Wednesday, 9 December 2015

[Maine-birds] free selection of bird journals

I am closing my store! It only took me seven years to realize I am running two businesses. Now, the tour component of my business has grown to the point where I am going to focus on that. Anyway, as I am clearing the shelves, I realize I have a variety of journal issues and wondered if anyone would like them. They are free but you have to pick them up in Bar Harbor by Saturday, 20 December. They include:

Vol. 19 (1987), nos. 4, 6
Vol. 20 (1988), nos. 5, 6
A variety of issues between 2002 and 2013, 38 issues total

Supplement to Nov-Dec 1939
Supplement to May-Jun 1940
Supplement to Jul-Aug 1940

Vol. 62 (2012), nos. 1, 2, 3, 4
Vol. 63 (2013), nos. 1

Maine Audubon Quarterly
Fall 1978
Spring 1979
Fall 1979
Vol. 6 (1983), nos. 3

If you are interested, we can just figure a way to get them to you; otherwise, they will end up in the recycling (unless you know someone else who might want them).

Be well,


P.S. This message was first vetted by the list moderator.

Richard MacDonald
The Natural History Center
6 Firefly Lane
P.O. Box 6
Bar Harbor, Maine 04609
207/801-2617 (store)
207/266-9461 (mobile)


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