Sunday, 5 January 2014

[Maine-birds] Mid-coast Birds

I birded the Mid-coast area today looking for several of the recently reported birds in the area.  

I made it to Camden Harbor a little after 8 am and both an American Coot and a female Northern Pintail were still present. 

Then headed down to Bath and at Whiskeag Road the Red-Headed Woodpecker was at Bee Haven Farm as was the "Boreal" Chickadee.  I would agree with Mike Fahay that this is likely a melanistic-challenged Black-capped.  My photos show a very pale-bodied bird but with a lovely brown cap :) 

I went to look for the Golden Eagle at the landfill on Detritus Drive and did see it a couple of times between 11:00 and 11:30 am (without venturing past the gate which is clearly marked "No Trespassing").  It came in and sat on top of the sand pile and could be seen well through binoculars but better with a scope.  There were also four imm. Bald Eagles and a Glaucous Gull on the trash.

On my way back I went by Weskeag Marsh south of Rockland and had great looks at a Rough-legged Hawk from the parking area on Buttermilk Lane.

Finally, over at Owl's Head Harbor there were two Iceland and one Glaucous Gull.

Thanks much to all those who have found and previously reported on these birds.  Beautiful day.

Good Birding,


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