Sunday, 8 March 2015

[Maine-birds] More BOWAs and a Shrike

We saw a Northern Shrike this afternoon atop a tree a bit east of the Paper Mill Trail in Lisbon.  We got some good looks at it despite the distance, but it was being persistently mobbed by a handful of chickadees and finally moved on.

Back at the parking lot (corner of Lisbon St. and Frost Hill Ave), we were just about to get into the car when we heard the peculiar whistling burble of Bohemian Waxwings.  Sure enough, there were about two dozen of them eating berries in a small tree immediately adjacent to the parking lot.  Although a few took cover on some of the higher branches of a nearby tree when we edged nearer, most of them ignored us as they ate, allowing us to get close enough for some extended, non-binocular-aided viewing (and some terrific photos as well).

Gary Jarvis & Christine Murray

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