Thursday, 11 September 2014

[Maine-birds] Northern Maine Birds: Whimbrel, Lesser Black-backed Gulls in Presque Isle

This evening, after work, I found several hundred newly arrived gulls walking around the fields near the Presque Isle Airport... apparently feeding on nightcrawlers and other inverts flooded out by today's rains.  The gulls were predominantly Herring and Ring-billed but there were at least three adult Lesser Black-backed Gulls in the flock.

While watching these, a Whimbrel flushed from among the gulls and flew directly over me.  The bird circled a couple times and returned to the ground on the back side of the runway--out of sight.  A rare find in northern Maine.

I also had some latest-ever records for me earlier this week.  

Last night (9/10) I saw a Common Nighthawk over Route 1 in Caribou and earlier that day, I heard an Eastern Wood Pewee in the Woodland Bog Preserve.  Both were later than any others I'd detected in the county previously.   On Tuesday (the 9th) I had a late Great-crested Flycatcher vocalizing in my yard.  The bird only stayed for a few minutes and then moved out, southward.

Numbers of Canada Geese and other waterfowl appear to be increasing locally.  LImestone is now sporting flocks of over 500 geese and the Collins Pond flock now numbers over 300.  Collins Pond (Caribou) is good for 20+ Northern Shovelers and similar numbers of Green-winged and Blue-winged Teal.  My first of fall Northern Pintail was found here yesterday too.

Good birding


Bill Sheehan
Woodland, Aroostook Co., Maine

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