Tuesday, 18 September 2012


Bird numbers and variety remain quite modest.

A few raptors show up each day; Peregrines, Merlins & Sharp Shinned
Hawks with a Harrier about every second day.
EAGLES have been unusually absent. Only one sighting during the past
2 RAVENS, likely "our" winter pair, have been around most days &
harassing raptors to steal their kills.

One very tame PINE WARBLER has been haunting the patio for a few days,
gleaning ants and other small bugs.
Other patio birds include numerous PURPLE FINCHES, SAVANNAH SPARROWS &
This cadre was joined briefly today by 1 BALTIMORE ORIOLE and by 2
LARK SPARROWS (1 adult, 1 sub-adult).
A few GOLDFINCHES pop in irregularly and a single MOURNING DOVE has
been around for a couple days.

A single EASTERN KINGBIRD was hawking insects in the wind on Sunday.

Butterflies continued numerous through the weekend and Monday. This is
easily the biggest fall movement of MONARCH & QUESTION MARK
BUTTERFLIES that I've seen on the island. In recent days there has
been a heavy late-day movement from about 16:00 right up until dark.

There are still lots of seals around.
Upwards of a score of GRAY SEALS are frequently seen "float sleeping"
at their regular spots. This is when they float in a vertical
attitude, tail down, nose straight up, sound asleep.
I had close observation of a HARBOUR SEAL pup with a lacerated hind
flipper as it sun bathed on shore Sunday.

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