Yesterday afternoon I was checking out Lund Rd. Saco. I found 25+ Bohemian Waxwings, 50+ Cedars, 50+ Robins. They were put on alert by, in order, Red-tailed Hawk, Merlin and Sharpie. However the thing that really caught my eye was that strange creature, looking much like Rob's, waddling down the road. The opossum didn't even know I was there, slowly looking for food, until I finally let it see me. It then froze with just its beady eyes moving, following me as I walked by. No playing "possum" though.
On 3/8/2015 7:04 PM, rob speirs wrote:
On 3/8/2015 7:04 PM, rob speirs wrote:
To Maine Birders,--
Just before dark, we saw this strange "bird" sneak in under our feeders. It supped on the abundance of seed flicked to the ground by Jays and Doves, before retiring under one of our tarped boats, to later, no doubt, find a more secure refuge for the night.
This sighting, combined with a recent inhalation of exquisite perfume, Eau du Skunk, while traversing the roadways of Falmouth, is a true harbinger of Spring. Take heart, all, we will see green, by month's end...or not?
Rob Speirs Cumberland
PS - Surprised to see this "bird". We have many in southern Maine, but they are creeping north. Soon you will have them, as well.
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