Sunday, 5 January 2014

[Maine-birds] No Golden Eagle this morning at Bath Landfill

I hiked into the woods north of the landfill via the Whiskeag Trail this morning, and was there (at the perimeter fence) enjoying warmer temps and favorable light from 9:30-10:45.  While I was there, three sets of two birders apparently ignored the signs and entered the property and hiked up to the top of the pile. 

Recent experience has indicated that the Golden Eagle will not approach the pile with human activity going on there.  Bald Eagles might, but even they were reluctant to leave their perches during this time period. 

Early on, the scavengers were almost totally comprised of crows.  I always see just one raven at the landfill, and this morning, the crows were mercilessly harassing it.  Gulls began arriving high overhead, in phalanxes of 10-20 birds, flying in weak formations, late in the morning. 

So I drove over to the Brunswick Landfill (16.7 mi by road) where conditions were excellent for using your truck as a blind and sitting in favorable light surveying the avian scene.  7 Bald Eagles making forays at potential prey on the refuse pile.  But no Golden Eagle. 

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