Hi all,
My observations of note over the past seven days included:
- 15+ Pine Warblers, Wolfe's Neck Woods State Park, 4/29 (with Feathers Over Freeport Birdwalk group).
- 200 Long-tailed Ducks, Simpson's Point, Brunswick, 4/30 (with Zane Baker).
- 250+ White-winged Scoters, 60 Greater Scaup, 20 Lesser Scaup, 150 unidentified scaup, etc, Wharton Point, Brunswick, 4/30 (with Zane Baker).
- 7 species of warblers led by 125+ Yellow-rumped, 30 Palm, and 4 Black-and-white; 1 Rusty Blackbird, etc, Florida Lake Park, Freeport, 5/2 (with Zane Baker).
- 2 PURPLE MARTINS, Bradbury Mountain Hawkwatch, 5/2.
- 9 species warblers (Jeannette added 1 Yellow for #10) led by 90+ Yellow-rumped Warblers, 15 Palm Warblers, and 6 Black-and-white Warblers; 1 Common Merganser, 1 Rusty Blackbird, etc, Florida Lake Park, 5/3.
- Photos of the previously-reported YELLOW-THROATED WARBLER from Pond Cove in Cape Elizabeth are here (click right arrow for more): https://www.flickr.com/photos/freeportwildbird/40991559805/in/album-72157625893018447/
And my personal FOY's this week included:
- 1 House Wren, Bailey Island, Harpswell, 4/30 (with Zane Baker)
- 1 Gray Catbirds, feeders here at the store, 4/30.
- 1 Northern Waterthrush, Florida Lake Park, 5/2 (with Zane Baker)
- 3 Northern Parulas, Florida Lake Park, 5/2 (with Zane Baker).
- 1 Bank Swallow, Bradbury Mountain Hawkwatch, 5/2.
- 1 Chimney Swift, Bradbury Mountain Hawkwatch, 5/2.
- 1 Ovenbird, our yard in Pownal, 5/3.
- 1 Eastern Kingbird, Florida Lake Park, 5/3.
- 1 Common Yellowthroat, Florida Lake Park, 5/3.
- 4 Solitary Sandpiper, Florida Lake Park, 5/3.
- 2 Blackburnian Warblers, Bradbury Mountain Hawkwatch, 5/3.
- 1 Cliff Swallow, Bradbury Mountain Hawkwatch, 5/3.
- 2 Least Flycatchers, Evergreen Cemetery, Portland, 5/4 (with Marion Sprague).
- 2 Yellow Warblers, Evergreen Cemetery, 5/4 (with Marion Sprague).
- 1 Brown Thrasher, Evergreen Cemetery, 5/4 (with Marion Sprague).
- 1 Prairie Warbler, Pond Cove, 5/4.
Derek and Jeannette Lovitch
Freeport Wild Bird Supply
541 Route One, Suite 10
Freeport, ME 04032
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