Maine birders:
After an extremely successful August boat trip to the continental shelf waters south of Cape Cod, the Brookline Bird Club is running another overnight pelagic from 27-28 September. This is a fantastic opportunity to look for uncommon and rare warm-water species like White-faced and Band-rumped Storm-Petrels, Audubon's Shearwater, Black-capped and potentially other Pterodroma petrels, and more widespread pelagic species like jaegers, skuas, and shearwaters. These trips have a fantastic track record over the years and have also turned up such mega-rarities as Barolo Shearwater and Red-billed Tropicbird and other marine life like Whale Shark and Blue Whale.
There are still several spots available on the boat, and it would be great to have some other Maine birders aboard! Please see the below message from trip organizer Ida Giriunas for more information about signing up.
Luke Seitz
Brookline Bird Club EXTREME PELAGIC TRIP SEPTEMBER 27,28, 2014 HYANNIS, MATO HYDROGRAPHER,VEACHES,ATLANTIS CANYON AREA: 5:30 AM SATURDAY - 6PM SUNDAYfor WHITE-FACED STORM PETREL, Band-Rumped and, Leach's Storm-Petrel,5Shearwater species (including possible BAROLO), 3 Jaeger species, terns,gulls and sea ducks, possible Tropicbird, bridled tern, other rarities.Cost: $295 BBC Members, $310 non-membersStill 8 spots left. We have an opportunity to rerun the recent very successful ExtremePelagic trip in August at the end of September. The birds seen in August were theWhite-faced Storm-petrel, Black-capped Petrel, Red-billed Tropicbird,dozens of Audubon's shearwaters, a few Band-rumped storm-petrels, a fewLeach's Storm-petrels and a SOUTH POLAR SKUA as well as our commonshearwaters, jaegers and phalaropes. Also seen was a WHALE SHARK and aTIGER SHARK. We have Master birders Nick Bonomo, Steve Mirick, Luke Seitzand special guest, Brian Patteson leading the trip.Our boat, the HELEN H, is a very comfortable, fast, 100 foot fishing boatwith a knowledgeable and enthusiastic Captain and crew. We use gallons ofchum to attract the birds. There is a full galley with excellentfood at reasonable prices. Parking is free.(781-929-8772) for further information and a waiver form.
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