Sunday, 4 October 2015

[Maine-birds] Fwd: Fw: Bird in Bangor Airport bottom floor--beautiful but stuck

This came in to me late last night and I just saw it.  I didn't know if anyone could help or knows of anyone that can help.  Hopefully the bird is out by now.


---------- Forwarded message ----------
From: McCosker, Loraine <>
Date: Sat, Oct 3, 2015 at 11:37 PM
Subject: Fw: Bird in Bangor Airport bottom floor--beautiful but stuck
To: "" <>

I have just left Bangor airport, October 3, 7:20 pm after a week hiking and observing wildlife in the area. There is a bird--- either Tennessee Warbler, Kinglet or other species I am not sure --stuck in the Bangor airport--bottom floor.

We tried to guide the bird out the door and I pled with several employees to turn off the lites in one area for a minute. Can you help. Apparently this is at least the 2nd day for the bird.  There is not water for the bird and she should be migrating.

One of the ticket agents indicated that this is a common problem as the doors are open with construction (or maybe walls) I encouraged concerned employees to purchase a net with a long handle to deal with such situations. Can you help -- the airport was not busy and certainly people could assist, the TSA agent indicated this was a problem as well.

Thank you so much-

Loraine McCosker, Athens Ohio

Loraine McCosker,  MSES
Environmental Studies Outreach Coordinator and Academic Advisor
Kanawha Environmental Education Project
The Ridges Building 22 #206
Athens, Ohio 45701

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