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From: "David Yarnold, Audubon" <>
Date: July 23, 2014 at 7:45:23 AKDT
Subject: URGENT ACTION: Change glass, save birds
Reply-To: "David Yarnold, Audubon" <>
National Audubon Society
URGENT ACTION: Change glass, save birds. · Trouble viewing this email? Try our web version.
Urge the Vikings and the MSFA to reverse course immediately and use safer glass.
Take Action › Dear Carl,
The Minnesota Vikings' new stadium could kill thousands of migratory birds unless the stadium's builders take immediate action to incorporate bird safe measures.
At issue is the type of glass being used in the largely-glass exterior of the massive new stadium. Current plans call for a type of glass that birds are less likely to see, thus inviting deadly collisions.
Last week the Vikings and the Minnesota Sports Facilities Authority (MSFA) rejected Audubon's recommendation to use safer types of glass that could help save thousands of birds from fatally colliding with the stadium's huge windows.
Urge the Vikings and the MSFA to reverse course immediately and use safer glass.
The cost of using bird friendly glass is less than one tenth of one percent of the overall cost of the new billion dollar stadium. The site of the stadium is less than a mile from the Mississippi River, along which tens of millions of birds fly between their breeding and wintering grounds every year.
Unless the Vikings and the MSFA reverse course, the new stadium could become a serious threat to Minnesota's birds.
Please act today to urge the stadium's builders to make the right choice — use safer glass!
David Yarnold
President & CEO, National Audubon Society
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