Friday, 4 May 2018

[Maine-birds] Fwd: Bradbury Mountain State Park (04 May 2018) 75 Raptors

Bradbury Mountain State Park
Pownal, Maine, USA

Daily Raptor Counts: May 04, 2018
SpeciesDay's CountMonth TotalSeason Total
Black Vulture000
Turkey Vulture00564
Bald Eagle0176
Northern Harrier2482
Sharp-shinned Hawk25104446
Cooper's Hawk0675
Northern Goshawk017
Red-shouldered Hawk0278
Broad-winged Hawk283411569
Red-tailed Hawk03187
Rough-legged Hawk000
Golden Eagle000
American Kestrel1065307
Peregrine Falcon002
Unknown Accipiter007
Unknown Buteo028
Unknown Falcon001
Unknown Eagle000
Unknown Raptor0924

Observation start time: 08:00:00
Observation end time: 16:00:00
Total observation time: 8 hours
Official CounterZane Baker

33 Visitors today

The day turned out better than expected. Rain held off, and I was able to get a full day of counting. The morning hours were quite pleasant with little wind and a few bright patches in the clouds. By early afternoon, the wind started to increase, mostly from the SSE, and remained steady and strong for the rest of the day. Temperatures were more mild today, with a high of around 65. Visibility was slightly reduced due to some haze.

Raptor Observations:
Birds seemed to trickle in throughout the morning time, and were pretty scattered in their line of flight. Local Broad-wings were getting rather aggressive today. One blackbird didn't let it's smaller stature and lack of weaponry stand in the way of giving a Broad-wing a piece of its mind. The blackbird appeared to bounce of the back off the larger bird after striking it from above.

Non-raptor Observations:
42 species were seen or heard today. There was less movement of passerines this morning. Northbound birds included: 24 Tree Swallows 6 Warbler Spp. 4 Blackbird Spp. 4 Yellow-rumped Warblers 2 Chimney Swifts 2 Common Loons 1 Barn Swallow 1 Cliff Swallow 1 Eastern Kingbird 1 Palm Warbler

Tomorrow should be pretty dry with a lot more sun. Temps may reach into the mid to upper 60's. Wind speeds could be an issue, as they are currently predicted to be blowing at around 15-20, from the W, in the earlier part of the day.

Report submitted by Jeannette Lovitch (
Bradbury Mountain State Park information may be found at:
More information at [Site Profile] [Day Summary] [Month Summary]


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