NH Audubon sponsored an all day pelagic bird trip yesterday aboard the
"Granite State" out of Rye Harbor, NH. We traveled east to the Isles
of Shoals where we wandered around the lee side of the islands waiting
for the northerly winds to dissipate. We then traveled east toward
Jeffrey's Ledge before turning south toward a trawler. We then wandered
around offshore along the inner edge of Jeffrey's Ledge chasing whales
and gill netters. According to fishing reports and whale watch reports,
this area has been the most productive area for marine life for much of
the summer and fall. Essentially all of the trip was in NH waters
except for a brief forays into ME waters.
Despite a few bumps and bruises in choppy waters it was a great day on
the water! Not a lot of birds out there, but a couple of nice surprises
and some nicely behaving Humpback Whales to round out the trip. Thanks
to Jon Woolf for organizing this trip and to Captain Pete Reynolds and
crew for skillfully working the birds and whales we encountered.
Steve Mirick
Bradford, MA
Birds seen from "Granite State" boat out of Rye harbor on all day
pelagic bird trip organized by NH Audubon. Approximately 46
participants. Most of the day spent on inner areas of Jeffrey's Ledge
ranging south to Scantum area near Massachusetts border. Sunny skies,
moderate sea chop, but seas 1 to 3 feet. Moderate northerly wind
shifting to east.
Marine mammals included six individually identified Humpback Whales.
Identified were "Six", "Jabiru", "Valley", "Raccoon", "Chablis", and 29
year old "Owl" with a scar on her back. "Valley" gave a very dramatic
performance with a complete BREACH close to the boat and seen by most
(but not all) on board. Also seen were a few Minke Whales, Harbor Seals
and an Ocean Sunfish.
List below includes birds encountered at the Isles of Shoals and beyond
only, and does not count birds from "inshore" waters.
Canada Goose 11 Migratory flock well offshore.
Common Eider X Isles of Shoals
White-winged Scoter 2 Migrating together offshore
Common Loon 3 Offshore
CORY'S SHEARWATER 14 Some individuals just outside of Isles of Shoals.
Great Shearwater 6
Wilson's Storm-Petrel 270 Relatively high count of storm-petrels in
a summer/fall with relatively few seen. Largest concentration was about
100 birds, but otherwise widely scattered in small numbers.
Northern Gannet 20
Double-crested Cormorant 71 Migrating flocks well offshore.
Estimated sizes of 20,50, and 1. More non-migratory birds around islands.
Great Cormorant 6 Isles of Shoals. Most on Square Rock
AMERICAN OYSTERCATCHER 1 Standing in rocks on north side of Lunging
Island at the Isles of Shoals in New Hampshire. Well seen by all and
photographed. This is likely the rarest bird sighting of the day as
this species is still rather rare in NH despite the fact that it has
regularly nested in small numbers in Maine for several years now.
Perhaps somewhat surprising is that this may only be the 2nd ever FALL
record of Oystercatcher for the State of NH. All other sightings are
spring and summer records except for one (that I could find) from the
Isles of Shoals last year in September!
Killdeer 1 Isles of Shoals
Spotted Sandpiper 2 Isles of Shoals
Greater Yellowlegs 2 Isles of Shoals
RED-NECKED PHALAROPE 16 In very small groups of between 1 and 4
phalarope sp. 3
PARASITIC JAEGER 2 Adult or near adult in scantum area near gill
netter. Seen in pursuit of small land bird in dramatic aerial chase
which lasted several minutes. Small bird ultimately eaten by Great
Black-backed Gull! Also a Juvenile between Star Island and White Island
lighthouse while coming back from ledge. Flew toward Cedar Island and
into Maine waters before we lost it.
Black Guillemot 2 Isles of Shoals
Herring Gull 25 Only birds offshore are included in this count.
LESSER BLACK-BACKED GULL 1 Juvenile bird in mixed flock behind
trawler. Surprisingly the only LBBG of the day.
Great Black-backed Gull 290 Large number near trawler and gill
netters. Large proportion of them were juveniles. More around Isles of
shoals not included in total.
gull sp. 200
Common Tern 8 Offshore. None at Isles of Shoals, and none inshore
of islands.
Eastern Kingbird 1 Isles of Shoals
Carolina Wren 1 Isles of Shoals
European Starling 2 Isles of Shoals
Yellow Warbler 1 Isles of Shoals
Savannah Sparrow 1 Isles of Shoals
passerine sp. 1 One unfortunate song bird which was chased
mercilessly by Parasitic Jaeger, but was ultimately eaten by a Great
Black-backed Gull.
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