Greetings,I visited the Flood Farm in Benton/Clinton this afternoon. The driving conditions in access roads into the fields were good in that they were frozen and the adjacent fields were solid for turning around. Roads in the dairy farm compound were wet with a mix of cow waste and water, which enhanced the odor. Birds were thin in the compound area (Rock pigeons, and House sparrows). No gulls and very...
Maine-birds is an email forum devoted to the discussion of birds and birding in the state of Maine. The primary function of the list is to provide an efficient means of reporting wild bird sightings in the state.
Sunday, 31 January 2016
[Maine-birds] Northern harrier, 200+ horned larks, 1 Barrows goldeneye & dead red fox *(non-road kill_
Read More :- "[Maine-birds] Northern harrier, 200+ horned larks, 1 Barrows goldeneye & dead red fox *(non-road kill_"
[Maine-birds] S.Portland Dickcissel Back
The Dickcissel came back to my yard today and we were able to get some fuzzy photos which are attached. Although not shown in the photo, it does have the chestnut shoulder patches. Is this a male or female? It does not not have the black breast patch but does have some grayish streaks. THa...
[Maine-birds] Midcoast Birds
There was also a cormormant diving in the Lee by the Breakwater. I thought that odd. No?
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[Maine-birds] Midcoast Birds
Birded some of the midcoast today. Got the Mew Gull in the right pen this time. Many vocalizations from this dainty gull this time. Didn't hear a peep from him the other times I saw him. Finally scored the Black-headed Gull in the harbor. At the breakwater I got one Red-necked Grebe and a single Dovekie on the Breakwater. Back in Newcastle at the alewives amongst the plethora of mallards I was graced with a single drake N. Pintail....
Re: [Maine-birds] Barn owl question
I failed to remember in my earlier post that one time I was at Tuckahoe Turf last year, and one of the workers, who lives in Berwick, talked to me about an owl he saw. After hearing his description, it was clear he had seen a barn owl. I asked him to take pictures and if he would document it for a state record if he...
Re: [Maine-birds] Barn owl question
I know of two other Maine Barn Owl records, although it appears neither were submitted to the Bird Records Committee:1) According to an unpublished reference, there was a report in the Maine Field Observer (sorry, I don’t have the specific citation) stating a Barn Owl was observed 11 January 1961 in Southwest Harbor. “Mann was the observer.”...
[Maine-birds] Update to Wells Reserve bird list
Here's a story around the latest addition to the bird list for the Wells Reserve at Laudholm... -- Maine birds mailing list --- You received this message because you are subscribed to the Google Groups "Maine birds" group. To unsubscribe...
[Maine-birds] Hermit Thrush Two Lights SP
An out of season Hermit Thrush was spotted yesterday Jan. 30, at Two Lights State Park. Not terribly surprising considering the mild winter so far. Specifically it was near the "winter" restrooms in the parking lot.
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Saturday, 30 January 2016
[Maine-birds] Route 113, Maine and New Hampshire Border
This afternoon I went North on Rt. 113 through Stow, ME into North
Chatham, NH. I found Bohemian Waxwings in Stow and Red Crossbills in
North Chatham.
Picture are in eBird reports.
Bob Crowley
Chatham, NH
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[Maine-birds] Dickcissel/South Portland
Had a Dickcissel at my feeder for one day this week but has not been back. I live near Hinckley Park - just letting other S. Portland birders know so you can be on the lookout! &nb...
[Maine-birds] Killdeer in South Portland

Anyone else seeing/hearing Killdeer this winter? Just saw one new near the Get Air trampoline park on Riverside Rd. On Jan 30, 2016 3:32 PM, <> wrote: ...
[Maine-birds] Belfast Bay census of Friday, Jan. 29, 2016
Gary Gulezian and I did the census of Belfast Bay yesterday morning (1/29/2016) under overcast skies with occasional light rain or snow. Temperatures were mild for January with little wind, and we had a good morning of birding (19 species). The second cycle Glaucous Gull was still there. We have reached the stage of winter where large numbers of Herring Gulls (685) and Mallards (345) are found on the bay. ...
Re: [Maine-birds] Barn owl question
Here is a list of Barn Owl records for Maine: Sat, Jan 30, 2016 at 8:53 AM, Andrew Aldrich <> wrote: Hi Kit, According to an eBird search there has never been a sighting...
Re: [Maine-birds] Barn owl question
Hi Kit, According to an eBird search there has never been a sighting in Maine. Perhaps 15 to 20 years ago I remember hearing a birder say they saw one near the Wells, ME. exit. I do not remember any other details. Happy birding Andy Aldrich North Berwick From: Kit Pfeiffer Sent: Saturday, January 30, 2016 8:15 AM To: Maine birds Subject: [Maine-birds]...
