm next Thursday (6/21) evening: https://www.facebook.com/events/200791800570689/
As usual, let's take a look at how we did with last week's challenges…
Common Eider -...
Thursday, 14 June 2018
[Maine-birds] WESTERN WOOD-PEWEE, 6/12, Washington Co.
On 12 June 2018, I found what is presumably Maine's first documented WESTERN WOOD-PEWEE on Roque Island (Washington County). This island has no public access, and the bird was not relocated on the 13th.
Willy Hutcheson
Beals, ME
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[Maine-birds] Contiuning phalarope at Weskeag
Hi, I observed the female Wilson's phalarope around 7:30 am in the far pannes with 2 killdeer. There is a number of faded fence posts in the background view of this particular panne. Don ...
Wednesday, 13 June 2018
RE: [Maine-birds] snowy in bidderford?
Thanks so very much for the update, I sincerely appreciate it and will hope for the best.Deb On June 13, 2018 at 3:18 PM dwmp@avianhaven.org wrote:We’ve gotten several calls about this bird today. The warden covering that area was just at the scene to assess the situation, along with one of our volunteer transporters. At this time, the bird is on a rooftop and has been observed flying, so capture was not deemed...
RE: [Maine-birds] snowy in bidderford?
We've gotten several calls about this bird today. The warden covering that area was just at the scene to assess the situation, along with one of our volunteer transporters. At this time, the bird is on a rooftop and has been observed flying, so capture was not deemed feasible at this time. But the warden service as well as we here at AH are aware of the bird and have a local volunteer standing by.Diane at Avian...
[Maine-birds] snowy in bidderford?
It has come to my attention that there was a snowy sighting in Bidderford today and that the pictures that have been taken may show that it is not well. I have not seen the pictures however would like to suggest whomever is seeing it, that they contact the below. Let them come out and take a look at it and assess it's needs. Just a thought?ThanksDeb Powers-South Berwick MaineOn the Wing-Jane Kelly47...
[Maine-birds] Weskeag phalarope redux?
Hi, Eddie Edwards reported a female Wilson's phalarope in the near-road pools at Weskeag this early morning. At 7:30 am I observed the bird in the back pools foraging a muddy shore with a killdeer. Don ...
Tuesday, 12 June 2018
[Maine-birds] Are there any Sandhill Cranes in the Smithfield area this year??
If I recall correctly, in some past years, some cranes have been reported in the Smithfield area.Do not recall the time of year tho and have not seen any resent sighting posts.I will be in that area this coming Saturday afternoon and would appreciate any information about where I might find some Sandhills.Also - any hints for a hot spot for other species that one could bird when in the area late afternoon for an hour....
[Maine-birds] Wood Duck chicks
Big clutch of Wood Duck chicks in the beaver pond.
H.Donovan Long Island
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[Maine-birds] Bank Swallows. Fryeburg, Maine
Sent from Mail for Windows 10There is a colony of Bank Swallow just downstream from Weston's Beach in Fryeburg, Maine. They are mostly in Maine but a few burrows are in New Hampshire. They are best viewed with a scope from River Road, East Conway to the west of the beach or from a canoe on the Saco River. There are at least 40 burrows visible to the north from River Road but I believe there are more around...
[Maine-birds] BBS
Have just finished my first running of the Cape Neddick Breeding Bird Survey in southern Maine. Picked a fine morning for it and we managed a whole lot of chipping sparrows and robins among other things and a few surprises too. Would love to hear from other surveyors about any tricks or tools they use to help separate out the bird calls etc. For example, at a few stops we had a robin or cardinal so close that...
Monday, 11 June 2018
Re: [Maine-birds] Little Egret - yes - Eastern Road, 10:00am, 6/11 (also TRHE, NSHO, and shorebirds).
Hi all,In my haste to post to the listserve in the field, I made two errors. One "tarting" was an autocorrect fail, as it should have been "tarrying." I was making no reference to their taste or demeanor. Also, I should have said "two even-length or nearly so" plumes. Looking at a few of the photos of Little Egrets that have been posted, I am unsure if, based on distance, one of the bird's plumes could have been a little...
[Maine-birds] Little Egret - yes - Eastern Road, 10:00am, 6/11 (also TRHE, NSHO, and shorebirds).
Hi all,
Especially considering how many birders we have seen this morning, I thought I would report that Marion Sprague and I are currently looking at a/the LITTLE EGRET at the north end of Eastern Road Trail.
This is the "definitive" one(s) with two even-length long plumes without "shag" below, and greenish-gray lores; no sign of yellow but it is far enough that I could not swear by it.
Mustard-yellow feet, longer and marginally...
Sunday, 10 June 2018
[Maine-birds] CHUCK-WILL'S-WIDOW - Orland, 6/6 & 6/9
On the evening of June 6th, Cheri Domina found a singing Chuck-will's Widow in the Great Pond Mountain Wildlands in Orland (Hancock County). The bird was still present last night when she led a walk for Downeast Audubon. On both nights the bird was heard calling just after 9:00PM.
Cheri shared that the Great Pond Mountain Conservation Trust had traditionally allowed people to walk in after dark so there shouldn't be any issues...
[Maine-birds] Harlequin Duck, Quoddy Head SP, 6/10
Hello all,For anyone interested in lingering seaduck sightings, Bill Rowe and his Missouri birding group called at 12:30 to report a female Harlequin Duck off of the lighthouse at Quoddy Head State Park.-Jeannette ***************************************** Derek and Jeannette Lovitch Freeport Wild Bird Supply 541 Route One, Suite 10 Freeport, ME 04032 207-865-6000 www.freeportwildbirdsupply.com...
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