Saturday, 7 March 2015

[Maine-birds] Webber Pond, Bremen

heard a cardinal calling a week ago (2/27) and heard the first doves today (actually thought I heard them yesterday but confirmed it today)--a few robins are around too--
otherwise still have the daily birds--a flicker (occasionally two), and a hairy and a downy woodpecker --(sometimes see the red bellied woodpecker but not daily), tufted titmice, chickadees, wb nuthatches, bluejays, doves, juncos--haven't seen finches since december .  I still can't reach the areas where I usually leave food for the crows or the mallards so the crows come in at dawn and then come in and out  during the day to check the areas I can reach (around the feeders)--and the mallards come in  at dusk--from four to thirty of them--wonderful landing patterns in the snow.

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