Friday 19 May 2017

[Maine-birds] Blackpoll and nighthawk

Sure is topsy-turvy this year. Usually last migrants for me in last week of May are Common Nighthawks and Blackpoll Warblers but I heard one nighthawk yesterday evening here in Gardiner and there are at least three singing Blackpoll Warblers in the yard this morning. And often the Blackpolls arrive just as White Ash trees are leafing out and they concentrate feeding in those trees (which are among the last to leaf out in spring) but in my area the White Ash are still leafless. The Blackpolls were feeding in a newly leafed out maple with a Yellow-rumped Warbler, one of the earliest arrivals. In the background this morning I could hear Red-bellied Woodpecker and Carolina Wren calling, two species that were rare here just two decades ago.

Jeff Wells

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