Tuesday 20 November 2018

[Maine-birds] possible Great Gray Owl, East Wilton

Greetings, birding friends! I'm going to venture out on a limb and report for what it's worth a possible Great Gray Owl in the East Wilton area. While driving from Wilton to Farmington I had the bird in view for 5-6 seconds as it crossed Route 2/4 from west to east. It flew from the Wilton Blueberry Farm area, crossed Wilson Stream and the highway (between the 1st Apostolic Church and Upright Frameworks) and continued upslope towards an upland to the east. The impression was of a massive, all-dark owl with insanely broad, longish wings, an enormous head, completely flat face and long tail projection (for an owl). Flight was buoyant but labored into a gusty, snow-laden headwind. Unquestionably a wicked large owl that was definitively not a Great Horned Owl + seemed altogether much too dang large, huge-headed, big-winged and especially long-tailed to be a Barred Owl, either. Given weather conditions + my schedule I wasn't able to attempt relocating the bird. 

Peace & good birding,
Scott Cronenweth
Industry, ME


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