[Maine-birds] Barn owl question
My daughter in Bangor wants to now if there have been barn owl sightings there. How far north in Maine are they? Thanks. Kit -- Maine birds mailing list --- You received this message because you are subscribed to the Google Groups "Maine birds" group. To unsubscribe from this group and stop receiving...
Friday, 29 January 2016
[Maine-birds] Additional Highlights This Week, 1/23-29
Hi all,A handful of other sightings of note from me over the past week included:- Brunswick's Simpson's Point continues to be an exceptional hotspot for the season, with a raft of 800+ scaup continuing. On both of my visits this week, the group was too far to identify most, but there are at least a few/some LESSER SCAUP among the flock of GREATERS. The number of Common Goldeneyes increased to 250+ by 1/24 (with Jeannette),...
Re: [Maine-birds] Cedar Waxwings
Send some down. For those of us in Portland area, checked TT Orchard yesterday. Starlings. No Robins and no waxwings.
> On Jan 29, 2016, at 13:24, Sean Hatch <> wrote:
> Just had close to 100 in downtown Waldoboro. Searched the pack and couldn't find Bohemians.
> --
> Maine birds mailing list
[Maine-birds] Cedar Waxwings
Just had close to 100 in downtown Waldoboro. Searched the pack and couldn't find Bohemians.
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[Maine-birds] Black-throated Sparrow
BTSP was reported seen by Sue and Harold Shaw in Winter Harbor at 13 Barnacle Lane on 1/27 at 9 a.m. and on 1/28 at 3:05 p.m. -- Maine birds mailing list --- You received this message because you are subscribed to the Google Groups "Maine birds" group. To unsubscribe from this group and stop receiving...
[Maine-birds] Glaucous and Mew Gull
A 1st-cycle glaucous and continuing mew gull at the Owls Head lobster impoundment this morning.Don ...
Thursday, 28 January 2016
[Maine-birds] Camden Teal and Redhead; 2 Brown Creepers
Hi all -- Was able to locate the drake Redhead and the hen G-w Teal today at the Mechanic Street dam and duckpond in Camden. Also of note one Brown Creeper in the woods adjacent to the Camden Hills Regional HS student parking lot, and another in a tree next to the 3 Dogs Cafe in Rockport.Craig KSW Harbor -- Maine birds mailing list
Re: [Maine-birds] id question
I am no expert, but it sounds like a winter Black Guillemot to me. Here are 2 pictures of one that I took in Cape Porpoise on 12-31-15.BillOn Thu, Jan 28, 2016 at 12:52 PM, M. Calien Lewis <> wrote:Just in from Dyer's Point, C.E. Usual suspects: eider, long-tailed duck but nice looks at harlequins...
[Maine-birds] Yellow bellied Sapsucker, Evergreen Cemetery, Portland
Seen around 9:15 this morning behind Brentwood Farm Community Gardens area at the start of the blue trail, the whole area along this side very active today! -- Maine birds mailing list --- You received this message because you are subscribed to the Google Groups "Maine birds" group. To unsubscribe from...
[Maine-birds] id question
Just in from Dyer's Point, C.E. Usual suspects: eider, long-tailed duck but nice looks at harlequins and purple sandpipers on the rocks. Razorbill as well. One id question: I had what looked like a black guillemot except it was light slate gray with white wing/shoulders, white underneath when it spread its wings briefly, short bill, pointed tail held up. Eye was black...
Re: [Maine-birds] Maine trip in May
There's enough great birding around Kennebunk you might be tempted to skip the marathon. It's not an exhaustive list, but check out the York County birding trail sites on With those, eBird, and Maine-birds you ought to stay busy. Pelagics could be challenging.
> On Jan 27, 2016, at 10:56 PM, wrote:
> Hello,
> I will be in Maine May 13th...
Wednesday, 27 January 2016
[Maine-birds] Maine trip in May
I will be in Maine May 13th - 17th for a marathon in Kennebunk. I'm looking for the best places to bird nearby. I'm afraid I might be too early for a trip to see Atlantic puffins or other pelagic birds. Is there still opportunities to see any at this time? I'd also love to know where I can view any other rarities for an Ohio birder. thanks in advance and I look forward to my trip.
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[Maine-birds] Black throated sparrow NO
I spent most of the day in Winter Harbor today hoping to find this bird. I started out watching the feeder and environs at 13 Barnacle Lane. On two separate occasions a flock of mixed birds came in to feed, but the sparrow was not among them. After abou 2 hours I decided to check some of the other locations where the bird had been seen. Most of the feeders on Hillcrest Lane we're empty. The second to last house on the road...
