Hi all,
I had a nice helping of noteworthy sightings this week, including:
- 1 Hermit Thrush, Yarmouth Town Landing, 12/8 (with Saturday Morning Birdwalk group).
- 4 American Wigeon and 9 Horned Larks, Eastern Road Trail, Scarborough Marsh, 12/9 (with Phil McCormack).
- 40 Dunlin and 5 Sanderlings, Pine Point, Scarborough, 12/9 (with Phil McCormack).
- 4 Yellow-rumped Warblers, Goosefare Brook overlook, Saco, 12/9 (with Phil McCormack).
- 1 adult Red-shouldered Hawk, Gates Road, Jefferson, 12/11 (with Angela Woodside).
- 1 immature Northern Goshawk, Great View Drive, Jefferson, 12/11 (with Angela Woodside).
- 25 Snow Buntings, Hedgehog Mountain Park, Freeport, 12/12.
- 5 BLACK-CROWNED NIGHT-HERONS, 1 Double-crested Cormorant, 2 Glaucous Gulls (1- 1st W, 1- 2nd W; first of season), and 3-4 Iceland Gulls, Old Port, Portland, 12/13.
And in the irruptives department:
- PINE GROSBEAKS continue to be widespread. I'm still seeing them daily here in Freeport and Yarmouth, but in small groups. My high count this week was only 8 on Rte 1 in Yarmouth this morning.
- Common Redpolls are increasing. My high count was ~30 on Greely Road in Cumberland on the 12th.
- 1 male Purple Finch was at our Pownal feeders on 12/13, but no Pine Siskin this week.
And finally, the goose fields update:
The goose fields have been dynamic this week, with birds coming and going. The 1st winter GREATER WHITE-FRONTED GOOSE continues through at least 12/12. ( I finally obtained decent photos this week, posted here: https://www.facebook.com/Freeportwildbird/posts/541435565886402?ref=notif¬if_t=like#!/photo.php?fbid=539927449370547&set=a.390755794287714.103180.198877036808925&type=1&theater). The two SNOW GEESE continue through at least 12/12 as well. All of my observations this week were at Thornhurst Farm. However, I did not see either of these species today - although at least one group of geese was mostly obscured when I visited. .
- However, there are now _SIX_ CACKLING GEESE (CACG)! I finally caught up with all three continuing individuals on 12/4 (with Saturday Morning Birdwalk group), and all three were present again on 12/12. However, this morning there were a total of 6. The threesome (including the one larger bird with the peachy/rust wash on the breast) appear to continue, while another group of three are new arrivals (I had five way back on 11/16).
- A new pulse of Canada Geese arrived over the weekend, with a high count of 974 on 12/8 (with Saturday Morning Birdwalks group), but diminished over the course of the week, down to 629 by today.
- I continue to encountered small numbers of Pine Grosbeaks while driving the loop through the fields, and a single Snow Bunting was at Thornhurst on 12/14.
The upcoming storm system - especially if it is mostly snow - will impact when and where these geese come and go. If you are still thinking about chasing them, I would do it this weekend, just in case!
Jeannette and Derek Lovitch
Freeport Wild Bird Supply
541 Route One, Suite 10
Freeport, ME 04032
Ph: (207)865-6000/Fax: (207)865-6069
Visit our E-store http://store.freeportwildbirdsupply.com/
Jeannette and Derek Lovitch
Freeport Wild Bird Supply
541 Route One, Suite 10
Freeport, ME 04032
Ph: (207)865-6000/Fax: (207)865-6069
Visit our E-store http://store.freeportwildbirdsupply.com/
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