[Maine-birds] Knox gulls
Gulls continue to be numerous around Kinney's compost on Knox Ridge. They are attracted to the compost at the site which is on the east side of Rt 220 just north of the Rt 137 intersection. Today, an adult Iceland and first year Glaucous Gull were amongst almost 600 gulls . Both of these birds were visible from Rt 137 near the gas station.Good birding,tom -- Maine birds mailing list
[Maine-birds] Redhead
Megunticook River Redhead in Camden still present-
Skip/Linda and Spartacus
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[Maine-birds] YCA Wed Birding Trip: Parsons Way (1/27)
Ten birders enjoyed a mild morning walk today along Parsons Way in
Kennebunkport. The walk was part of the York County Audubon Wednesday
Birding group. Collectively, we observed 33 species. Highlights
included a Harlequin Duck, 2 Purple Sandpipers, a Black Guillemot, and
close looks at Cedar Waxwings, Eastern Bluebirds, and an American
Robin near Walker's Point. Thanks to Andy Aldrich for keeping the list
(see below).
FYI: I'm...
[Maine-birds] Gardiner Peregrine
Yesterday I saw a Peregrine Falcon scaring up the pigeons over downtown Gardiner several times in the afternoon. Never saw it get any but it had them flying around a lot. Jeff Wells ...
[Maine-birds] Crow roosts
Does anyone know of any large communal crow roosts in or near Lincoln Cty?
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Tuesday, 26 January 2016
[Maine-birds] Owls Head affairs

This may be a bit off-topic, but the commercial operation and maintenance of the lobster impoundment requires some intermittent physical labor. This afternoon a dock worker shoveled hundreds of pounds of frozen herring into both sides of the pen areas. Since there is little natural food available inside the impoundment, the lobsters...
[Maine-birds] York County sightings (Jan 23-26)...
Here are some highlights from the past few days in York County:
1/23 (Saturday)
...Ruffed Grouse near Batson River on Guinea Rd. in Kennebunkport
...Belted Kingfisher and 150+ Mallards in Mast Cove, K'port
...Hermit Thrush, Yellow-rumped Warblers (3), American Robins (12),
Cedar Waxwings (4), Eastern Bluebirds (7), Harlequin Ducks (10),
Northern Gannets (4), Razorbills (3), and an assortment of other birds
along Parsons Way (Ocean...
[Maine-birds] the morning commute
I stopped to check on several species during my journey to the Owls Head office: the Samoset chat and black-headed gull in their usual places. At the Owls Head lobster pens, the mew gull and an immature great cormorant.Don ...
Monday, 25 January 2016
[Maine-birds] Lingering Kingfisher
I was a bit surprised to see a kingfisher peering down from the wires into Spurwink Marsh on the Cape Elizabeth/Scarborough line. There seem to be an unusual number hanging around this winter. Peggy Page&nb...
[Maine-birds] Rockland-area rarities continue: MEW GULL, BLACK-HEADED GULL, etc.
My husband Paul and I birded the Rockland area today with Derek and Jeannette Lovitch. After an excellent lunch at Pho Sizzle in Rockland, we successfully twitched the continuing MEW GULL in Owls Head Harbor, hanging out in its usual spot in and around the left-hand lobster pen. (I also saw it there yesterday when birding solo, thanks to the quick assistance of Turk Duddy--thanks, Turk!)After checking several points around Rockland...
[Maine-birds] Update on Oriole & Rusty BB
Yesterday I didn't see the oriole after lunch. I have a SS Hawk which has been trying unsuccessfully to catch a meal here. This morning whenI went out on the deck there were feathers (they looked more like m. dove) but possible the hawk snagged the oriole. I did not see it at all today. On a more positive note the Rusty BB is still coming in to the feeders on the side of the house. These feeders...
Re: [Maine-birds] Bohemian Waxwings
Relocated some of San Hatch's Bohemians this afternoon about 2:00 PM. They were on the corner of Old Sumner Rd and High Street in Buckfield. Roughly 75 of them, all bohemians as far as I could tell.Don Smith ...
[Maine-birds] HMANA Raptor ID workshop at Braddock Bay
Hi all, I am sharing the following information for my sister who is the director of Braddock Bay Raptor Research in western NY and is on the HMANA board. There is an upcoming Raptor ID workshop at Braddock Bay Raptor Research in April. This is the third year they have hosted it for HMANA, and it has been a great success in the past. Frank Nicoletti and Luke Tiller are the leaders and they are excellent! ...
Sunday, 24 January 2016
[Maine-birds] Western Tanager yes!
Oops, made an error. It was a Northern Mockingbird that I saw and took pictures of yesterday.
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[Maine-birds] Midcoast Birds
Birded limited areas today in midcoast area, highlights being the continuing Redhead and Mew Gull. This time in close on right side of pen. Looked for the drake Woody I saw a few days ago in Camden Harbor near the waterfall but nothing. Rough-legged continues near cement plant.
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